How will they rule ??!

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It was purchased in Canada but imported from Bangladesh.

I think 420 bro is mostly an act, and not a particularly good one, so I don't much bother with him. RQ is too long winded, and apparently has some sort of negative financial situation with the board that precedes me, but I don't see him as being "out there." I must have the rest of them blocked. I have called out the far left many times on here, especially as it relates to abortion, taxes, and immigration. I'm also not a fan of Muslims in the slightest.

Conversely, I see a lot of crazy shit on here from some righties that I won't name but probably know who they are. I like Willy because he seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang around with. There are several moderate republicans on the board as best I can tell. Like I said, it's just a numbers game. I despise the fringes of both parties, but there are a bunch of fringe righties here.
Can you cite some examples of the crazy shit you’ve seen posted from the righties on here? I’m not disputing you in any way, I just want to see what’s considered as crazy shit from the right.
Has NK tested any nukes lately? This deal with Mexico was a win and you lib/DIMS can't stand it.
N Korea continues to test rockets capable of delivering nukes. They did so twice last month. They were supposed to be dismantling those launch sites. Remember? You ask about nukes like it was an every day occurrence before the agreement. They have conducted a total of 6 tests in the 14 yrs since the first test. When is the last nuclear test we conducted? Answer: 1992.
N Korea’s problem isn’t creating a bomb, it’s delivering it.

Making deals with people and nations that have no desire/ability to carry out those deals is easy. N Korea has “agreed” to literally 100+ date they have failed to abide by the terms of any of those agreements.
Actually seeing tangible results is the only thing that matters.
Can you cite some examples of the crazy shit you’ve seen posted from the righties on here? I’m not disputing you in any way, I just want to see what’s considered as crazy shit from the right.

Granted, it’s only a handful of posters, but a few examples.

- a pro life poster saying he’d be fine with every pregnant democrat having an abortion
- the notion that anyone who doesn’t like trump or disagrees with him should leave the country
- believing that every democrat is an anti American, traitorous person
- I pointed this out above, but the opinion that anything in the media that doesn’t indicate that Trump is perfect must be “fake news.”

I’ve said this before, but almost every one of my friends is a republican who voted for Trump, but they’re all sane. They know I’m a democrat but they don’t care. I think most of the poster here are a lot like those friends, but there are definitely a few weirdos here.
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There wasn’t 30 days of coverage of “smirkgate” with any media I see, conservative talk radio was still talking about it weeks after it had disappeared from the MSM airways...and I can find school shooting coverage just about any day of the week.

But I realize that facts are optional with you guys...somebody tweets it, you like it, you accept it as fact without asking any questions or supporting evidence.
N Korea continues to test rockets capable of delivering nukes. They did so twice last month. They were supposed to be dismantling those launch sites. Remember? You ask about nukes like it was an every day occurrence before the agreement. They have conducted a total of 6 tests in the 14 yrs since the first test. When is the last nuclear test we conducted? Answer: 1992.
N Korea’s problem isn’t creating a bomb, it’s delivering it.

Making deals with people and nations that have no desire/ability to carry out those deals is easy. N Korea has “agreed” to literally 100+ date they have failed to abide by the terms of any of those agreements.
Actually seeing tangible results is the only thing that matters.

You are mistaken, the missiles they’ve tested were not part of the agreement, as they are short range.
What they were delivering prior to the agreement were long range ballistic missiles.
Let’s assume everything you linked is accurate. Mexico verbally agreed to those things, and weren’t enforcing it. So Trump threatens tariffs to force them to act.
Mexico signs the agreement, due to threat of tariffs, and essentially removes any wiggle room on their part.

However, as the article you’re selectively quoting also states, more troops were agreed on and stricter details. The main thing is Mexico was forced to act.
Bill, how will you measure the effectiveness of this agreement...and does it even matter to you? What gives you reason to believe that Mexico can be effective in controlling the movement of these people?
Bill, how will you measure the effectiveness of this agreement...and does it even matter to you? What gives you reason to believe that Mexico can be effective in controlling the movement of these people?

Mexico can maintain their border, the presence of 6000 troops will help. Freezing assets and bringing light to who is funding the groups will help also.

