How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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These are the people trying to make gun laws. AR-15s aren't used for hunting? They aren't viable for home protection? What the hell is she talking about. Also love the, "it is made to fire as many rounds as possible and as quickly as possible". My god fires as many rounds as quickly as any other semi automatic gun.

This reminds me of one of my favorite all time Don Lemmon's moments.
Huh? Lol. She say can whatever she wants. I never said anything about limiting her speech.
False. SCOTUS has not.
Apparently the Manhattan Community Corp Vs. Halleck case is still pending.

This is why Trump needed Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. Once these liberal platforms turned publisher the game changed.
Don't worry. When the supreme court outlaws social media war on the 1st Amendment, then maybe conservatives and their opinions will get a fair shake. You nazi
Nailed you, bitch. Sit down and take it.

Supreme Court will rule this in favor of the people.

It's not pending anymore dumbass, they ruled on it today. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled in favor of allowing companies to censor speech. Halleck lost the case.

These are the people trying to make gun laws. AR-15s aren't used for hunting? They aren't viable for home protection? What the hell is she talking about. Also love the, "it is made to fire as many rounds as possible and as quickly as possible". My god fires as many rounds as quickly as any other semi automatic gun.

This reminds me of one of my favorite all time Don Lemmon's moments.

Feinstein is stupid. After ripping off tax payers to become rich as shit as a government official, it's amazing how little that woman understands the 2a.

The GD founding fathers did not make the 2a for MF'ing hunting. I wish some broad would give her two black eyes
Feinstein is stupid. After ripping off tax payers to become rich as shit as a government official, it's amazing how little that woman understands the 2a.

The GD founding fathers did not make the 2a for MF'ing hunting. I wish some broad would give her two black eyes
You'd have to be an idiot to live in the same state that people continue to vote her in for office...
It's not pending anymore dumbass, they ruled on it today. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch both ruled in favor of allowing companies to censor speech. Halleck lost the case.

I see that. I'll admit when I'm wrong.

I'm 1% dumbass and you're still 99% dumbass. You got a lot more scotus decisions to catch up.

But, i highly doubt this will be the end of the free speech censoring.
like i said, only unemployed rednecks living on welfare can line up for a ****ing political rally 3 days early. You have to live one pathetic life to even want to do something like that no matter who is giving the speech.

I'm currently unemployed and take offense to your stereotype, but you still couldn't pay me to show up at any kind of rally, political or otherwise. I hate crowds, especially the types of crowds that would waste their time at a rally. It would take me weeks to list out all the things I would rather do.
Even though I think this is beyond stupid of a reason to not accept someone into Harvard. This isn't anything new and think its dumb conservatives are trying to make this sound like Harvard is only doing this because the kid is a conservative. It was like 2 years ago Harvard did this same exact thing to a group of people once they found out that they used similar language in a Facebook chat.

Again I think this is beyond stupid for Harvard to do this, but its nothing new. Also have to say its hard not to see the hypocrisy from people on the right like Ben Shapiro and others when it comes to this kid. Shapiro and many others crapped on David Hogg, the other Parkland kids and all the lefties who used them as this new political voice. But damn Shapiro was quick to take this kid under his wing once he found out he was a conservative. Now that Harvard does this, its them attacking conservative youth.

Again I think its dumb, but I also don't think its all that crazy for a college to take back its admission from a student when they find out negative things they did during high school. And this isn't the first time they have done this, so its not like they are changing their rules to screw this kid.
The stupid the office of diversity at Harvard had sent him a letter on how they were looking forward to working with him. Which is what a university is supposed to do - is exchange ideas of why ppl think differently and educate ppl on if they have unfounded bias or whatever. Then the admissions office contradicted it.

Its especially stupid that ne said this in a private conversation when he was 16! I'm sure Hogg and the rest of the sjw crowd were behind this. But this is the same university that is openly racially discriminating against asians in order to be able to admit others that arent qualified.
The stupid the office of diversity at Harvard had sent him a letter on how they were looking forward to working with him. Which is what a university is supposed to do - is exchange ideas of why ppl think differently and educate ppl on if they have unfounded bias or whatever. Then the admissions office contradicted it.

