How will they rule ??!

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Footage from FL is a who's who of racist dipshit unemployed rednecks.
Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
I laugh my ass off Everytime Trump says he has created the greatest economy America has ever seen and his mouth breathing followers errupt in cheers. That MONSTER 2.9% gdp we havent seen the likes of in decades! Or maybe just since 3 years ago. Like the 7% growth of the 80s didn't exist. Or Clinton running 4 years over 4%. It's a good thing his base is indoctrinated and uneducated so they don't just hang their heads in shame at his dumbass claims. I understand politicians like to just ramble on with bullshit to keep their base happy. But with Trump it's just a mind numbingly stupid level that no sane person would actually listen to.
Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
bushrod, I hate to break it to you, but you're not smart and you're not funny. You really don't have anything going for you. That's why you're a democrat.
I laugh my ass off Everytime Trump says he has created the greatest economy America has ever seen and his mouth breathing followers errupt in cheers. That MONSTER 2.9% gdp we havent seen the likes of in decades! Or maybe just since 3 years ago. Like the 7% growth of the 80s didn't exist. Or Clinton running 4 years over 4%. It's a good thing his base is indoctrinated and uneducated so they don't just hang their heads in shame at his dumbass claims. I understand politicians like to just ramble on with bullshit to keep their base happy. But with Trump it's just a mind numbingly stupid level that no sane person would actually listen to.

Here's what I love about Trump. Whether his claim is true or not, there are some trends that no one can deny: employment is at an all time high, every minority group is enjoying historically low unemployment numbers. This administration is making lives better across the political spectrum simply by unleashing the economy.

Contrast that with the democrats' policy of redistribution. Government programs and give-aways to enrich their favorite interest groups.

Who plight is better? The guy (gal) making ends meet thru honest work? Or the person whose financial well being depends on government welfare.
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I laugh my ass off Everytime Trump says he has created the greatest economy America has ever seen and his mouth breathing followers errupt in cheers. That MONSTER 2.9% gdp we havent seen the likes of in decades! Or maybe just since 3 years ago. Like the 7% growth of the 80s didn't exist. Or Clinton running 4 years over 4%. It's a good thing his base is indoctrinated and uneducated so they don't just hang their heads in shame at his dumbass claims. I understand politicians like to just ramble on with bullshit to keep their base happy. But with Trump it's just a mind numbingly stupid level that no sane person would actually listen to.
Is the economy good or bad right now, especially compared to the previous 8 years? Which is it? There are more jobs than there are ppl. That's where you are confused about capitalism. It works when there is equal opportunity..however its fantasy to think there should be equal outcome. As theres different effort, ingenuity, intelligence.

Never think Bernie, an isolationist who cant do math will do well growing the government.

Barry Obama- first guy in history to never top 3% gdp... you must contradicted yourself since you celebrated him.
Is the economy good or bad right now, especially compared to the previous 8 years? Which is it? There are more jobs than there are ppl. That's where you are confused about capitalism. It works when there is equal opportunity..however its fantasy to think there should be equal outcome. As theres different effort, ingenuity, intelligence.

Never think Bernie, an isolationist who cant do math will do well growing the government.

Barry Obama- first guy in history to never top 3% gdp... you must contradicted yourself since you celebrated him.
And Trump is going to be the 2nd to never top 3%. So what does that say about him?
I don’t just “call” myself a libertarian.

I am a libertarian.
Perhaps in your THC-induced stupor, you have mistaken the word "libertarian" for the word "librarian?"

Because somebody holding a "Librarians for Warren" sign, I could understand; But someone holding a "Libertarians for Warren" sign, given her "fix everything with more government" views, makes not a d@mn lick of sense whatsoever to anyone anywhere ever...besides you.
You can't argue common sense logic with Trumpsters. The numbers show that Trump is either horrible incompetent on immigration or purposely driving up the numbers just to have an issue to fear monger his gullible base. Incoming Soros theory in 3. 2. 1.
My point made for me to him and guys are too easy.
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Any Questions?
Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
False. Your ignorance is showing. Not surprised though, Democrat is synonymous with ignorant.
I laugh my ass off Everytime Trump says he has created the greatest economy America has ever seen and his mouth breathing followers errupt in cheers. That MONSTER 2.9% gdp we havent seen the likes of in decades! Or maybe just since 3 years ago. Like the 7% growth of the 80s didn't exist. Or Clinton running 4 years over 4%. It's a good thing his base is indoctrinated and uneducated so they don't just hang their heads in shame at his dumbass claims. I understand politicians like to just ramble on with bullshit to keep their base happy. But with Trump it's just a mind numbingly stupid level that no sane person would actually listen to.
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Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
What's a truck nut? Is that someone who navigates the Washington DC swamp? Trump for President 2020. It is happening right before your eyes.

