How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Just for comparison because I still see the excuse all the time, of WNBA is still a young league that is why it's not profitable.

Here are two more sporting leagues that started roughly the same time as the WNBA.

MLS: The LA Galaxy brings in more money than the entire WNBA league. That's right, one team is more profitable than the WNBA.

UFC: Has essentially over taken boxing, is on its 2nd major TV deal and was sold for over 4 billion dollars a couple years ago.

Its weird, it's almost like if people want to watch it, they would support the league by spending money to watch it. No one wants to watch the WNBA because you can go down to your local high school and watch better quality basketball.

m to f trans athletes are going to save women's sports.
Trump couldn't get his tank parade so he gonna turn the 4th into a taxpayer sponsored rally. Nothing screams patriotism like making Independence day all about yourself.
The only reparation I'm in favor of is a one-way ticket back to Africa. Chances are you wouldn't even exist if your family had not come to America.

Don't like it here? Get the hell out.

Look, I know most of the posters here represent the alt-right, tiki-torch-marching, blood-and-soil-chanting population of America. That’s obvious if you scan any couple pages on this thread.

But look at the banner at the top of the page, bro.

We already lost Zion Williamson because of posts like yours in the POLITICAL THREAD. The word is out. You need to chill, bro.

I’m a libertarian, in case you were about to ask.
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Trump couldn't get his tank parade so he gonna turn the 4th into a taxpayer sponsored rally. Nothing screams patriotism like making Independence day all about yourself.
Are you going? It is going to be madness so book your reservations early. Trump asked all of us to bring a U.S. flag. I have a few extras if needed. Lets' celebrate the birth of our country and one of America's greatest if not the greatest President. We will take up a collection for the campaign so bring a couple of extra thousand for the cause. United We Stand. Then we can shoot off firecrackers in the Potomac.
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Do the Irish get reparations? They built most of the eastern US.
I oppose reps & don't mean to disrepsect those of any Irish descent, but slaves did more & paid more to build this country up than they ever did. Why people want to degrade slaves' contributions to this country against their wills escapes me.
I oppose reps & don't mean to disrepsect those of any Irish descent, but slaves did more & paid more to build this country up than they ever did. Why people want to degrade slaves' contributions to this country against their wills escapes me.
And Indians and Jews suffered way worse than slaves could ever imagine so that puts blacks at number 3 in legit grievance ap poll. Irish are not in top 10but at least you don’t hear them bitching and moaning 24/7, shoot you could probably make a case that oppressed women and the targets of islamophobia have it worse than slaves , not even top 5now
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Yesterday the board was nice and happy as we all talked about hot women, fast forward to today and reparations gets brought up. Buckle up boys, this is going to get good haha.
It really is going to be fun to watch. I wonder how we are going to divide this up. I guess if you are 100% full blood Negro who has American slave blood you get a full share. If you are a mix race with white blood you get 1/2 share. If you are mix race with an Asian, you get 0%. If you are a Black Seminole you don't get anything. If you are a black from the the Islands you go to England, or Netherlands, or France or Spain for your share. If your blood is like EW's Cherokee 1,120 you get a free steak and shake.

Now when I was doing my ancestry I found out my ancestor slave owners escorted the government man around the plantation and he divided up the land and gave each male slave over 21, 40 acres and a mule. So I have a freedom card that gives me a pass. Have fun everybody.
And Indians and Jews suffered way worse than slaves could ever imagine so that puts blacks at number 3 in legit grievance ap poll. Irish are not in top 10but at least you don’t hear them bitching and moaning 24/7, shoot you could probably make a case that oppressed women and the targets of islamophobia have it worse than slaves , not even top 5now
First, Jews in this country - what we're talking about - haven't suffered 1% of what slaves here did. Second, how many Indians were put into slavery? Most Indians died from diseases whites brought, rather than from direct conflict. But fair enough that whites killed a good number of them too - like slaves.
First, Jews in this country - what we're talking about - haven't suffered 1% of what slaves here did. Second, how many Indians were put into slavery? Most Indians died from diseases whites brought, rather than from direct conflict. But fair enough that whites killed a good number of them too - like slaves.
That’s your opinion pal, I can’t identify with what your hatred of whites must be, secondly we are in a global society now reparations should be inclusive why are you so anti Jew native american, you don’t know the troubles I’ve faced you know how many times I got made fun of for looking like a Jew ? And I’m not Jewish but at that moment I might as well have been , how dare you
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That’s your opinion pal, I can’t identify with what your hatred of whites must be, secondly we are in a global society now reparations should be inclusive why are you so anti Jew native american, you don’t know the troubles I’ve faced you know how many times I got made fun of for looking like a Jew ? And I’m not Jewish but at that moment I might as well have been , how dare you

You look like a Jew? Sorry man. Tough break.
Bro. You're a Librarian.

You support Warren, but you're a Libertarian?

Do you even liberty, Bro?

I’m a true patriot, a libertarian, and a believer that Warren has the best policy proposals of any candidate on either side.

I don’t expect you to understand me, bro.

You’re a fan of Donald Trump - a man who can’t be bothered with details, minutiae, planning, or iteration. He’s loud and brash and has everyone else do the thinking for him. As a result, he has accomplished jack shit as POTUS. He doesn’t know how to get things done.

I bet he’s found some way to grab Ivanka’s pussy at some point in the last 20 years though. Ivanka is hot but Donald is just gross, bro. Keep him the hell away from beauty pageants too. Good grief.
It is the right thing to do.

seems like a decent amount of support for reparations on the page so far. Wonder why? oh well. Guess we'll have to wait for the folks who work for a living to clock out. They'll post later. Meanwhile, the do-nothings and hand-out wanters wake up late each day with nothing to do but pursue their morality and think about more ways to benefit from the productivity of others.
I’m a true patriot, a libertarian, and a believer that Warren has the best policy proposals of any candidate on either side.

I don’t expect you to understand me, bro.

You’re a fan of Donald Trump - a man who can’t be bothered with details, minutiae, planning, or iteration. He’s loud and brash and has everyone else do the thinking for him. As a result, he has accomplished jack shit as POTUS. He doesn’t know how to get things done.

I bet he’s found some way to grab Ivanka’s pussy at some point in the last 20 years though. Ivanka is hot but Donald is just gross, bro. Keep him the hell away from beauty pageants too. Good grief.

Umm get help loser. I'd report you but I'm not a POS. Get help.
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seems like a decent amount of support for reparations on the page so far. Wonder why? oh well. Guess we'll have to wait for the folks who work for a living to clock out. They'll post later. Meanwhile, the do-nothings and hand-out wanters wake up late each day with nothing to do but pursue their morality and think about more ways to benefit from the productivity of others.
I’m for giving everyone that was a slave $1,000,000.