How will they rule ??!

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I like how gays pretend to be so oppressed while every mega corporation panders to them and promotes the rainbow color shit.

An oppressed person who intentionally seeks out Christians to harass them and then sue them for not bowing down.

Lol gays. Remember when they just wanted to left alone?

2019- Rubber Dildo Parades.
This whole post is fake news. According to most of the folks In this thread, Southern California, San Francisco and Portland are liberal shitholes overrun with homeless and controlled by roving Antifa mobs. I believe a bunch of people who have never been there over you any day of the week.
Lol gays. Remember when they just wanted to left alone?

2019- Rubber Dildo Parades.

Haha. I hate to break it to the gays, people just don't care anymore. They literally have to go out of their way to find issues. Like the Cake shop guy in Colorado, they keep suing him and he keeps winning, yet they keep going back to the guy. Its not like he isn't out there protesting their weddings or anything like that, they're going to him asking for a service and he politely says no. That is the oppression they're facing today in the US. They have to go out of their way to try and bully someone into providing them a service (a service that they have plenty of options to choose from). Yet they're oppressed.

The vast vast vast majority of people don't give 2 craps about who you find attractive or who you are sleeping with. But ya keep marching like Americans are out to get you, while you're buddy buddy with Muslims who are actually out to get you and want to bring Sharia Law to the US and outlaw gay relationships.
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Did you miss me? Sorry for not chiming in lately. Just got back from a 10-day vacation in Canada. A few days in the Okanagan wine region and about a week in Vancouver. As your resident libertarian teacher, let me show you how I graded my experience.

Scenery: (9/10) Not sure how you can hate on the mountain/lake/ocean/vineyard combo in BC. Stunning views on the drive from Kelowna up and down the lake, and the Vancouver landscape is tremendous as well. Went to Grouse and caught the peak perspective, which was killer.

Other Scenery: (6/10) Mainly white and Asian. Decent-looking white women and a shitload of decent-looking Asian women with those weird fake eyelashes. Hard pass. Nashville’s population puts BC to shame here.

Weed: (7.5/10) It’s legal and it’s pretty damn good. Nothing spectacular out of the multitude of strains we tried, but I can’t complain at all. I need our bullshit American government to legalize everything under the sun and let the people make their own decisions. Let me smoke my bud without some dumbass cop interfering. Hell, let Willy get his ketamine fix (legally) while he’s grilling those veggie burgers. Let @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang smoke their meth and plot their coups without the fear of blue boys kicking down the garage door.

Wine: (6/10) The Okanagan region probably needs 20-40 more years to mature. Good climate and promising soil composition, and but iffy winemakers. Bought some good bottles that range from dry Riesling to Pinot to sparkling, but their best days are ahead of them. Wine shops were lacking as well, even in Vancouver.

Beer: (10/10) They had what I needed. Y’all know how I get down. Some decent craft brews too at the restaurants we hit up. Speaking of restaurants...

Food: (7/10) This is inflated a bit because of Vij’s and their incredible Indian food. Best meal of the trip, best Indian I’ve ever tasted. Honestly, some of the better dinners we got were by accident. A couple times we got too hammered at the Air BnB and assumed a few restaurants were *actually* open until 11 or 12 like their websites say. Went there and got disappointed, but ended up eating some fire Mediterranean and vegan shit instead. Late-night spots are scarce in Nashville, especially with variety that extends beyond pizza and Waffle House.

Transportation and Infrastructure: (9/10) We didn’t sit in a car the entire time we were in Vancouver. Sidewalks everywhere and a great subway system. Such a luxury in a city that size.

Records: (5/10) BC was no better than Nashville in the vinyl realm. Didn’t expect much and didn’t find much. Way too many new pressings and not enough used/original ones. Got a cool French library LP for $170 CAD though, which leads me to...

Cost: (7/10) The good ol’ AMERICAN DOLLAR has the upper hand in Canada, and it’s been that way for a while now. Great place to visit if you want to spend a little money.

All in all, it was a cool trip...but I’m glad to be back in the states. The first thing that caught my attention upon going out in Nashville today though?

We are fat as hell.

I’m hoping it’s just a southern thing.

In any case...time for me to research American politics from the past week and a half. Should be fun.

I’m a libertarian, in case you forgot.