Is this one of those pickup truck driving, toothless, rednecks Bushrodder talks about? The left is getting set up for a big shock when the black vote pulls the Trump lever and they break records for voting Republican in the last 50 years. It is coming. Blacks who have opened their eyes understand he has done more for their race than every Democrat combined in the Dim Primary
Is this one of those pickup truck driving, toothless, rednecks Bushrodder talks about? The left is getting set up for a big shock when the black vote pulls the Trump lever and they break records for voting Republican in the last 50 years. It is coming. Blacks who have opened their eyes understand he has done more for their race than every Democrat combined in the Dim Primary

Their only hope rest on the votes from illegals or the dead...and they know it
Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
The GOP would love it if an ID, HS diploma, no felon convictions, and basic civics test passed were required to vote.
So the numbers are incorrect?
WTF are you even arguing...that there has not been a major surge and there isn't a crisis? Or are you saying because it normally goes down in June not to worry about it? Saw more calls yday to eliminate ICE from the left, btw.

Here is a local story giving context. Your party controls the House where bills originate, why are they doing nothing?

This is truly incredible. They accuse others of what they do themselves. Democrats have used immigration to remake the demographics of this country, especially in California.

This cannot even be denied. It’s a fact. The white population has decreased by nearly 30 percent in no time because of third world migration and the left have no intentions of doing anything to stop it because these people vote Democrat and help destroy our culture while expecting Americans to pay for it.
I laugh my ass off Everytime Trump says he has created the greatest economy America has ever seen and his mouth breathing followers errupt in cheers. That MONSTER 2.9% gdp we havent seen the likes of in decades! Or maybe just since 3 years ago.
Best BHO ever did was 2.7%, so DJT beats him. And BHO had a low base point to work with & still didn't do it. Net, Drumpf better than 3 years ago.
Perhaps in your THC-induced stupor, you have mistaken the word "libertarian" for the word "librarian?"

Because somebody holding a "Librarians for Warren" sign, I could understand; But someone holding a "Libertarians for Warren" sign, given her "fix everything with more government" views, makes not a d@mn lick of sense whatsoever to anyone anywhere ever...besides you.

I can actually think for myself, bro.

Why does this seem to be such a mind-bending concept for you guys?

I know you all spend a lot of time watching cable TV news. Some of you actually prefer the xenophobic madness of alt-right YouTube shows.

You only want to hear what supports your own world views (more like country views because AMERICA FIRST, am I right?). It’s a complete waste of your time but you guys do it day after day.

No wonder someone like Donald Trump actually appeals to you. Your brain is completely dead and you learned to vote by identifying with a color instead of policies.


Democrats and Republicans can suck my dick.

I’m a libertarian.
It will be fun to watch the "debate" I can see the questions to the panel of 20 candidates going like this....

Commentator: We have 20 candidates so we will ask each candidate a question individually and you will get 60 seconds to respond.

First question to Mr. Biden...How much does President Trump Threaten our Democracy?

Next Question to Mr. Sanders...Tell us how bad you think Donald Trump is.

Next Question to Mr. Booker...How Racist is Donald Trump?

Next Question to Mrs. Warren...How bad is Orange Man?

and on and on and on.
Are you implying it isn’t exactly a MENSA convention? The Halloween pumpkin on my front porch last October had more teeth than that bunch. TV coverage scanned the parking lot . . . truck nuts and confederate flags galore, along with a bumper sticker that read, “Proud Father of a Nephew”.
Do you really want us to start posting pictures of the many Liberal protesters that seem to randomly pop up in every public square or in DC? Do you really want to start comparing pics of people on the left rallying with people on the right? I can't say many of those liberal protesters are "unemployed" though they seem to be cropping up on street corners at all hours of the day and sometimes for days on end, mainly because many of them are being paid to be there.
Lol at all the crying and whining over women's sports needing this or that to be competitive. Thought they were equal? If so why need the help? If not, why are the entitled to the subsidies over a men's lacrosse team?

This is truly incredible. They accuse others of what they do themselves. Democrats have used immigration to remake the demographics of this country, especially in California.

This cannot even be denied. It’s a fact. The white population has decreased by nearly 30 percent in no time because of third world migration and the left have no intentions of doing anything to stop it because these people vote Democrat and help destroy our culture while expecting Americans to pay for it.

Clear case of projecting here for sure

This is truly incredible. They accuse others of what they do themselves. Democrats have used immigration to remake the demographics of this country, especially in California.

This cannot even be denied. It’s a fact. The white population has decreased by nearly 30 percent in no time because of third world migration and the left have no intentions of doing anything to stop it because these people vote Democrat and help destroy our culture while expecting Americans to pay for it.
I’m no Mensa-ball....but

Kamala Harris, it should be noted, is dumber than a condom full of wood screws.

How someone who is allegedly educated comes off as completely uneducated is baffling to say the least.