How will they rule ??!

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Comments on the Canadian healthcare system, which is supposedly so much better than ours:

"I'm Canadian. I waited ten months for emergent disc replacement surgery in my spine. I was placed at the top of the list because of the severity of my injury. Before my MRI, the projected wait time for me was three years.

If I had been American, that would have been six weeks (five of those for recovery).

The claim that our system is free is false as well. I pay for my socialist healthcare every month (it's called MSP, Medical Services Premium). We also have much higher taxation here.

During my ten months off, I was also forced to suckle at the government teat to feed, clothe and house my family. That cost came from the wallets of my fellow Canadians.

Don't let people lie to you. It's not better here.


I’ve got a pretty consistent opinion on this.

If you’ve got a good employer sponsored insurance plan, or are rich enough to get your own, it’s definitely better here.

I hear a lot of anecdotal stories about how long things take up there but have never heard any horror stories from any family or friends. The truth always lies somewhere in the middle. My dad died in 2004 after a long battle with heart and kidney disease, and he got excellent care up until the time he passed. The person Austin quoted also raised an excellent point about taxes. Across the board, taxes in Canada are staggeringly high. Nothing is free.
Does this question even need to be asked?

I like guys (well, some guys), but I would never date one..."not that there is anything wrong with that."

A SJW PhD shaming the public because a straight man won't date a woman with bolt on tits and a vagina made from fish skin.

She's venturing very close to promoting trannies to rape straight men with her article.
A SJW PhD shaming the public because a straight man won't date a woman with bolt on tits and a vagina made from fish skin.

She's venturing very close to promoting trannies to rape straight men with her article.
come on Willy don't be shy. You spent 2 weeks arguing about how SCOTUS with its new judges would rule against censored speech and bring down twitter. Today the conservatives did the exact opposite and ruled against the 1st amendment. Let's hear your opinion! It must be Trumps 5D chess move to create a deeper deep state.
The best thing that has happened this election cycle is liberals talking about polls and how Trump is so far behind he can not win re-election. Sleepy Joe can go back to bed because it is over and he is president.

Meanwhile in Orlando, and Orlando is not a conservative city by any means, they are lining up for a rally that is 36 hours away. Now
like i said, only unemployed rednecks living on welfare can line up for a ****ing political rally 3 days early. You have to live one pathetic life to even want to do something like that no matter who is giving the speech.
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Well that's terribly sad.
I thought so too at the time but it worked out well other than #1 died of cancer later on. Both of her husbands walked her daughters down the aisle, jointly. He was a nice guy. Was sorry to see him go. She was sad too.
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Even though I think this is beyond stupid of a reason to not accept someone into Harvard. This isn't anything new and think its dumb conservatives are trying to make this sound like Harvard is only doing this because the kid is a conservative. It was like 2 years ago Harvard did this same exact thing to a group of people once they found out that they used similar language in a Facebook chat.

Again I think this is beyond stupid for Harvard to do this, but its nothing new. Also have to say its hard not to see the hypocrisy from people on the right like Ben Shapiro and others when it comes to this kid. Shapiro and many others crapped on David Hogg, the other Parkland kids and all the lefties who used them as this new political voice. But damn Shapiro was quick to take this kid under his wing once he found out he was a conservative. Now that Harvard does this, its them attacking conservative youth.

Again I think its dumb, but I also don't think its all that crazy for a college to take back its admission from a student when they find out negative things they did during high school. And this isn't the first time they have done this, so its not like they are changing their rules to screw this kid.
like i said, only unemployed rednecks living on welfare can line up for a ****ing political rally 3 days early. You have to live one pathetic life to even want to do something like that no matter who is giving the speech.
You are very hostile towards people attending Trump rallies. You are also engaging in some egregious stereotyping.

Such unbridled hate. Such prejudice and vitriol toward your fellow man. Why? Because someone has a different viewpoint than you?

