How will they rule ??!

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Worker bonuses have declined 24% since the tax cut. MAGA! Those rich guys just trickled down all that money Trump showered them with.
Wage growth has also been steadily declining in 2019
The “reparations” nonsense is back. My question is, Obama was “President” for 8 effin years. Why didn’t he fix everything?

I’ll tell you why. His sole goal was to weaken the United States economically, militarily, and divide this Country racially in a way it’s never been divided. He accomplished all three.

Trump has at least fixed the economy and military. There’s no fixing the racial divide now. Obama made sure of that.

IMO the Chamber of Commerce has done more to weaken to US economy and employee wages as any entity.
They lobbied to push NAFTA and normalize open trade relations with China.
Worker bonuses have declined 24% since the tax cut. MAGA! Those rich guys just trickled down all that money Trump showered them with.
Wage growth has also been steadily declining in 2019
How can you whine about anyone's taxes while also bragging about only paying 5% despite having a high paying w-2 job?
Heres the problem tho when you ask the Gov to pay for everything with college..theres nothing to monitor the college and they just keep raising tuition.

If you havent noticed that's why ppl are drowning in student loan debt now. Ever since the govt took over loans where everyone and anyone gets loans the cost of tuition has sky rocketed. Why? Because schools know they will get their money upfront without question. They have zero risk and all the risk is on the student.

The real solution is to reduce loans. I know, wait before your social justice heart screams - "but rich people!" Can rich ppl pay fill enrollment at every school in the country? No of course not. So naturally this makes schools reduce tuition costs and compete for students making it affordable for the average person. Then you have money to pay for college for the poor because you arent having to pay for everyones school and have more for grants, etc. And of course schools can give scholarships or even some can stay expensive if they wish..but in general every college will reduce costs.

This is called basic economics.

It doesnt take an intelligent person to understand that if the govt just pays for college no questions asked (like they already do with loans) that the recipient has no risk to keep asking for more. This is called reality. And what is already happening.

Put it this way. Lets say you have a product or service and some sugar daddy comes and says I have free money. Why wouldnt you say your product costs more?

Your 50 dollars turns to 100, then to 200.

Good efforts with your dream utopia. Basic math wasnt part of your English degree I guess.
Shit, if we can raise taxes for free college Liz Warren might get a nice bump too. She has already gotten rich working at a university.
Look, if anyone throws out the term “racist” towards me, it’s not going to fly at all. I’m the least racist person on the planet. I’m a a realist. Every single ethnic group has their share of racists.

Here’s the problem, the world, and especially this Country, keeps pretending that the only “racist” people are white Republican males. Until this pathetic falsehood goes away, this cycle of victim hood and excuse making will continue.

Truth be told, Obama made playing the victim race card more popular than ever.

And before some loser wants to call me the silly racist, and doesn’t know what it’s like to be poor name, well, I’ll tell you this, I grew up poorer than 99% of the entire American population. That’s a fact. The difference is that my Mom, two brothers, and sister, weren’t allowed to blame race as the reason.

First off, you’re mad. Why are you mad?

Second, I know you don’t pay shit when it comes to taxes. Pennies on the dollar. You get emotional when it comes to “your money” like every other pussy conservative. If you can’t afford to lose an extra $50 a year, then get a better job. What a bum you are.

Many states already offer free trade school/community college offers. That should be every state, by the way. In any case...the last time I checked...everybody who works there still gets paid.

You sound miserable.

You should try being a libertarian, bro.

^^ Perfect example of what too much weed will do to you.

You need to check what is a Libertarian, because you fail in all respects. From your posts, you are a socialist.
Worker bonuses have declined 24% since the tax cut. MAGA! Those rich guys just trickled down all that money Trump showered them with.
Wage growth has also been steadily declining in 2019
Bonuses equal less than 1% of total salary. Better pay, more jobs with better pay, equals much more than 1 percent. Dumbassery=less pay because you would vote in someone who would tax us more and lose the better jobs.
The “reparations” nonsense is back. My question is, Obama was “President” for 8 effin years. Why didn’t he fix everything?

I’ll tell you why. His sole goal was to weaken the United States economically, militarily, and divide this Country racially in a way it’s never been divided. He accomplished all three.

Trump has at least fixed the economy and military. There’s no fixing the racial divide now. Obama made sure of that.
Obama was trying very hard to destroy this country. If Cankles has got elected, the mission would be complete.

