How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Man, it's too bad Canada isn't obsessed with the gun culture like the US. Things would have gone much better today had a few thousand more people in that crowd of 1.5 million pulled out pieces and started firing at the 3 perps. Surely nobody would have been hurt at all.
Maybe your militia would have been more effective in 1812 when your overlords across the pond asked for your help...
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So @Platinumdrgn do you @Dionysus444 and @bushrod1965 think it's hilarious or just more ignorance from economically illiterate Bernie when he tries to claim hes FDR even though every historian agrees FDR was a capitalist, and his mission was to save capitalism after the depression. Oh you dont you go:

Also, he ran against a socialist twice, norman Thomas. Of course Bernie wants you to not look that up.

But I guess he can keep pandering to the ppl with renaissance dance theory degrees who cant figure out why they cant find a job while ignoring basic economics
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So @Platinumdrgn do you @Dionysus444 and @bushrod1965 think it's hilarious or just more ignorance from economically illiterate Bernie when he tries to claim hes FDR even though every historian agrees FDR was a capitalist, and his mission was to save capitalism after the depression. Oh you dont you go:

Also, he ran against a socialist twice, norman Thomas. Of course Bernie wants you to not look that up.

But I guess he can keep pandering to the ppl with renaissance dance theory degrees who cant figure out why they cant find a job while ignoring basic economics
FDR used socialism and capitalism. He had the government take over the banks and decide which would survive and which had to go. He forced Congress to pass glass steagal which Clinton was an idiot to allow repealed. Basically created Fannie Mae and FHA which was socialized financing. Took US off gold and created centralized banking. Had the government give money to the unemployed so they could eat. Had the government create millions of jobs to force down unemployment. He was attacked constantly for to many "handouts". One of the worst things he did was start the payments to Farmers to not grow anything. That created the farmer welfare state conservatives refuse to stop feeding. He formed multiple agencies to build out Bridges and other projects so factories had shit to produce. He created social security. He was going to stack the supreme Court with 7 expanded judges but it got a lot of backlash and the threat convinced SCOTUS to not rule against any of his reforms.
So he tried to save capitalism with a lot of social programs and some banking reform. But then WWII hit and we became the only industrial power left standing and took over the world. And we have been a hybrid social-capitalist state since. I think you should brush up on your FDR.
Man, it's too bad Canada isn't obsessed with the gun culture like the US. Things would have gone much better today had a few thousand more people in that crowd of 1.5 million pulled out pieces and started firing at the 3 perps. Surely nobody would have been hurt at all.


How come nobody ever got shot at a hockey celebration?
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you've turned into a more pathetic poster than the meme and twitter spammers.
Hardly, my job is to point out (without going into much detail) that most of the garbage you and you kind post generally turns out to be false. It goes in my favor more times than not. It just takes a little time and once your post are proven wrong you just move on to the next made up or exaggerated/misrepresented lie because, Orange Man Bad.
Remember when ole Joe said this when he ran against Obama in 2008:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said of Obama.

F'n racists
"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.
False. How did that good ole Obama Care work out for you guys?
False. AOC and her constituents really believed in their plan but, once the public (the real "Woke" people) turned on them their own party realized that the time for that was not right. You and some of the lemmings on the left believed it could work.
Border apprehensions drop 15-20% every year in June. It's called summer heat wave. Trump picked this time to play his base for the fools they are. Feel free to look at the data yourself. 2017 is the only year since 2000 that they didn't go down in June because Trump sucks at stopping illegals.
False. Propaganda to fit an agenda. Believe on though lemming.
"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.
So when Bernie (and others) are asked directly if his proposal would mean forcing people off their insurance he says yes.... that is GOP fear mongering? This was a simple poll based on that very simple concept and it showed Dems are too wrapped in their feelings and myopia to know what it is about.
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So when Bernie (and others) are asked directly if his proposal would mean forcing people off their insurance he says yes.....and that is GOP fear mongering? This was a simple poll based on that very simple concept and it showed Dems are too wrapped in their feelings and myopia to know what it is about.

Obamacare basically destroyed the health insurance business. But this time a new democrat backed shitty healthcare bill renamed "medicare for all" will fix everything. Damn, Plat be smoking that fine fine hedda
Well, tonight over 100,000 people will gather in Orlando for a Trump Rally. Orlando is a very liberal city compared to most of Florida. I wonder how many of those 100,000 were polled? I say none. Meanwhile Biden has 85 at his rally which is less than a local store had at a ribbon cutting opening. Go figure

It's fake news. Biden will get barely over 30% of the vote. Trump is poised to win in a landslide. There are so many secret Trump voters that live in fear of being branded a racist or outright in fear because of their safety.

Leftist violence is legal in this country.
"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.

