How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

Did you miss me? Sorry for not chiming in lately. Just got back from a 10-day vacation in Canada. A few days in the Okanagan wine region and about a week in Vancouver. As your resident libertarian teacher, let me show you how I graded my experience.

Scenery: (9/10) Not sure how you can hate on the mountain/lake/ocean/vineyard combo in BC. Stunning views on the drive from Kelowna up and down the lake, and the Vancouver landscape is tremendous as well. Went to Grouse and caught the peak perspective, which was killer.

Other Scenery: (6/10) Mainly white and Asian. Decent-looking white women and a shitload of decent-looking Asian women with those weird fake eyelashes. Hard pass. Nashville’s population puts BC to shame here.

Weed: (7.5/10) It’s legal and it’s pretty damn good. Nothing spectacular out of the multitude of strains we tried, but I can’t complain at all. I need our bullshit American government to legalize everything under the sun and let the people make their own decisions. Let me smoke my bud without some dumbass cop interfering. Hell, let Willy get his ketamine fix (legally) while he’s grilling those veggie burgers. Let @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang smoke their meth and plot their coups without the fear of blue boys kicking down the garage door.

Wine: (6/10) The Okanagan region probably needs 20-40 more years to mature. Good climate and promising soil composition, and but iffy winemakers. Bought some good bottles that range from dry Riesling to Pinot to sparkling, but their best days are ahead of them. Wine shops were lacking as well, even in Vancouver.

Beer: (10/10) They had what I needed. Y’all know how I get down. Some decent craft brews too at the restaurants we hit up. Speaking of restaurants...

Food: (7/10) This is inflated a bit because of Vij’s and their incredible Indian food. Best meal of the trip, best Indian I’ve ever tasted. Honestly, some of the better dinners we got were by accident. A couple times we got too hammered at the Air BnB and assumed a few restaurants were *actually* open until 11 or 12 like their websites say. Went there and got disappointed, but ended up eating some fire Mediterranean and vegan shit instead. Late-night spots are scarce in Nashville, especially with variety that extends beyond pizza and Waffle House.

Transportation and Infrastructure: (9/10) We didn’t sit in a car the entire time we were in Vancouver. Sidewalks everywhere and a great subway system. Such a luxury in a city that size.

Records: (5/10) BC was no better than Nashville in the vinyl realm. Didn’t expect much and didn’t find much. Way too many new pressings and not enough used/original ones. Got a cool French library LP for $170 CAD though, which leads me to...

Cost: (7/10) The good ol’ AMERICAN DOLLAR has the upper hand in Canada, and it’s been that way for a while now. Great place to visit if you want to spend a little money.

All in all, it was a cool trip...but I’m glad to be back in the states. The first thing that caught my attention upon going out in Nashville today though?

We are fat as hell.

I’m hoping it’s just a southern thing.

In any case...time for me to research American politics from the past week and a half. Should be fun.

I’m a libertarian, in case you forgot.

You want to argue about when life begins or when it should be considered legal/okay to have an abortion... fine. Debate away.

But this is some sick shit. The crazies have truly taken over in some places.
We need to lethally eliminate from this earth anyone that does this if true and I am serious. It is time to stop murdering children.
Has there ever been 2 worse presidential candidates than Eric Swallwell and Kirsten Gilibrand? Eric Swallwell to me is an SNL character running for president. That is how dumb and goofy he is, without intentionally trying to come off as goofy.

And Ive never seen someone so obvious and crappy at pandering than Gillibrand. She is also so willing to change her opinion on something so quickly if that meant having what she thinks is the most "woke" opinion.

How many other people were shot that day? Why is the media so silent about those victims?

You guys and your obsession with he boogeyman media is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen. There are 30 plus hours of golf on TV this weekend. Turn the idiot talking heads off and watch something good.
Because if it were a Democrat who was shot by a republican supporter it would have been on all stations.

Your obsession with us backwoods Kentucky folks and our wish to point out hypocrisy is even stranger. Go golf and shut up.
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Has there ever been 2 worse presidential candidates than Eric Swallwell and Kirsten Gilibrand? Eric Swallwell to me is an SNL character running for president. That is how dumb and goofy he is, without intentionally trying to come off as goofy.

And Ive never seen someone so obvious and crappy at pandering than Gillibrand. She is also so willing to change her opinion on something so quickly if that meant having what she thinks is the most "woke" opinion.

