How will they rule ??!

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When you're so partisan you defend AOC when her only source is Esquire magazine that Auschwitz official Twitter account owns you. Believe it's time to delete your account chrissy.

The number of immigrants apprehended at the border decrease every June for the past 17 years except one year. What agenda does that fit?
You can't argue common sense logic with Trumpsters. The numbers show that Trump is either horrible incompetent on immigration or purposely driving up the numbers just to have an issue to fear monger his gullible base. Incoming Soros theory in 3. 2. 1.
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The number of immigrants apprehended at the border decrease every June for the past 17 years except one year. What agenda does that fit?
The party that wants widespread amnesty, that brags about turning states blue with immigrants, whose leaders talk of eliminating ICE, who sues to stop every act taken to stop the flow. That one.
The party that wants widespread amnesty, that brags about turning states blue with immigrants, whose leaders talk of eliminating ICE, who sues to stop every act taken to stop the flow. That one.

But remember, joe just isn't any joe. He's joerules. Like some hot dog swallowing braggart who pops his pink collar in the mirror. Snarls his lip and then proceeds to talk about how bodacious he is.
You can't argue common sense logic with Trumpsters. .

This is what this thread needs. Once every 3-5 days, everyone needs to just take a chill pill and talk about hot chicks. It cools everyone down haha. I mean anytime you stress out over politics, just watch a Yanet Garcia video. Makes you forget about all the stupid crap going on.

I mean seriously, how freaking amazing is that girls body!!! If I was dating that girl. In a few years her and I would probably have a headline like this on the NYPOST
Someone should post pics of George Papadopoulos' wife. Her names Simone I think. Shes hot as f**k
I actually think this is dead on and why there is such a growing separation between political groups. I really don't care how morally corrupt Trump is. I don't look to Trump or any president for my moral guidance. From all accounts, JFK was a hell of a leader and a president. The Kennedys are as morally corrupt as they come. Bill Clinton was a sleaze ball and morally corrupt as well, everything I have read (I was born in 90) was he was a pretty damn solid president.

Lets be real, if we dig enough on any politician, we will find plenty of moral corruptness. Hell Tiger Woods was known as one of the most clean cut athletes of our era, the dude was getting high and banging porn stars and whores like he was Charlie Sheen.

If Trump wants to be a sleaze ball and cheat on his smoking hot wife with ugly ass skanks, so be it, just put together policies that will help the country. Im not religious in anyway shape or form. But I do think we have a lot of people who have begun to look at politicians as kind of their religion. They are their moral compass and guide. When in reality 99.9% of these people are sleaze balls that found a job that pays them to be even bigger sleaze balls. I feel bad for people that look up to these people as moral leaders.
Someone should post pics of George Papadopoulos' wife. Her names Simone I think. Shes hot as f**k
Oh without a doubt. Best part about Tucker when he talks about Papadopoulos is the couple times he has had his wife on.

I also find it hilarious that Papadopoulos is in trouble when it comes to Russian stuff, and his wife, who they say is "Italian", is pretty much exactly what you think of when you think of hot Russian women. Im 99.9% sure that women is 100% Russian haha.
He wasnt racist to me, a white man, so hes not racist
Tonight at a fundraiser in NYC, Biden recalled serving with a major segregationist Mississippi senator: “I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland ... he never called me boy, he always called me son.” He imitated the drawl. “At least there was some civility. We got things done”
He was a Dim too, wasn't he? Net, he gets a pass.
Looks similar to the pictures you posted awhile back of the rally you went to which showed a bunch of old people sitting in their lawn chairs w their MAGA hats on. The great part of the picture was the empty parking lot in the background. Btw who gives a F about the number of people who show up to rallies?
Your side doesn't. Which is why you lost the last election and will lose the next too. You're too self absorbed to realize that most of the country outside of 2 states are tired of your lunacy.
If dems want any chance in this election they need one of pocahontas or cant add Bernie to drop out. Otherwise too many votes will fractured.

The beauty is, regardless, being the authoritarian he is, Bernie wont concede and will destroy their chances again
Sorry, but anyone publicly supporting Pocahontas thereby officially (and immediately) forfeits their right to call themselves a Libertarian by definition.

It's both laughable and sad to even remotely think that Warren is a Libertarian by any stretch of the imagination.

It's also sad that a politician can be a serious contender for POTUS in the Dem party...the party that supposedly champions minorites...when she has been outright busted trying to pose as a minority to receive preferential treatment.
Trump kicks off 2020 the same way he did 2016. With a nice bigoted call to kick out all the browns. Only now we've moved on from Muslims to Mexicans. Where is the Asian love?
Maybe because Asians aren't blowing shit up or trying to come here illegally? But if you are really concerned about Asians being left out, then fear not! Your liberal run colleges are in the middle of a scandle because they aren't accepting them due to their race.