How will they rule ??!

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Why is this man allowed to be on the Women's Soccer team? We are taking Trans Gender too far in our athletics.


This really irks me...If you cannot represent your country in a respectful manor then get the **** out. world games nor the Olympics is no place for somebodies personal political agenda. go to some other country if you hate this one so very simple.
This really irks me...If you cannot represent your country in a respectful manor then get the **** out. world games nor the Olympics is no place for somebodies personal political agenda. go to some other country if you hate this one so very simple.
Yeah, I enjoy watching the women's team and I think she is a great player but I will not watch another second of them in the WC.
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I know so many brainwashed lefties on here love to call me all of the names you’ve been taught when someone opposes you but I’m right. Media goes out of their way to lie to you and hide the truth. Without fail, non-white crime gets headlines likes “men” “youths” “Ohio man.”

This way the ignorant sheep are none the wiser on what really happens. Then they get incredibly rare occurrences blasted out to them to make them think it’s an “epidemic.” It’s why the black community thinks cops are out to get them.
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Yeah, I enjoy watching the women's team and I think she is a great player but I will not watch another second of them in the WC.

I’m surprised Trump hasn’t gone after her yet. His base loved it when he attacked black dudes during the NFL anthem BS, they’d certainly eat it up if he called out a muff diving SJW like Rapinoe (no pun intended.)
I’m surprised Trump hasn’t gone after her yet. His base loved it when he attacked black dudes during the NFL anthem BS, they’d certainly eat it up if he called out a muff diving SJW like Rapinoe (no pun intended.)
Phu-q. He didn't call them out because they were black, moron. He called them out because they were disrespecting the country. Same as the white chick.

I know so many brainwashed lefties on here love to call me all of the names you’ve been taught when someone opposes you but I’m right. Media goes out of their way to lie to you and hide the truth. Without fail, non-white crime gets headlines likes “men” “youths” “Ohio man.”

This way the ignorant sheep are none the wiser on what really happens. Then they get incredibly rare occurrences blasted out to them to make them think it’s an “epidemic.” It’s why the black community thinks cops are out to get them.

Do they have gun control in South Africa?
Guaranteed that waterheads like sawnee have never watched a minute of soccer in their lives. Now all of a sudden they care.

For the record I think pay equality in sports is laughable. Ratings = money = higher salaries. If more people watched women’s sports, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. It is what it is. Improve the quality of your game and more people will watch.
This major Democrat presidential candidate and a powerful (in his mind) Congressman from California gave an extremely important speech on gun control. You can tell be the size of this huge crowd and the traffic jams they mean business. As gun owners, what are we going to do? How can you stop a movement with 20 people demonstrating in a state with 40 million There are more cameras than people in attendance.

This major Democrat presidential candidate and a powerful (in his mind) Congressman from California gave an extremely important speech on gun control. You can tell be the size of this huge crowd and the traffic jams they mean business. As gun owners, what are we going to do? How can you stop a movement with 20 people demonstrating in a state with 40 million There are more cameras than people in attendance.

Looks similar to the pictures you posted awhile back of the rally you went to which showed a bunch of old people sitting in their lawn chairs w their MAGA hats on. The great part of the picture was the empty parking lot in the background. Btw who gives a F about the number of people who show up to rallies?
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Yeah Wapo, my comfort ends with murder..jesus

typical conservative slandering an innocent man.
Obamacare basically destroyed the health insurance business. But this time a new democrat backed shitty healthcare bill renamed "medicare for all" will fix everything. Damn, Plat be smoking that fine fine hedda
Ya those insurance companies are doing so bad now. dumbass
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False. Propaganda to fit an agenda. Believe on though lemming.
Kitty did you actually look at the numbers? They are pretty interesting. Numbers do drop off every summer. High point seems to be March. It’s sad that you think factual numbers are propaganda. In reality, lower numbers are probably a combination of Trumps policy and numbers that always drop in the summer months, but hey fight the good fight and believe that it’s all Don
I love how Trump is now throwing a hissy fit that Iran is no longer complying with the Nuclear deal. You know the one that Trump pulled out of. Lead by a ****ing moron. Obviously the only thing that was ever going to happen after that was them going back to building nukes.
Trump kicks off 2020 the same way he did 2016. With a nice bigoted call to kick out all the browns. Only now we've moved on from Muslims to Mexicans. Where is the Asian love?
Kitty did you actually look at the numbers? They are pretty interesting. Numbers do drop off every summer. High point seems to be March. It’s sad that you think factual numbers are propaganda. In reality, lower numbers are probably a combination of Trumps policy and numbers that always drop in the summer months, but hey fight the good fight and believe that it’s all Don
They have been double the same periods as last years but whatevs, you guys have your talking points coordinated. Just ignore the inability to manage the mass numbers and even Jeh Johnson calling it a crisis. Easier than asking tough questions of your party.
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Kitty did you actually look at the numbers? They are pretty interesting. Numbers do drop off every summer. High point seems to be March. It’s sad that you think factual numbers are propaganda. In reality, lower numbers are probably a combination of Trumps policy and numbers that always drop in the summer months, but hey fight the good fight and believe that it’s all Don
Numbers can also be spun to fit any agenda that you want it to fit. But hey, I know, Orange Man Bad!
Trump kicks off 2020 the same way he did 2016. With a nice bigoted call to kick out all the browns. Only now we've moved on from Muslims to Mexicans. Where is the Asian love?

Guess you didn’t hear Chuck Schumer...

Trump is right, but it’s impossible to kick out 1 million criminals who skipped hearings.

That’s the go-to for dems. Why even try? We give up! It’s impossible!


That Trump tweet alone sent thousands of criminals running back to border towns just in case.

- AOC says trump is holding migrants in “concentration camps”....good god.
Looks similar to the pictures you posted awhile back of the rally you went to which showed a bunch of old people sitting in their lawn chairs w their MAGA hats on. The great part of the picture was the empty parking lot in the background. Btw who gives a F about the number of people who show up to rallies?
Hey dumbass, I guess you care since you're willing to expose your idiocy with a false analogy. Was Trump in the picture you mentioned? Didn't think so.
Looks similar to the pictures you posted awhile back of the rally you went to which showed a bunch of old people sitting in their lawn chairs w their MAGA hats on. The great part of the picture was the empty parking lot in the background. Btw who gives a F about the number of people who show up to rallies?
So your incongruent points are:
(1) Only old people go to Trump rallies.
(2) Empty parking lot in background = No one goes to Trump rallies.
(3) Who cares how many people go to Trump rallies.
I love how Trump is now throwing a hissy fit that Iran is no longer complying with the Nuclear deal. You know the one that Trump pulled out of. Lead by a ****ing moron. Obviously the only thing that was ever going to happen after that was them going back to building nukes.
Because Trump pulled the US out (Which alone, and I mean alone, the god-like Obama put us in.) doesn't require Iran to start enriching or further enriching. They are doing that all on their own independent of Trump. Net, it's not on him as you claim.