How will they rule ??!

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I have a pretty simple reason why Im not for reparations. First of all if we get passed all the impossible nonsense like,

what if a black person is related to a black slave owner (those did exist)
what if a black person isn't 100% black and is a relative of a white slave owner?
what if a white person has no lineage to a slave owner?
what if the person has ancestors who fought to free the slaves?
what if its a white person who wasn't born in America but now lives here (for you John)
are we doing this just on the plight that black Americans face, so does that mean black people who's ancestors that came after slavery get reparations?

There are a ton of questions like this that would have to be answered and there will never be a good solution to all the answers. But with all that said, my simple answer to all of this is, the son should never be punished for his father's crimes.

We aren't living in North Korea where they not only punish the individual, they punish the rest of the family as well. Punishing people for horrible things their ancestors that they have never met did, or punishing people based solely off the color of their skin is the definition of racism and evil. So not in anyway shape or form would I ever be fine with reparations, even if they didnt effect me.
I have a pretty simple reason why Im not for reparations. First of all if we get passed all the impossible nonsense like,

what if a black person is related to a black slave owner (those did exist)
what if a black person isn't 100% black and is a relative of a white slave owner?
what if a white person has no lineage to a slave owner?
what if the person has ancestors who fought to free the slaves?
what if its a white person who wasn't born in America but now lives here (for you John)
are we doing this just on the plight that black Americans face, so does that mean black people who's ancestors that came after slavery get reparations?

There are a ton of questions like this that would have to be answered and there will never be a good solution to all the answers. But with all that said, my simple answer to all of this is, the son should never be punished for his father's crimes.

We aren't living in North Korea where they not only punish the individual, they punish the rest of the family as well. Punishing people for horrible things their ancestors that they have never met did, or punishing people based solely off the color of their skin is the definition of racism and evil. So not in anyway shape or form would I ever be fine with reparations, even if they didnt effect me.

Most African-Americans have some percentage of Nordic European. And because those people were in the South it's almost exclusively English and Scottish and some French.
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Yeah right. It’s WAY too late for all that, bro.

Black people are still at a disadvantage in this country, but reparations would make it way worse. Just think about what a loser like @KingOfBBN would do if some dark-skinned American got a “handout” while he “worked for everything he got” and didn’t get an extra dime. SMH. At least there’s that massive Trump tax cut for pansies like him. Take it with a smile, bro. Life is good right now.
I have a pretty simple reason why Im not for reparations. First of all if we get passed all the impossible nonsense like,

what if a black person is related to a black slave owner (those did exist)
what if a black person isn't 100% black and is a relative of a white slave owner?
what if a white person has no lineage to a slave owner?
what if the person has ancestors who fought to free the slaves?
what if its a white person who wasn't born in America but now lives here (for you John)
are we doing this just on the plight that black Americans face, so does that mean black people who's ancestors that came after slavery get reparations?

There are a ton of questions like this that would have to be answered and there will never be a good solution to all the answers. But with all that said, my simple answer to all of this is, the son should never be punished for his father's crimes.

We aren't living in North Korea where they not only punish the individual, they punish the rest of the family as well. Punishing people for horrible things their ancestors that they have never met did, or punishing people based solely off the color of their skin is the definition of racism and evil. So not in anyway shape or form would I ever be fine with reparations, even if they didnt effect me.
Good points. Look at a mixed race like Obama. His father was from Africa. No American slave blood in his veins. So how much do we owe him or his children who also have no American slave blood in their veins. There are millions of blacks in America like this. Millions.

Now let's get serious and address why we are talking about this at this point in time. It is obvious. We have an election coming up in 2020 and Democrats are worried and I mean really sweating it worried they are losing the black vote. Of course not all of it but a significant percentage. Enough to hurt them in a close election. I live around a heavy black population in a rural area. On local TV some of these men and women have been interviewed and guess what! These people are working good jobs and making good money for the first time in their life. Their children have a future under Trump. Some of their relatives have been in a Florida prison for much longer than they should be. And Trump has made it possible for them to get out of prison and find a job. They are Trump supporters.

There are many like this. Enough for Democrats to start sweating so what do they do? They do what Democrats always do, the only thing they know to do. Offer something for free. They think reparations sounds good so they hold hearings in congress and raise hell over the past. It isn't going to work anymore. Blacks will support Trump in numbers not seen for more than 50 years. Just stay tuned.
no, its ****ing stupid at this point. if it was going to be done it should have been long ago. Instead that money should be used to develop slum areas and build up the economies around minority communities.

