How will they rule ??!

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I agree that a pro-lifer shouldn't make comments like that. All life is valuable regardless of the political leanings of the parents. I'd be willing to bet the comment was made tongue n cheak, but it's a nasty thing to say. But I've only seen it said once, not a common theme amongst conservative posters by any stretch.

I remember before the election many celebrities said they were leaving the country if Trump won. I know people personally that said the same thing. I don't see how expecting them to stand by their own statements is all that crazy.

There are some good democrats out there. But it bothers me that they rarely call out the extremists on their own side. As far as the extreme left? They want to change virtually every aspect of what this country fundamentally is about. Maybe calling them traitors isn't healthy rhetoric, but they certainly are traitors to what has made this country what it is.

Calling every negative report against Trump "fake news" isn't good. He makes mistakes for sure. But there certainly is "fake news" that's been put out there to put Trump in a negative light. This is a problem with the media. They put out so much garbage that even when they speak the truth, no one on the right believes them anymore because we've been lied to so many times.

We have a couple of conservative posters here that say some crazy things at times. But can you point out any actual policy anyone supports that you feel is crazy or extreme? Meanwhile, look at the garbage that posters like Platinum, Fuzz/RQ, Dion, and essentially every liberal poster minus yourself spouts. They come on here and openly cheer like loons everytime something negative happens to the country just because they hate Trump more than they love America. Conservatives didn't like Obama, but we still wanted the country to do well and weren't hoping and praying that he would screw up just so we could say "I told you so!"
Conservatives wanted the country to do well during the Obama presidency? Dude, you just made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee on my phone. Flashback to the year 2010 and the US is in the aftermath of the worst recession since the Great Depression and Mitch McConnell publicly goes on record saying the congressional Republicans number one priority is . . . economic recovery (nope) . . . ending Americans suffering from job and wage loss (nope) . . . making sure Obama is a one term president (yup).

Hillary pulls out hot sauce and talks about Beyoncé. Kamala talks about weed and listening to Tupac and Snoop Dogg. Gay Pete drinks malt liquor in a paper bag.

It’s pandering to the biggest stereotype yet it’s not considered offensive. However, who else remembers when the media and career crybabies lost it when Fuzzy Zoeller talked about Tiger having fried chicken and collard greens at the Masters?

So stating a stereotype isn’t “racist” if it’s a Democrat politician doing it.
Conservatives wanted the country to do well during the Obama presidency? Dude, you just made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee on my phone. Flashback to the year 2010 and the US is in the aftermath of the worst recession since the Great Depression and Mitch McConnell publicly goes on record saying the congressional Republicans number one priority is . . . economic recovery (nope) . . . ending Americans suffering from job and wage loss (nope) . . . making sure Obama is a one term president (yup).
News flash idiot. Most conservatives on here hate Mitch McConnell.
Conservatives wanted the country to do well during the Obama presidency? Dude, you just made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee on my phone. Flashback to the year 2010 and the US is in the aftermath of the worst recession since the Great Depression and Mitch McConnell publicly goes on record saying the congressional Republicans number one priority is . . . economic recovery (nope) . . . ending Americans suffering from job and wage loss (nope) . . . making sure Obama is a one term president (yup).

Fact check by Washington Post: Two Pinocchios
Just floored that people would want to live in a socialist system after every socialist place has failed miserably. Just floored.

I think this whole socialist movement is based on ugly, unattractive people who live off jealousy.

Shame of self failure and jealousy is propelling this bullshit

I think a lot of people are greatly misinformed as to what constitutes socialism. I was at a cookout on Memorial Day weekend and met some new people whom, when I informed them I was Canadian, asked me how I liked socialism. I had to explain that Canada wasn’t socialist.

I would hope most people wouldn’t view socialism with any positivity if they realized what it really is.
Gay Pete drinks malt liquor in a paper bag.

The fact that campaign teams think of these stunts is unbelievable, the fact they actually follow through with it is dumb as hell.

And they’re all dems, btw.

Couple weeks ago Pocohontas was on the Breakfast Club (nyc rap radio show) proclaiming she didn’t know she wasn’t an Indian, and still doesn’t really. That’s just how she was raised.

It’s 2019, you racist dumbasses. The joke is on you.
Conservatives wanted the country to do well during the Obama presidency? Dude, you just made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee on my phone. Flashback to the year 2010 and the US is in the aftermath of the worst recession since the Great Depression and Mitch McConnell publicly goes on record saying the congressional Republicans number one priority is . . . economic recovery (nope) . . . ending Americans suffering from job and wage loss (nope) . . . making sure Obama is a one term president (yup).
After BO refused to include them in the stimulus and rammed ACA through. Every single opposing party leader in the history of this country has wanted to make the POTUS a one termer. Such a lazy and whiny talking point.

Your party's ranking leader said she wanted Trump jailed last week with 80k people dying per year from opioids and a major crisis at the border. Cool with that?
I was at a cookout on Memorial Day weekend and met some new people whom, when I informed them I was Canadian, asked me how I liked socialism

That’s hilarious. White people dumb as hell.


I think a lot of people are greatly misinformed as to what constitutes socialism. I was at a cookout on Memorial Day weekend and met some new people whom, when I informed them I was Canadian, asked me how I liked socialism. I had to explain that Canada wasn’t socialist.

I would hope most people wouldn’t view socialism with any positivity if they realized what it really is.

"So cool, you're from Canadia. I like that Joshtin Truveau. He is so like diversity and stuff"
Don Lemon sees racists harrasing a family man. As does every liberal here. Not one liberal here will say the black man was wrong.

That's why you lying cucks are insane. Every Democratic presidential candidate would lock up the Trump supporters. Every one of them.
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The right-wingers problem is that they have become so disoriented and brainwashed with their own self-marketing that they no longer know the center.
Besides, you said “by every measure”...not me. Don’t get shitty with me because you make an asinine statement that you can’t support.

I think a lot of people are greatly misinformed as to what constitutes socialism. I was at a cookout on Memorial Day weekend and met some new people whom, when I informed them I was Canadian, asked me how I liked socialism. I had to explain that Canada wasn’t socialist.

I would hope most people wouldn’t view socialism with any positivity if they realized what it really is.
Well your health care system is, probably as much so as any in the world. By that I mean lack of access to non-government sponsored health care.
Democrats are so stupid and crazy.

I am sure he would. That is what Democrats do. Rule of law is secondary in their world. They grab power and destroy anyone they oppose. It is who they are and what they do. This bozo is not telling us anything new. If they oppose, they destroy. Who needs evidence when you hate a man because he wants to Make America Great Again. Democrats can't let that happen. Making America great is disgusting in their eyes. They want the Los Angeles and San Fran model. 3rd world country in the streets of America. So they have to destroy Trump.
Well your health care system is, probably as much so as any in the world. By that I mean lack of access to non-government sponsored health care.

You seem like a pretty bright guy. Surely I don’t need to explain the difference between single payer HC and full blown socialism to you, right?