I’m not well read concerning medicaid, but if you can afford additional insurance in addition to medicaid, wouldn’t that alone pretty much disqualify you from receiving medicaid in the first place?
It's fake news. Biden will get barely over 30% of the vote. Trump is poised to win in a landslide. There are so many secret Trump voters that live in fear of being branded a racist or outright in fear because of their safety.

Leftist violence is legal in this country.
You are absolutely right. I have a ton of church friends who are in fear of their jobs if they come out in the open to support Trump. The oppression Trump voters face is real.
Plat is a Bernie bro. So despite bragging about cheating on his taxes he backs more taxes and much bigger govt. And despite moronically blaming DT for the immigration crisis (per Obama's own Dir of Homeland Security) he backs a guys that wants immigrants to merely sign their name as they come in and show back up for a hearing if they feel like it and never be deported.
FDR used socialism and capitalism. He had the government take over the banks and decide which would survive and which had to go. He forced Congress to pass glass steagal which Clinton was an idiot to allow repealed. Basically created Fannie Mae and FHA which was socialized financing. Took US off gold and created centralized banking. Had the government give money to the unemployed so they could eat. Had the government create millions of jobs to force down unemployment. He was attacked constantly for to many "handouts". One of the worst things he did was start the payments to Farmers to not grow anything. That created the farmer welfare state conservatives refuse to stop feeding. He formed multiple agencies to build out Bridges and other projects so factories had shit to produce. He created social security. He was going to stack the supreme Court with 7 expanded judges but it got a lot of backlash and the threat convinced SCOTUS to not rule against any of his reforms.
So he tried to save capitalism with a lot of social programs and some banking reform. But then WWII hit and we became the only industrial power left standing and took over the world. And we have been a hybrid social-capitalist state since. I think you should brush up on your FDR.
I guess your calling the university of Virginia and the Miller center which specializes in political history among other things a liar. That's the link I shared for your brain dead ass bc we know you have revisionist history. And yes...FDR was a capitalist. It's right there cited in an academic publishing. And yes he ran and defeated a socialist twice. How do you think he proposed paying for his programs? What do you think was also part of making us a super power during the war? Try again.
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From his own nutjob media, HuffPo, on the poll:

Ever since Bernie Sanders, the independent Vermont senator, made Medicare for All a cornerstone of his 2016 presidential campaign agenda, support for the idea has become something of a litmus test for progressives. He’s running on Medicare for All again this year, and this time he has a lot more company, with nearly a dozen other Democratic presidential candidates claiming that they support the idea too.

It’s safe to assume these Democratic candidates wouldn’t be so openly enthusiastic about Medicare for All if surveys hadn’t shown the concept to be so popular with voters in general and with Democratic voters in particular. But, according to a new telephone poll that the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation published Tuesday morning, many of those voters seem to think that Medicare for All would do things it wouldn’t ― or, more precisely, that it wouldn’t do things it would.

That’s especially true when it comes to the future role of private insurance. Two-thirds of Democratic voters think that people with employer coverage could hold on to their policies under Medicare for All, according to the Kaiser study, which used a nationally representative sample of more than 1,200 adults.

In reality, both the Sanders proposal and its House counterpart, from Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), would prohibit the sale of private insurance that is “duplicative” of what the new government plan would offer.

That would effectively wipe out existing employer policies.
Private insurers could still offer supplemental plans, but only to pay for extras, like cosmetic surgery and premium hospital rooms, that the government plan didn’t cover.
"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.
Ah yes, spread fear bc the party that already said you can keep your doctor really means it this time. God, you never cease to amaze.

But heres what will really blow your economically illiterate mind. To help pay for Medicare for all bern out proposes reducing payment than what Medicare already reimburses. Medicare already pays waaaaay less than what private insurance does. So let's spell this out. What does a hospital do? Provide care. What else? ...this is the hard one for you. It provides middle class employment to virtually every community in the country. Guess how those wages are paid? Medicare for all will result in lower wages or staff reduction. Which of course ppl like Bernie hate the middle class. It will also reduce resources to buy technology.

Bernie is a God damn idiot. He wants us to be a pre ww2 isolationist country. You can talk about cutting spending for military but it's not just interventionism that we use that for...the US since becoming a super power has been able to bring opposing countries to the table, etc. This moron and his hatred for the black community needs to disappear.
Why does Joe look like he's about to get into a fist fight with Joy Reid? What a weird ass.

Also, love the "Bishop" in the back their with his cassock. Let's see who he derives his apostolic succession from... *checks notes* oh, he just made it up, doesn't even believe in the office of bishop, and has no geographic flock who he is in charge of.
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I’m supposed to believe that bringing more of this into your community is a good thing. We turn off our brains any time the truth about certain cultures comes up.
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