To the points earlier made, have had this conversation with friends more than once recently: “moms” just don’t look like they did back in the day. All the reasons why have been stated: better access to nutrition and training advice, the average non-competing female no longer being scared to lift heavy weights, social media, etc.

It used to be there there was the one or two friends that had the “hot mom.” Now they’re everywhere.

I’m a fan. 😎
Seriously can we not legislate the max age a President can be when he takes office? The job already ages them in dog years. It is ridiculous that we keep electing people that should be winding things down and enjoying retirement to most powerful position in the free world.
Holy cow, you are young enough not to have been alive (or at least not remember) the attempt on Reagan?

Thought you were much older / closer to my age (58). Did you start posting on Cat Paw in your teens, or something?
I'm 43. Born a few months after the Hinkley attempt. I started posting in college, I guess, early 2000s. We are all just old now.
By the way, despite voting twice for Beshear and aggressively masking in indoor/outdoor public spaces for the past 4.5 years, my family all has COVID right now.

I’m sure my haterz are loving this one.

Your entire family is double vaccinated, has all 9 boosters, and has taken 4 doses of Paxlovid. You don't have COVID, obviously.
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Folks, reckoned I’d take a break from mainly lurking and give some Tuesday randos:


-Did a golf trip to Park Mammoth down in Bowling Green a week ago. Place is pretty sick. Kentucky needs more golf destinations like that. It’s truly a shame how limited our selection of great public courses is in this state. Go to any of Louisville’s surrounding cities, all of them blow our public golf out of the water.

-Least surprising thing to find out is that BRax’s son absolutely rakes at the plate. Kid’s rizz has to be off the charts. Worst thing to ever happen to Baby Gronk.

-Was weird to see how airlines were affected by the CrowdStrike mishap last week. Im not sure of the differences in how passenger airlines and cargo airlines operate, but at UPS we experienced the outage and still were able to get our fleet out with minimal delay. Next day we were back to normal.

-Summer Olympics are dope. No other sporting event on earth better demonstrates the skill gap between a regular Joe and a highly skilled professional. Just watch Olympic ping pong

-Football. Soon 😎

-- Shapiro of PA is the obvious choice as a running mate. Beshear doesn't move the needle at all. 80 and Bernie, you're safe.

-- Had a dream this UK basketball team upcoming runs circles around Duke.

-- If the NBA runs TNT out of the NBA, Adam Silver should be fired. Shaq, Charles, Kenny, and Ernie are too integral to the coverage.

-- Lexington Restaurant Week is a joke.

-- Good riddance, Kim Cheatle. That was about as bad as one can look testifying on Capitol Hill this side of Rafael Palmeiro.

-- Adrian Beltre was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame over the weekend. Favorite thing about this guy was that he HATED having his dome touched.
Nice to be at this point of the summer and not reading news that 2 or 3 of our new crop of hot shot teenage 5 star phenoms are dealing with " nagging injuries" , Cal hasn't seen them but we get informed they won't be ready for the start of the season with no timelines. Then the speculation if some of them will ever play here or not begins.

I've enjoyed the scramble and the changes that have happened but I'm also enjoying the quiet now and looking forward to football.
My next door neighbors “ain’t from here.” They moved from Nevada to SouthCentral for reasons I haven’t investigated yet. Anywho the mom/wife (mid 30s) will sometimes lay out in the backyard in a thong bikini, much to the criticism of my wife but to the enthusiastic delight of my 14 year old son.

As a matter of fact, my son has taken up with their 12 year old son: Being a good neighbor/mentor, showing him around the neighborhood, introducing him to the other kids in the ‘hood. Did I mention they also have a 15 year old daughter? He’s amazed.
Nice to be at this point of the summer and not reading news that 2 or 3 of our new crop of hot shot teenage 5 star phenoms are dealing with " nagging injuries" , Cal hasn't seen them but we get informed they won't be ready for the start of the season with no timelines. Then the speculation if some of them will ever play here or not begins.

I've enjoyed the scramble and the changes that have happened but I'm also enjoying the quiet now and looking forward to football.

Which begs the question: did Bradshaw shoot himself in the foot before the season started?
My next door neighbors “ain’t from here.” They moved from Nevada to SouthCentral for reasons I haven’t investigated yet. Anywho the mom/wife (mid 30s) will sometimes lay out in the backyard in a thong bikini, much to the criticism of my wife but to the enthusiastic delight of my 14 year old son.
Your address???
-Was weird to see how airlines were affected by the CrowdStrike mishap last week. Im not sure of the differences in how passenger airlines and cargo airlines operate, but at UPS we experienced the outage and still were able to get our fleet out with minimal delay. Next day we were back to normal.

I thought it had to do with flight crew scheduling systems being the main culprit. Similar to what happened with Southwest several years ago.
Holy cow, you are young enough not to have been alive (or at least not remember) the attempt on Reagan?

Thought you were much older / closer to my age (58). Did you start posting on Cat Paw in your teens, or something?
So you prob graduated UK law in 93 or 94. If so, if you were one of the people who had to leave a final because the fire department evacuated the building after some dumbass decided to burn a copy of the tax code outside, well, apologies.
So you prob graduated UK law in 93 or 94. If so, if you were one of the people who had to leave a final because the fire department evacuated the building after some dumbass decided to burn a copy of the tax code outside, well, apologies.
LOL [where have the emojis gone, anyway?]. Actually graduated 1991. I don't recall that story, but it's a good one.
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LOL [where have the emojis gone, anyway?]. Actually graduated 1991. I don't recall that story, but it's a good one.
Ok. One year ahead of me. This event happened in 1992. A buddy and I were involved, and he got nailed because the scorched tax code that he threw in the garbage had his name and number written in the front cover. He went all G Gordon Liddy and never ratted me out.
The big problem with Elly this season is that he goes months and months and months without a hit.....

March/April = .279/.385
May = .208/.298
June = .266/.339
July = .290/.389

FYI: MLB averages this year = .243 / .312
Someone has to watch the baby while his wife is shooting hoops in the driveway.

Dammit PTI, pump the brakes, it’s not even October, anything can happen before then.
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Don't worry, EDC will go 1-12 in early August, UKO will see his shadow and find the guts to come in here and rapid fire three consecutive posts about how EDC sucks (with the whole cherry tree included) then slink back into self loathing and posting selfies on Facebook to prove he's "doing alright", only to be heard from again once football starts.
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You could truly see this coming.

Greene, Lodolo, and Abbott at the top of the order. Man, what a great rotation.