Im just curious what you mean by that money? Are you saying money taxed by white people but instead of giving it to black people, put it into things like that? Or are you saying money in general should be focused on those areas instead?
I’m a true patriot, a libertarian, and a believer that Warren has the best policy proposals of any candidate on either side.

I don’t expect you to understand me, bro.

Help us better understand you, bro. Please list your Top 4 favorite Warren policy proposals in order...with your favorite in the #1 spot.
Help us better understand you, bro. Please list your Top 4 favorite Warren policy proposals in order...with your favorite in the #1 spot.

1) Legalize marijuana at the federal level. Trump could do this tomorrow and claim a landmark “win” that will go down in history under his name. “We’ll see what happens...”

2) Something you advocate for, but wouldn’t agree with because it’s Pocahontas saying it (American jobs-related). I hear Tucker Carlson is a legitimate fan of this one though.

3) Something you guys devalue every time it comes up, but wouldn’t dare make it free (college tuition-related)

4) Something you all agree with (the value of capitalism)

That was easy.
1) Legalize marijuana at the federal level. Trump could do this tomorrow and claim a landmark “win” that will go down in history under his name. “We’ll see what happens...”

2) Something you advocate for, but wouldn’t agree with because it’s Pocahontas saying it (American jobs-related). I hear Tucker Carlson is a legitimate fan of this one though.

3) Something you guys devalue every time it comes up, but wouldn’t dare make it free (college tuition-related)

4) Something you all agree with (the value of capitalism)

That was easy.

hey ****tard, what makes you think college tuition can be "free". just asking. are the professors working for free? are the buildings and campuses free? maintaining them, paying for the electric, the water, the maintenance, the landscaping, the internet, the food, is all that free too. is everyone working their doing it for free?

or how much of a tax increase should I expect to see so these things can be "free"? why am I paying more so they can be "free"? you want to go to college, you take a gambol on yourself and you pay it off down the road.

instead, you want kids to have no gambol, and just have me pay for the rest of my life without my participation? right?

you socialists dumbasses never understand that the government has nothing to give you without taking it from someone else.

go **** yourself if you think I need to pay for your college.

I suppose you are all for collapsing the economy and banking institutions on a scale far greater than the housing market collapse could have ever dreamed of by forgiving all college loans as well, right?

I want something for free why we are at it, why don't you pay off my mortgage why we are at it.
Hey AOC, here is a concentration camp. You are as dumb as a New York fire hydrant and the only reason we put up with you is because your stupidity is hilarious and no one in their right mind takes you serious. When you venture into the killing of people because they were Jewish you need to STFU. It is not funny when you go down that road.

hey ****tard, what makes you think college tuition can be "free". just asking. are the professors working for free? are the buildings and campuses free? maintaining them, paying for the electric, the water, the maintenance, the landscaping, the internet, the food, is all that free too. is everyone working their doing it for free?

or how much of a tax increase should I expect to see so these things can be "free"? why am I paying more so they can be "free"? you want to go to college, you take a gambol on yourself and you pay it off down the road.

instead, you want kids to have no gambol, and just have me pay for the rest of my life without my participation? right?

you socialists dumbasses never understand that the government has nothing to give you without taking it from someone else.

go **** yourself if you think I need to pay for your college.

I suppose you are all for collapsing the economy and banking institutions on a scale far greater than the housing market collapse could have ever dreamed of by forgiving all college loans as well, right?

I want something for free why we are at it, why don't you pay off my mortgage why we are at it.


First off, you’re mad. Why are you mad?

Second, I know you don’t pay shit when it comes to taxes. Pennies on the dollar. You get emotional when it comes to “your money” like every other pussy conservative. If you can’t afford to lose an extra $50 a year, then get a better job. What a bum you are.

Many states already offer free trade school/community college offers. That should be every state, by the way. In any case...the last time I checked...everybody who works there still gets paid.

You sound miserable.

You should try being a libertarian, bro.
Too many questions with no answers.

Why do I have to pay for something I didn’t do?

At what point would enough in reparations be paid? Is it when every black person is middle class? Is it perpetual?

What is the monetary value of those whites that died to end slavery? How does their blood factor in to this?