What is even scarier is how these two dimwits got enough dumbasses to vote for them. Of course, Gillibrand had the Senate seat handed to her by a blind man which makes it even sadder. These people have no soul or any self respect seeing how they will say or do anything for a vote.
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Did you miss me? Sorry for not chiming in lately. Just got back from a 10-day vacation in Canada. A few days in the Okanagan wine region and about a week in Vancouver. As your resident libertarian teacher, let me show you how I graded my experience.

Scenery: (9/10) Not sure how you can hate on the mountain/lake/ocean/vineyard combo in BC. Stunning views on the drive from Kelowna up and down the lake, and the Vancouver landscape is tremendous as well. Went to Grouse and caught the peak perspective, which was killer.

Other Scenery: (6/10) Mainly white and Asian. Decent-looking white women and a shitload of decent-looking Asian women with those weird fake eyelashes. Hard pass. Nashville’s population puts BC to shame here.

Weed: (7.5/10) It’s legal and it’s pretty damn good. Nothing spectacular out of the multitude of strains we tried, but I can’t complain at all. I need our bullshit American government to legalize everything under the sun and let the people make their own decisions. Let me smoke my bud without some dumbass cop interfering. Hell, let Willy get his ketamine fix (legally) while he’s grilling those veggie burgers. Let @cat_chaser and his neighborhood gang smoke their meth and plot their coups without the fear of blue boys kicking down the garage door.

Wine: (6/10) The Okanagan region probably needs 20-40 more years to mature. Good climate and promising soil composition, and but iffy winemakers. Bought some good bottles that range from dry Riesling to Pinot to sparkling, but their best days are ahead of them. Wine shops were lacking as well, even in Vancouver.

Beer: (10/10) They had what I needed. Y’all know how I get down. Some decent craft brews too at the restaurants we hit up. Speaking of restaurants...

Food: (7/10) This is inflated a bit because of Vij’s and their incredible Indian food. Best meal of the trip, best Indian I’ve ever tasted. Honestly, some of the better dinners we got were by accident. A couple times we got too hammered at the Air BnB and assumed a few restaurants were *actually* open until 11 or 12 like their websites say. Went there and got disappointed, but ended up eating some fire Mediterranean and vegan shit instead. Late-night spots are scarce in Nashville, especially with variety that extends beyond pizza and Waffle House.

Transportation and Infrastructure: (9/10) We didn’t sit in a car the entire time we were in Vancouver. Sidewalks everywhere and a great subway system. Such a luxury in a city that size.

Records: (5/10) BC was no better than Nashville in the vinyl realm. Didn’t expect much and didn’t find much. Way too many new pressings and not enough used/original ones. Got a cool French library LP for $170 CAD though, which leads me to...

Cost: (7/10) The good ol’ AMERICAN DOLLAR has the upper hand in Canada, and it’s been that way for a while now. Great place to visit if you want to spend a little money.

All in all, it was a cool trip...but I’m glad to be back in the states. The first thing that caught my attention upon going out in Nashville today though?

We are fat as hell.

I’m hoping it’s just a southern thing.

In any case...time for me to research American politics from the past week and a half. Should be fun.

I’m a libertarian, in case you forgot.

This whole post is fake news. According to most of the folks In this thread, the Pacific Northwest is a shithole overrun with homeless and controlled by roving Antifa mobs. I believe a bunch of people who have never been there over you any day of the week.
I like how gays pretend to be so oppressed while every mega corporation panders to them and promotes the rainbow color shit.

An oppressed person who intentionally seeks out Christians to harass them and then sue them for not bowing down.

Speaking of, are the rainbow floodlights shining on the white house like they were when our former prez was celebrating legalization of same sex marriage?
What is even scarier is how these two dimwits got enough dumbasses to vote for them. Of course, Gillibrand had the Senate seat handed to her by a blind man which makes it even sadder. These people have no soul or any self respect seeing how they will say or do anything for a vote.

But that's the thing, look how they got their positions. Gillibrand was literally handed her seat and has the backing of the DNC in NY. So she essentially has no competition. Swalwell came from a Democratic stronghold in central California. Hell there was a year that a republican candidate didn't even run for that district.

So you basically have 2 people that are crappy politicians to begin with, trying to run for president. And I think both know how crappy they are, so they're both willing to do these over the top things and it just comes off so badly. These two are truly embarrassing to watch.
This whole post is fake news. According to most of the folks In this thread, the Pacific Northwest is a shithole overrun with homeless and controlled by roving Antifa mobs. I believe a bunch of people who have never been there over you any day of the week.

I know seattle is now nicknamed Freeattle, because of the hand outs. Police are quitting. Eh, I don't care. I make enough money to go better places than that side of the country. Although I do want to hit Napa Valley