I believe Obama committed treason with this Russian hoax. I hope I see that SOB behind bars.
Talk of reparations, hmm...must be an election coming around that libs are desperate to win...

In all seriousness, I would be for reparations under a couple of conditions.

Social and Cultural condition:

There would have to be some sort of agreement and declaration of reperations being the end of it. The end of the perceived obligation that the non-black community owes for things that happened in history long gone. The end of the victim mentality, race hustling, affirmative action, minority only scholarships, diversity departments, and on and on.

Government financial/economic policy condition:

The type of reparations that most folks are talking about would cost at least a trillion or two, maybe more and have to be paid out over at least a decade. During the payment period, all entitlement/welfare spending would have to be gradually reduced and eventually come to an end altogether, never to return.

However, I don't believe they will ever come about. It's too hard to figure out who is owed what and how much.

Reparations also set a precedent that would eventually have to be applied to all. "We were wronged at some point" is not something only black people can claim.
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1) Legalize marijuana at the federal level. Trump could do this tomorrow and claim a landmark “win” that will go down in history under his name. “We’ll see what happens...”

2) Something you advocate for, but wouldn’t agree with because it’s Pocahontas saying it (American jobs-related). I hear Tucker Carlson is a legitimate fan of this one though.

3) Something you guys devalue every time it comes up, but wouldn’t dare make it free (college tuition-related)

4) Something you all agree with (the value of capitalism)

That was easy.

How would decriminalizing pot at the federal level affect anyone that wants to use it recreationally? States are under no obligation to change their laws in accordance.

Here’s the problem with Dems, they never look past tomorrow. Free college sounds great, but how about reinstating the draft? A large portion of recruits volunteer to gain college money, I did. If college were free enlistments would drop significantly, but the military would still be necessary. Guess what happens then, a draft. Are you down for that in peacetime?
How would decriminalizing pot at the federal level affect anyone that wants to use it recreationally? States are under no obligation to change their laws in accordance.

Here’s the problem with Dems, they never look past tomorrow. Free college sounds great, but how about reinstating the draft? A large portion of recruits volunteer to gain college money, I did. If college were free enlistments would drop significantly, but the military would still be necessary. Guess what happens then, a draft. Are you down for that in peacetime?

Brilliantly said and absolutely true.
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Poor ole NYT. Have to feel sorry for them :D:

"New York Times CEO Mark Thompson on Wednesday condemned President Trump for his frequent attacks on the news media, calling them "hostile, stupid but also dangerous."

“The president is entirely entitled to not like everything he reads in The New York Times, I get that,” (Note: He doesn't get it or he wouldn't be saying this stuff.) Thompson, who has served as the president and CEO of The New York Times Company since 2012, said at CNBC's Evolve forum in New York. (On CNN. You don't say? Why not on Fox?)

He added that Trump "has every right" to say he doesn't like the way the Times covers him or his administration.

“But actually isolating journalists, as a group, not just the Times, but the whole industry, is a really, frankly, hostile, stupid but also dangerous thing to do,” Thompson added."

First, Trump doesn't attack the whole media. Rarely goes after F&B Fox or the WSJ. What this comes down to is Thompson can't stand his lib paper being called out. Well too f-ing bad, Mr. Thompson. If your paper had a bit of common sense instead of extreme lefty bias you & all the other lefty outlets wouldn't feel so butt f-ed. I don't feel a bit sorry.
*I almost feel sorry for Joe Biden, he's too much a product of his time and era to play the new identity politics games. He's putting his foot in his mouth on a daily basis.

*Reparations will do nothing to resolve racial animus, relieve white guilt, or atone for the horrible institution of slavery. No one alive today was a slave, no one was a slave owner. It is a fix for a problem that doesn't exist, so it will fix nothing. And if it ever happens, it will do nothing to change anyone's plight in life, and I guarantee you the hands will still be outstretched after the money is distributed, because no amount will ever satisfy.
The “reparations” nonsense is back. My question is, Obama was “President” for 8 effin years. Why didn’t he fix everything?

I’ll tell you why. His sole goal was to weaken the United States economically, militarily, and divide this Country racially in a way it’s never been divided. He accomplished all three.

Trump has at least fixed the economy and military. There’s no fixing the racial divide now. Obama made sure of that.
Obama really was a successful President. Just not in a good way.