How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Yes, I doubt Mexicans want Guatemalan refugees in Mexico.
Which is why they were doing everything they could to help them make their way through to America.
I do my best to call out the left when I disagree with them, which I do on late term abortion, immigration, taxes. The open acceptance of Islam is also super frustrating. I probably come across as being so left biased because of my extreme dislike for the way Trump carries himself. Policy wise, I honestly don't have many complaints. He's taken a common sense approach to things, has nominated two very good SCJs, hasn't tried to remove any freedoms we all have, etc. He's really governed from the middle for the most part, but his bluster annoys me.

So why do we have to rely on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh to point out those things policy wise that have been positives. I think a lot of us aren’t always enamored with the way he carries himself at times, but there are also times where the media gives him such an unfair shake, you can’t blame him for how he reacts. I wish he would act more presidential at times as well, but he’s certainly done a lot more good than the MSM will ever report or give him any credit at all for.
Imagine if a Republican said he wanted bad things to happen to Obama.

Can someone please cite some examples (I’m on a request for examples trip today) of how President Trump has been “destructive to our Republic, to the concept of democracy”? what policies have been destructive?

Then explain how some of the far left agenda isn’t destructive to the very foundation our country was built on.

Then, please explain how comments like the one this Democrat Lawmaker made isn’t inciting violence against the President or harmful because if anything remotely close to that was said about any democrat, the media would be crying hard about how it’s harmful and dangerous rhetoric that threatens their safety and security, like it already has been with past incidents.
Yea he had the state department rerelease news from 6 months ago and call it a win! When he just publicly admits that he was to pussy to apply the tariffs and caved, then he can finally get some recognition. The smartest move he has made his entire presidency was to back down and he is to proud to admit that's what he did. And now he is pretending there is secret parts of the deal that he is just waiting to reveal later! Genius move! You sheep just eat up his bullshit.

Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.” But the Mexican government had already pledged to do that in March during secret talks in Miami between Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, and Olga Sanchez, the Mexican secretary of the interior, the officials said.

The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases proceed. But that arrangement was reached in December in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that the two countries exchanged. Ms. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee five days before Christmas.
So, what would hillury have done differently or more effectively??? obama??? Any other dem candidate???
Can someone please cite some examples (I’m on a request for examples trip today) of how President Trump has been “destructive to our Republic, to the concept of democracy”? what policies have been destructive?

Then explain how some of the far left agenda isn’t destructive to the very foundation our country was built on.

Then, please explain how comments like the one this Democrat Lawmaker made isn’t inciting violence against the President or harmful because if anything remotely close to that was said about any democrat, the media would be crying hard about how it’s harmful and dangerous rhetoric that threatens their safety and security, like it already has been with past incidents.
<insert feelings>
Which is why they were doing everything they could to help them make their way through to America.

So why do we have to rely on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh to point out those things policy wise that have been positives. I think a lot of us aren’t always enamored with the way he carries himself at times, but there are also times where the media gives him such an unfair shake, you can’t blame him for how he reacts. I wish he would act more presidential at times as well, but he’s certainly done a lot more good than the MSM will ever report or give him any credit at all for.

That's your prerogative, sir. I don't watch news. If something filters down into my day to day life that affects it in one way or another, I'll go figure out why. If you choose to consume opinions from guys who depend on you for their livelihood, that's your call.
Run faster. What a joke. Will one of you lib SJW pu$$ys please explain how you can support this tranny's attitude and how allowing them to dominate women helps better our society?

I'm not an SJW pussy, but I think it's a ****ing joke. If they want to race, they should have 2 choices - race against guys, or other trannies. Having these shemales run against biological women is unfair and ridiculous.
I'm going to assume this is true, and I'm not surprised to hear it. As I've said before, I think his acting like a petulant child when the cameras are on is just that, an act. I'd love to play a round of golf with him. I'm sure it's a blast.

I don't think it's an act in that he is pretending to be someone he's not. I think he's smart enough to know how to respond to the situations accordingly using every aspect of his personality.

I'll take Trump any day over the phoney, dumbass, entitled, snake in the grass assholes we've had since Reagan. In a time where political correctness and identity politics are taking over our society, he is handling it perfectly, even if it sometimes seems over the top. I love to see him shake up the corrupt career swamp rats and lying media assholes. Those who deserve respect get it and those who don't are exposed for exactly what they are.
N Korea continues to test rockets capable of delivering nukes. They did so twice last month. They were supposed to be dismantling those launch sites. Remember? You ask about nukes like it was an every day occurrence before the agreement. They have conducted a total of 6 tests in the 14 yrs since the first test. When is the last nuclear test we conducted? Answer: 1992.
N Korea’s problem isn’t creating a bomb, it’s delivering it.

Making deals with people and nations that have no desire/ability to carry out those deals is easy. N Korea has “agreed” to literally 100+ date they have failed to abide by the terms of any of those agreements.
Actually seeing tangible results is the only thing that matters.
Fair enough, but what's the point?

Parents could put an end to this farce by refusing to let their children compete against these creepy attention hounds.
We need trannies in our girl softball tourneys. The sh!t would really hit the fan with everything those coaches & parents have invested $ & emotionally. Would be fun to see & the explosion that would cause.
I'm not an SJW pussy, but I think it's a ****ing joke. If they want to race, they should have 2 choices - race against guys, or other trannies. Having these shemales run against biological women is unfair and ridiculous.
Agreed. Or they should limit their participation to activities nobody except other degenerates care about. Kind of like how gays dominate male musical theatre roles. Only women, gays, and effeminate "males" are interested in it anyway, and no straight male gives a f**k.

Parents could put an end to this farce by refusing to let their children compete against these creepy attention hounds.
Well if they did it in any public or organized fashion they’d be labeled nazi bigots and probably just don’t want to deal with it.

That said, the tranny thing is a line in the sand for most normal people that don’t care about that they see its ****ing ridiculous and will quietly vote in opposition to it.

No clue why the gays allowed trannies and all the other alphabet letters hitch their wagon to them. My guess is at some point they’ll regret it.
Well if they did it in any public or organized fashion they’d be labeled nazi bigots and probably just don’t want to deal with it.

That said, the tranny thing is a line in the sand for most normal people that don’t care about that they see its ****ing ridiculous and will quietly vote in opposition to it.

No clue why the gays allowed trannies and all the other alphabet letters hitch their wagon to them. My guess is at some point they’ll regret it.

Personally, I love trannies. Like in the way I love a circus clown. I can't take either one seriously and they both are only good for a laugh