Where's the love, tolerance, and lack of judgment that your political ideology always claims to have a monopoly on? Or is that only available to people who agree with you?
Even though I think this is beyond stupid of a reason to not accept someone into Harvard. This isn't anything new and think its dumb conservatives are trying to make this sound like Harvard is only doing this because the kid is a conservative. It was like 2 years ago Harvard did this same exact thing to a group of people once they found out that they used similar language in a Facebook chat.

Again I think this is beyond stupid for Harvard to do this, but its nothing new. Also have to say its hard not to see the hypocrisy from people on the right like Ben Shapiro and others when it comes to this kid. Shapiro and many others crapped on David Hogg, the other Parkland kids and all the lefties who used them as this new political voice. But damn Shapiro was quick to take this kid under his wing once he found out he was a conservative. Now that Harvard does this, its them attacking conservative youth.

Again I think its dumb, but I also don't think its all that crazy for a college to take back its admission from a student when they find out negative things they did during high school. And this isn't the first time they have done this, so its not like they are changing their rules to screw this kid.

At the same time, Harvard employs anti-white racists who routinely preaches hatred toward whites. They certainly don’t apply the same standard to admissions either if it’s white people that’s the subject of hate.

They even had a professor call to abolish the white race.

This is also the same school who discriminates against Asians and they certainly don’t hold David Hogg accountable for being a sack of shit.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to go to Harvard anyways.
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sorry willy @Gassy_Knowls . SCOTUS ruled against the 1st amendment in Manhattan vs Halleck. Ruled that a private entity is free to restrict speech within their business. The irony of this ruling is that the liberals dissented and the conservatives ruled against the 1st amendment. The liberals argued that Time Warner was hired by the government and therefore should be considered a state actor and required to protect free speech. Understand the law now? Businesses are free to restrict speech, always have been. Sit back down Biatch.

They also ruled against the GoP in the Virginia gerrymander case which will cause the Dem's to take full control of the state in the next election.

also reaffirmed that identical State and Federal charges do not count as double jeopardy so Manafort is in jail for life.
of course he is trailing in polls. he lost the popular vote and his base has only gotten smaller. now whether it will hurt his electoral college math is the real question. polling shows him getting destroyed in PA, MI, WI which is enough to lose him the election. Polling at this point is stupid since nobody knows the actual candidates yet. All of the campaigning will be in those 3 states because they are the only ones that will matter this cycle.
False, his popularity has risen a bit and his base has gotten bigger. FACT.
At the same time, Harvard employs anti-white racists who routinely preaches hatred toward whites. They certainly don’t apply the same standard to admissions either if it’s white people that’s the subject of hate.

They even had a professor call to abolish the white race.

This is also the same school who discriminates against Asians and they certainly don’t hold David Hogg accountable for being a sack of shit.

Personally, I wouldn’t want to go to Harvard anyways.

Im not really defending Harvard in this. Im just not getting the outrage with it. Again this happened a couple years ago, a couple kids said some dumb crap on a facebook chat and they took away their acceptance to the school. Its already known that Harvard does this.

And if we break it down to its simplest form, we are talking about a college not accepting a high school student because conduct he did while in high school. That really isn't that shocking.

I agree that Harvard discriminates against Asians and I hope they get sued out of existence for it. I just can't personally muster up outrage for a kid not getting accepted into a college because of something he did while in high school, that is kind of the time period that is under scrutiny when applying for college.

And the 10 kids that this happened to a couple years ago weren't political activist, so I don't think this has anything to do with him being a well known conservative. It has more to do with Harvard bending the knee to anything that comes off as racist or anti PC. Which I don't agree with, but its not shocking or outrageous to me either.
You know, it’s really an amazing testament to the USA and BBN that a fn Duke fan can come here and celebrate this great nation on our forum.

Also a testament to how awful all you USA haters and losers are. I would buy Duke fan a Brewtus Budweiser at the local Applebee’s and help him kick the ass of each and every one of you America hating ass loser BBN “fans”.

Mark stoops would slap the piss out of you, too. The SEC COY hates you losers.