Its especially stupid that ne said this in a private conversation when he was 16! I'm sure Hogg and the rest of the sjw crowd were behind this. But this is the same university that is openly racially discriminating against asians in order to be able to admit others that arent qualified.

It’s ridiculous. It’s the reason I don’t have any social media accounts - it puts everything out there. Some Employers check social media for potential controversy before hiring a person. The fact that private messages can be used against a person is outrageous.
Even though I think this is beyond stupid of a reason to not accept someone into Harvard. This isn't anything new and think its dumb conservatives are trying to make this sound like Harvard is only doing this because the kid is a conservative. It was like 2 years ago Harvard did this same exact thing to a group of people once they found out that they used similar language in a Facebook chat.

Again I think this is beyond stupid for Harvard to do this, but its nothing new. Also have to say its hard not to see the hypocrisy from people on the right like Ben Shapiro and others when it comes to this kid. Shapiro and many others crapped on David Hogg, the other Parkland kids and all the lefties who used them as this new political voice. But damn Shapiro was quick to take this kid under his wing once he found out he was a conservative. Now that Harvard does this, its them attacking conservative youth.

Again I think its dumb, but I also don't think its all that crazy for a college to take back its admission from a student when they find out negative things they did during high school. And this isn't the first time they have done this, so its not like they are changing their rules to screw this kid.

Ah, didn’t know that. Thanks for bringing that to attention.

But as you said, it’s pretty stupid in any case; conservative or otherwise. This SJW pandering has gone beyond ridiculous... especially in these “higher learning” institutions.
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It’s ridiculous. It’s the reason I don’t have any social media accounts - it puts everything out there. Some Employers check social media for potential controversy before hiring a person. The fact that private messages can be used against a person is outrageous.

That’s the part that bugs me the most. It’s bad enough to dig through 5-10 years of posts to find something... but private messages? That’s messed up.
Ah, didn’t know that. Thanks for bringing that to attention.

But as you said, it’s pretty stupid in any case; conservative or otherwise. This SJW pandering has gone beyond ridiculous... especially in these “higher learning” institutions.

Ya don't get me wrong, Im not sitting here saying I support Harvard in this. I think its really dumb. This to me is no doubt them bending the knee to the PC mob (college should be the last place to do this). The only part Im pushing back on is the outcry by many conservatives saying this is because he is conservative. Did the outrage mob happen because he was conservative? Oh ya I believe that 100%. But I don't think Harvard's decision was because he was conservative. I believe their decision was trying to stay away from the PC mob.
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It’s ridiculous. It’s the reason I don’t have any social media accounts - it puts everything out there. Some Employers check social media for potential controversy before hiring a person. The fact that private messages can be used against a person is outrageous.

Ya I got a buddy that's main job is recruitment and hiring. He says one of the first thing they look at are people's social media. He says (not his decision) that if they show any excessive drinking on social media, to move onto the next applicant. So any pictures from an old house party, ya no chance.
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Am I going to imaginary hell for laughing my ass off at that?

Fox News and the NeoCons pushing for war. I'm sure this will end well. Let's see if we can spend a few trillion, get 7,000 troops killed, and accomplish absolutely nothing again.
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Man, it's too bad Canada isn't obsessed with the gun culture like the US. Things would have gone much better today had a few thousand more people in that crowd of 1.5 million pulled out pieces and started firing at the 3 perps. Surely nobody would have been hurt at all.
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The power of the media and non-vetting of Dems

"Medicare for all" doesn't mean either of those things because it doesn't exist. And it could mean either one of those things depending on how a bill is written. This is how Republicans spread fake news fear, through made up legislation. It would be very easy to pass a Medicare for all bill that let anyone that chooses to keep the insurance they already have. Or like Medicaid where you are free to purchase additional insurance beyond what is provided. Of course the GoP plan for healthcare is to stick their heads in the sand and pray it away.
This is just like the GoP made up talking points on the green new deal. That legislation didn't do any of the fake news shit they were fear mongering about. It was only designed to begin dialogue on solutions to the problem, it had no actuall enforceable policy. It didn't eliminate cars or cows or planes or require every building to be redone. Those were just bullet points in a memo as a starting point for possible ideas.
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