How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Lol at all the crying and whining over women's sports needing this or that to be competitive. Thought they were equal? If so why need the help? If not, why are the entitled to the subsidies over a men's lacrosse team?

Clear case of projecting here for sure

Sports are probably the ultimate example of the market purely dictating what an person is worth. If more people attended/watched/cared about women's sports, they would make more money, period. I watched the Canada vs New Zealand world cup game last week and the attendance was 14,000. The last time a men's world cup was held in Europe, average attendance was almost 53,000. Not to mention the TV ratings....people simply don't generally give a damn about women's sports with the exception of tennis, some olympic sports (only every 4 years) and golf.

If a man and woman are working side by side in an assembly line in a factory and doing the same job at the same speed, then by all means, pay them equally. Sports is not a good hill to die on for those wanting pay equality.
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Do you really want us to start posting pictures of the many Liberal protesters that seem to randomly pop up in every public square or in DC? Do you really want to start comparing pics of people on the left rallying with people on the right? I can't say many of those liberal protesters are "unemployed" though they seem to be cropping up on street corners at all hours of the day and sometimes for days on end, mainly because many of them are being paid to be there.

I’d love to post a brigade of the losers who make up the left’s base of societal losers. I’d also be more than happy to post the email proof that the DNC hires protesters and have resorted to using interns as protesters. CNN interviewed their own cameraman as a protester on the night after the election.
Sports - outside of Upward type youth organizations - are totally merit based. If you are good, you play. If you are better than the other team/person, you win.

That's why liberals hate it. It's one of the last places where merit trumps feelings.

Ha. I love sports. Also it's ironic that the majority of Upward participants are Christian conservatives. Jesus loves him a good participation ribbon.
Next lefty passion play begins...look for all the candidates to jump in.

Fine, give them reparations. Only those that can prove their ancestors were slaves in the US need apply. And then, shut the hell up! No more race based set asides. Everyone is equal.

Of course then we will have to sit back and watch the fight between those that get reparations and those that dont qualify.
Fine, give them reparations. Only those that can prove their ancestors were slaves in the US need apply. And then, shut the hell up! No more race based set asides. Everyone is equal.

Of course then we will have to sit back and watch the fight between those that get reparations and those that dont qualify.
Well, I think we should extend the tax that will be collected to only those that can prove their ancestors owned slaves. Otherwise, why the hell am I being forced to pay? what the hell did I do to contribute to that? Are they going to put a "White tax" as a line on my paystub?
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Ha. I love sports. Also it's ironic that the majority of Upward participants are Christian conservatives. Jesus loves him a good participation ribbon.

I’m Christian and couldn’t stand upward youth. My son played soccer for my brother-in-law’s team.

I’m all for the rec league approach for kids that are in elementary school... especially grades K-3. But good grief... stopping a kid from scoring on a break away because the they’re winning in a blow out or the ball happens to die in a semi circle in front of the goal is insane. Kids have to learn to lose and learn they don’t get trophies for coming in 7th.
Ha. I love sports. Also it's ironic that the majority of Upward participants are Christian conservatives. Jesus loves him a good participation ribbon.
In fairness, they are also like 4-5 years old. They do have older leagues for players that suck and can't make school/travel/AAU teams. But, even they actually keep score when they are 8 or so.

We put our 2 kids in Upward (basketball) until they were 6, then moved them into a more competitive league. Which is what most people do around my neck of the woods. Upward definitely has it's place for those very young age groups.

And nothing is more merit based than Jesus, God, and Heaven. Again, probably why liberals hate religion so much.
Lol at all the crying and whining over women's sports needing this or that to be competitive. Thought they were equal? If so why need the help? If not, why are the entitled to the subsidies over a men's lacrosse team?

Clear case of projecting here for sure

Women’s sports only exist because of men’s sports being forced to fund them. All of their sports lose massive amounts of money. The WNBA wouldn’t have lasted a year without the NBA funding it.
Women’s sports only exist because of men’s sports being forced to fund them. All of their sports lose massive amounts of money. The WNBA wouldn’t have lasted a year without the NBA funding it.

Can’t the women just identify as men and then claim they used to be a woman and that’s the only reason they can’t make a roster? Seems sure fire to me.
Ha. I love sports. Also it's ironic that the majority of Upward participants are Christian conservatives. Jesus loves him a good participation ribbon.
1 Timothy 4:8, NIV: "For physical training is of some value..."
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Fine, give them reparations. Only those that can prove their ancestors were slaves in the US need apply. And then, shut the hell up! No more race based set asides. Everyone is equal.

Of course then we will have to sit back and watch the fight between those that get reparations and those that dont qualify.
The only reparation I'm in favor of is a one-way ticket back to Africa. Chances are you wouldn't even exist if your family had not come to America.

Don't like it here? Get the hell out.
As your intellectual, moral, and physical superior what do I have to gain from your barking?..

Democrats and Republicans can suck my dick.

I’m a libertarian.

Look, man...I fully support anyone who says they are against politics as usual. But saying it and truly believing it/living it are two different things.

I mean just a couple of pages ago you said you most identified with Elizabeth freaking Warren's political views. I guess you haven't done your research because A.) she is a far left democrat and B.) she has some very socialistic views on politics. For starters...she freaking co-sponsored the GND AND she co-sponsored Bernies Medicaid For All bill. Thats about as far from Libertarian as it gets, bro.

You sir, are not a Libertarian. I'm starting to think you don't even know what the word means. But then again when I really think about supporting Warren does make sense after all. You're both pretenders. She pretends to be a Native American Indian to get preferential treatment and you pretend to be a Libertarian to...I don't know why...I guess to score some imaginary meaningless message board points???
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Sports - outside of Upward type youth organizations - are totally merit based. If you are good, you play. If you are better than the other team/person, you win.

That's why liberals hate it. It's one of the last places where merit trumps feelings.

I’m still baffled at your belief that liberals hate sports. That’s such a weird take.
Women’s sports only exist because of men’s sports being forced to fund them. All of their sports lose massive amounts of money. The WNBA wouldn’t have lasted a year without the NBA funding it.

Just for comparison because I still see the excuse all the time, of WNBA is still a young league that is why it's not profitable.

Here are two more sporting leagues that started roughly the same time as the WNBA.

MLS: The LA Galaxy brings in more money than the entire WNBA league. That's right, one team is more profitable than the WNBA.

UFC: Has essentially over taken boxing, is on its 2nd major TV deal and was sold for over 4 billion dollars a couple years ago.

Its weird, it's almost like if people want to watch it, they would support the league by spending money to watch it. No one wants to watch the WNBA because you can go down to your local high school and watch better quality basketball.
Best BHO ever did was 2.7%, so DJT beats him. And BHO had a low base point to work with & still didn't do it. Net, Drumpf better than 3 years ago.
He's averaged 3.06% for last three Q's. Let's see what June 30 brings.
Obama's best was 2.9 the same as Trump. And those 3 quarters have been revised down to also average out to 2.9. right now the next quarter is projected around 2%.


How much I owe you?

This is a real winner Democrats.....
Let it be a freee for all put about 2 billion on a pallet like he did for Iran and let them have at it ...televise it too. We could call it the reparations games ..I would pay to see what they would do to their fellow slaves to get free money...hahaa you know Sheila lee would hire some private mercenary to kill all the slaves so she could get it all
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Trump couldn't get his tank parade so he gonna turn the 4th into a taxpayer sponsored rally. Nothing screams patriotism like making Independence day all about yourself.