I’m on record of saying I don’t trust Candace Owens as a conservative and I would never want her representing conservatives in a debate. I don’t think she’s that smart. She’s right on some general things like any person would be but she’s not much of an intellectual.
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Even though I think this is beyond stupid of a reason to not accept someone into Harvard. This isn't anything new and think its dumb conservatives are trying to make this sound like Harvard is only doing this because the kid is a conservative. It was like 2 years ago Harvard did this same exact thing to a group of people once they found out that they used similar language in a Facebook chat.

Again I think this is beyond stupid for Harvard to do this, but its nothing new. Also have to say its hard not to see the hypocrisy from people on the right like Ben Shapiro and others when it comes to this kid. Shapiro and many others crapped on David Hogg, the other Parkland kids and all the lefties who used them as this new political voice. But damn Shapiro was quick to take this kid under his wing once he found out he was a conservative. Now that Harvard does this, its them attacking conservative youth.

Again I think its dumb, but I also don't think its all that crazy for a college to take back its admission from a student when they find out negative things they did during high school. And this isn't the first time they have done this, so its not like they are changing their rules to screw this kid.
They did it because he is conservative, no other reason. Hogg has said many incendiary things and was nowhere near qualified to be accepted there but was based purely off his stances.

Infuriating to see this when Joy Reid still has her show and Northam is still governor of VA.
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I’m on record of saying I don’t trust Candace Owens as a conservative and I would never want her representing conservatives in a debate. I don’t think she’s that smart. She’s right on some general things like any person would be but she’s not much of an intellectual.

Agreed 100%. Her on Joe Rogan is beyond hard to watch. You can tell when it came to anything that didnt have to do with "black America", all the things she had to say was headline deep. Ask her to expand on it anymore and she went nowhere. Her trying to talk about climate change on Rogan is like nails on a chalkboard. Then her on Dave Rubin debating Blaire White was even harder to listen to.
You are very hostile towards people attending Trump rallies. You are also engaging in some egregious stereotyping.

Such unbridled hate. Such prejudice and vitriol toward your fellow man. Why? Because someone has a different viewpoint than you?

Where's the love, tolerance, and lack of judgment that your political ideology always claims to have a monopoly on? Or is that only available to people who agree with you?
Hey he may be a tax wizard, predictor of economic collapses, NK nuclear expert, constitution scholar, etc but he never claimed not to be a POS.
They did it because he is conservative, no other reason. Hogg has said many incendiary things and was nowhere near qualified to be accepted there but was based purely off his stances.

Infuriating to see this when Joy Reid still has her show and Northam is still governor of VA.

The 10 other kids they did this to two years ago weren't conservatives. Those kids said stupid racial crap and the mob got outraged over it and they rescinded their acceptance. I think the same thing happened here. I think Harvard bowed down to the PC mob 100%.
come on Willy don't be shy. You spent 2 weeks arguing about how SCOTUS with its new judges would rule against censored speech and bring down twitter. Today the conservatives did the exact opposite and ruled against the 1st amendment. Let's hear your opinion! It must be Trumps 5D chess move to create a deeper deep state.

Huh? Lol. She say can whatever she wants. I never said anything about limiting her speech.
The 10 other kids they did this to two years ago weren't conservatives. Those kids said stupid racial crap and the mob got outraged over it and they rescinded their acceptance. I think the same thing happened here. I think Harvard bowed down to the PC mob 100%.
I don't know the story on those 10, but no way anyone can explain Hogg getting in..
I don't know the story on those 10, but no way anyone can explain Hogg getting in..

I think if this was politically motivated, they would've not accepted him in the first place, or they would've rescinded his acceptance over the countless political things he has done in the public eye for the last year. He has been all over conservative social media channels for the past year.

I just think this is Harvard wanting to be "woke" or whatever and not wanting to touch anyone that has a "racist" background. Harvard is going to bend the knee to the PC mobs when it comes to racial stuff. Thats why this isn't really that surprising to me.