How much do the European countries that transported slaves here owe? How much do the African tribes that sold others into slavery owe?

Blacks aren’t the only group that have been wronged. Do all minorities get money? Do the Irish? Do catholics and Jews? Do the Chinese? What is the heirarchy of victimhood?

We’ve paid billions (maybe trillions by now, who knows) directly to black people in various forms of welfare since the Great Society started. Why wasn’t that enough and how would reparations achieve different results?

Most importantly, we’re already going to have free college, free health care, social security, and a green new deal. This adds up to, probably, hundreds of trillions. This when we are already 22 trillion underwater. Who pays?

Last question, and deadly serious: at what point can we begin talking about secession?

First off, you’re mad. Why are you mad?

Second, I know you don’t pay shit when it comes to taxes. Pennies on the dollar. You get emotional when it comes to “your money” like every other pussy conservative. If you can’t afford to lose an extra $50 a year, then get a better job. What a bum you are.

Many states already offer free trade school/community college offers. That should be every state, by the way. In any case...the last time I checked...everybody who works there still gets paid.

You sound miserable.

You should try being a libertarian, bro.
More free stuff, more "just a little more taxes". Rinse/repeat. Lazy.

First off, you’re mad. Why are you mad?

Second, I know you don’t pay shit when it comes to taxes. Pennies on the dollar. You get emotional when it comes to “your money” like every other pussy conservative. If you can’t afford to lose an extra $50 a year, then get a better job. What a bum you are.

Many states already offer free trade school/community college offers. That should be every state, by the way. In any case...the last time I checked...everybody who works there still gets paid.

You sound miserable.

You should try being a libertarian, bro.
Heres the problem tho when you ask the Gov to pay for everything with college..theres nothing to monitor the college and they just keep raising tuition.

If you havent noticed that's why ppl are drowning in student loan debt now. Ever since the govt took over loans where everyone and anyone gets loans the cost of tuition has sky rocketed. Why? Because schools know they will get their money upfront without question. They have zero risk and all the risk is on the student.

The real solution is to reduce loans. I know, wait before your social justice heart screams - "but rich people!" Can rich ppl pay fill enrollment at every school in the country? No of course not. So naturally this makes schools reduce tuition costs and compete for students making it affordable for the average person. Then you have money to pay for college for the poor because you arent having to pay for everyones school and have more for grants, etc. And of course schools can give scholarships or even some can stay expensive if they wish..but in general every college will reduce costs.

This is called basic economics.

It doesnt take an intelligent person to understand that if the govt just pays for college no questions asked (like they already do with loans) that the recipient has no risk to keep asking for more. This is called reality. And what is already happening.

Put it this way. Lets say you have a product or service and some sugar daddy comes and says I have free money. Why wouldnt you say your product costs more?

Your 50 dollars turns to 100, then to 200.

Good efforts with your dream utopia. Basic math wasnt part of your English degree I guess.
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The “reparations” nonsense is back. My question is, Obama was “President” for 8 effin years. Why didn’t he fix everything?

I’ll tell you why. His sole goal was to weaken the United States economically, militarily, and divide this Country racially in a way it’s never been divided. He accomplished all three.

Trump has at least fixed the economy and military. There’s no fixing the racial divide now. Obama made sure of that.
Too many questions with no answers.

Why do I have to pay for something I didn’t do?

At what point would enough in reparations be paid? Is it when every black person is middle class? Is it perpetual?

What is the monetary value of those whites that died to end slavery? How does their blood factor in to this?

How much do the European countries that transported slaves here owe? How much do the African tribes that sold others into slavery owe?

Blacks aren’t the only group that have been wronged. Do all minorities get money? Do the Irish? Do catholics and Jews? Do the Chinese? What is the heirarchy of victimhood?

We’ve paid billions (maybe trillions by now, who knows) directly to black people in various forms of welfare since the Great Society started. Why wasn’t that enough and how would reparations achieve different results?

Most importantly, we’re already going to have free college, free health care, social security, and a green new deal. This adds up to, probably, hundreds of trillions. This when we are already 22 trillion underwater. Who pays?

Last question, and deadly serious: at what point can we begin talking about secession?

Great Questions...

Heirarchy depends on who you ask.....

Pretty sure those God awful founding fathers are the bottom.....

I would go

Native Americans
Eastern European
French, Dutch
Scots, Scots-Irish

This balkanization leads to secession.