Glad you’re back, you’re full of shit, and cocky and I love it.
Haha. I hate to break it to the gays, people just don't care anymore. They literally have to go out of their way to find issues. Like the Cake shop guy in Colorado, they keep suing him and he keeps winning, yet they keep going back to the guy. Its not like he isn't out there protesting their weddings or anything like that, they're going to him asking for a service and he politely says no. That is the oppression they're facing today in the US. They have to go out of their way to try and bully someone into providing them a service (a service that they have plenty of options to choose from). Yet they're oppressed.

The vast vast vast majority of people don't give 2 craps about who you find attractive or who you are sleeping with. But ya keep marching like Americans are out to get you, while you're buddy buddy with Muslims who are actually out to get you and want to bring Sharia Law to the US and outlaw gay relationships.

Man, the wedding cake guy was asked to put dildos on the cake etc. It isn't wedding cakes that say "Adam and Steve Happily Ever After"

I would love to make a wedding cake in a gay's butthole and let the guests eat out of it, but some people have limitations. Gay wedding cake guy is being asked to do cakes that are purposely being asked to do out of spite.
Man, the wedding cake guy was asked to put dildos on the cake etc. It isn't wedding cakes that say "Adam and Steve Happily Ever After"

I would love to make a wedding cake in a gay's butthole and let the guests eat out of it, but some people have limitations. Gay wedding cake guy is being asked to do cakes that are purposely being asked to do out of spite.
Lawyers are the worst
Glad you had fun.


Has there ever been 2 worse presidential candidates than Eric Swallwell and Kirsten Gilibrand? Eric Swallwell to me is an SNL character running for president. That is how dumb and goofy he is, without intentionally trying to come off as goofy.

And Ive never seen someone so obvious and crappy at pandering than Gillibrand. She is also so willing to change her opinion on something so quickly if that meant having what she thinks is the most "woke" opinion.

Swallowwell and Buttgig...Gigglebrand....Joe Bidet
Your modern day Democrats, folks
Haha. I hate to break it to the gays, people just don't care anymore. They literally have to go out of their way to find issues. Like the Cake shop guy in Colorado, they keep suing him and he keeps winning, yet they keep going back to the guy. Its not like he isn't out there protesting their weddings or anything like that, they're going to him asking for a service and he politely says no. That is the oppression they're facing today in the US. They have to go out of their way to try and bully someone into providing them a service (a service that they have plenty of options to choose from). Yet they're oppressed.

The vast vast vast majority of people don't give 2 craps about who you find attractive or who you are sleeping with. But ya keep marching like Americans are out to get you, while you're buddy buddy with Muslims who are actually out to get you and want to bring Sharia Law to the US and outlaw gay relationships.
Hopefully the baker can counter sue and break their asses

Did you miss me? Sorry for not chiming in lately. Just got back from a 10-day vacation in Canada. A few days in the Okanagan wine region and about a week in Vancouver. As your resident libertarian teacher, let me show you how I graded my experience.

Scenery: (9/10) Not sure how you can hate on the mountain/lake/ocean/vineyard combo in BC. Stunning views on the drive from Kelowna up and down the lake, and the Vancouver landscape is tremendous as well. Went to Grouse and caught the peak perspective, which was killer.

Other Scenery: (6/10) Mainly white and Asian. Decent-looking white women and a shitload of decent-looking Asian women with those weird fake eyelashes. Hard pass. Nashville’s population puts BC to shame here.

Weed: (7.5/10) It’s legal and it’s pretty damn good. Nothing spectacular out of the multitude of strains we tried, but I can’t complain at all. I need our bullshit American government to legalize everything under the sun and let the people make their own decisions. Let me smoke my bud without some dumbass cop interfering. Hell, let Willy get his ketamine fix (legally) while he’s grilling those veggie burgers. Let @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang smoke their meth and plot their coups without the fear of blue boys kicking down the garage door.

Wine: (6/10) The Okanagan region probably needs 20-40 more years to mature. Good climate and promising soil composition, and but iffy winemakers. Bought some good bottles that range from dry Riesling to Pinot to sparkling, but their best days are ahead of them. Wine shops were lacking as well, even in Vancouver.

Beer: (10/10) They had what I needed. Y’all know how I get down. Some decent craft brews too at the restaurants we hit up. Speaking of restaurants...

Food: (7/10) This is inflated a bit because of Vij’s and their incredible Indian food. Best meal of the trip, best Indian I’ve ever tasted. Honestly, some of the better dinners we got were by accident. A couple times we got too hammered at the Air BnB and assumed a few restaurants were *actually* open until 11 or 12 like their websites say. Went there and got disappointed, but ended up eating some fire Mediterranean and vegan shit instead. Late-night spots are scarce in Nashville, especially with variety that extends beyond pizza and Waffle House.

Transportation and Infrastructure: (9/10) We didn’t sit in a car the entire time we were in Vancouver. Sidewalks everywhere and a great subway system. Such a luxury in a city that size.

Records: (5/10) BC was no better than Nashville in the vinyl realm. Didn’t expect much and didn’t find much. Way too many new pressings and not enough used/original ones. Got a cool French library LP for $170 CAD though, which leads me to...

Cost: (7/10) The good ol’ AMERICAN DOLLAR has the upper hand in Canada, and it’s been that way for a while now. Great place to visit if you want to spend a little money.

All in all, it was a cool trip...but I’m glad to be back in the states. The first thing that caught my attention upon going out in Nashville today though?

We are fat as hell.

I’m hoping it’s just a southern thing.

In any case...time for me to research American politics from the past week and a half. Should be fun.

I’m a libertarian, in case you forgot.
What up bubbie! Very happy to hear you had a good trip and are safely back in the states. Also happy knowing my gang is always on your mind, even when on an awesome trip. Mueller had us in the back of his mind and knew better than to f*ck with us, too.

Not very worried about the Democrats and their empty rhetoric because they are simply a clown show good for nothing more than a laugh.

However, I feel you may have me mixed up with Willy as I am a relatively boring partier. Nothing but ice cold domestics and home grown green for this old man. I leave the hard stuff to the experts like you and Willy.

I’d love to take a trip like you did, but I’ll have to settle for watching my alpha son hitting bombs and throwing shutouts while drinking cold beer in the outfield in my new POD rocker chair (I’ve been missing out, these things are awesome).

Living and loving life, my man. Donald J. Trump is our president and Barr is about to ram a rusty pipe up that dem ass! Life is goooooood!

Glad to have you back! Been a bit boring ‘round here.
How many other people were shot that day? Why is the media so silent about those victims?

You guys and your obsession with he boogeyman media is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. There are 30 plus hours of golf on TV this weekend. Turn the idiot talking heads off and watch something good.

Yes an attempted mass murder of congressmen is so common it merits
no mention.

Don’t pretend to be stupid. It’s disgusting. And don’t take up for the enemy of the people. This is why they’re the enemy.
Napa is way better than Sonoma. If you’re going for the wine and not the tourism, go in the off season. Nothing like sitting on a hill top in Napa on a sunny 68 degree day in late November looking at the San Francisco skyline 60 miles away.
Yes an attempted mass murder of congressmen is so common it merits
no mention.

Don’t pretend to be stupid. It’s disgusting. And don’t take up for the enemy of the people. This is why they’re the enemy.
John's disingenuous schtick about ignoring the media is idiotic. As long as we have to live in system where the media influences to the degree they do we should all care. The left is flippant about any behavior that benefits them.
So here is a breakdown for the reasons women kill babies before they are born. This data comes from the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute which is the research arm of Planned Parenthood. Now most of us knew the majority of women kill babies for no reason other than they don't want to be bothered with a kid. But it is an eye opener to see it on a chart. America, you have a problem.

Napa is way better than Sonoma. If you’re going for the wine and not the tourism, go in the off season. Nothing like sitting on a hill top in Napa on a sunny 68 degree day in late November looking at the San Francisco skyline 60 miles away.
You talking Sterling Vineyard? Anyway, Napa is tourism/jammed, Sonoma is friendly/quiet. Great wines both places.
So here is a breakdown for the reasons women kill babies before they are born. This data comes from the CDC and the Guttmacher Institute which is the research arm of Planned Parenthood. Now most of us knew the majority of women kill babies for no reason other than they don't want to be bothered with a kid. But it is an eye opener to see it on a chart. America, you have a problem.


That has to be fake news. No one should keep track of why abortion occurs and at what rate or to what race.

I believe that privacy concerns would forbid it.

Some poster told me that.

We probably don’t really know how many heart attacks happen by race either.