I hope it helps, it’s a step in the right direction, especially since the Dems won’t do anything to alleviate the situation. It matters to me a lot, there’s no excuse for our border to be a free for all.
Mexico can maintain their border, the presence of 6000 troops will help. Freezing assets and bringing light to who is funding the groups will help also.

I hope it helps, it’s a step in the right direction, especially since the Dems won’t do anything to alleviate the situation. It matters to me a lot, there’s no excuse for our border to be a free for all.

Whether it works or not, it's at least something, which is more than can be said of the last several administrations. Something has to give.
Question, under what authority did Hillary order the FBI to do anything? Seeing she never had a position of power with any oversight of the FBI I call BS

Lol, you know everything about everything but are totally clueless about the top levels of the FBI being poltical allies to the Obama admin. Even after Barr has evidence that hillary paid for that phony dossier.

Bill, how will you measure the effectiveness of this agreement...and does it even matter to you? What gives you reason to believe that Mexico can be effective in controlling the movement of these people?
Does not matter, your measurement would be fake and you would not believe actual measurements if they proved orange man good. You have bee negative at every turn.
Granted, it’s only a handful of posters, but a few examples.

- a pro life poster saying he’d be fine with every pregnant democrat having an abortion
- the notion that anyone who doesn’t like trump or disagrees with him should leave the country
- believing that every democrat is an anti American, traitorous person
- I pointed this out above, but the opinion that anything in the media that doesn’t indicate that Trump is perfect must be “fake news.”

I’ve said this before, but almost every one of my friends is a republican who voted for Trump, but they’re all sane. They know I’m a democrat but they don’t care. I think most of the poster here are a lot like those friends, but there are definitely a few weirdos here.
I agree that a pro-lifer shouldn't make comments like that. All life is valuable regardless of the political leanings of the parents. I'd be willing to bet the comment was made tongue n cheak, but it's a nasty thing to say. But I've only seen it said once, not a common theme amongst conservative posters by any stretch.

I remember before the election many celebrities said they were leaving the country if Trump won. I know people personally that said the same thing. I don't see how expecting them to stand by their own statements is all that crazy.

There are some good democrats out there. But it bothers me that they rarely call out the extremists on their own side. As far as the extreme left? They want to change virtually every aspect of what this country fundamentally is about. Maybe calling them traitors isn't healthy rhetoric, but they certainly are traitors to what has made this country what it is.

Calling every negative report against Trump "fake news" isn't good. He makes mistakes for sure. But there certainly is "fake news" that's been put out there to put Trump in a negative light. This is a problem with the media. They put out so much garbage that even when they speak the truth, no one on the right believes them anymore because we've been lied to so many times.

We have a couple of conservative posters here that say some crazy things at times. But can you point out any actual policy anyone supports that you feel is crazy or extreme? Meanwhile, look at the garbage that posters like Platinum, Fuzz/RQ, Dion, and essentially every liberal poster minus yourself spouts. They come on here and openly cheer like loons everytime something negative happens to the country just because they hate Trump more than they love America. Conservatives didn't like Obama, but we still wanted the country to do well and weren't hoping and praying that he would screw up just so we could say "I told you so!"
There wasn’t 30 days of coverage of “smirkgate” with any media I see, conservative talk radio was still talking about it weeks after it had disappeared from the MSM airways...and I can find school shooting coverage just about any day of the week.

But I realize that facts are optional with you guys...somebody tweets it, you like it, you accept it as fact without asking any questions or supporting evidence.

Incident occurred January 18, 2019. Just a few linked below and all very MSM.

Trump backs students from Lincoln memorial confrontation. CBS (aka "See BS") January 22, 2019

Covington Diocese releases report on Nick Sandmann, Nathan Phillips video investigation. Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 4, 2019

Investigators For Diocese Say Kentucky Students Did Not Initiate Confrontation. NPR, February 15, 2019

The Covington Kid Is Suing The Washington Post for $250 Million. Vanity Fair, February 20, 2019

Washington Post Says Teen in Viral Video Can't Show Defamation Nor Anti-Trump Bias. The Hollywood Reporter, April 10, 2019

You are dismissed.
I agree that a pro-lifer shouldn't make comments like that. All life is valuable regardless of the political leanings of the parents. I'd be willing to bet the comment was made tongue n cheak, but it's a nasty thing to say. But I've only seen it said once, not a common theme amongst conservative posters by any stretch.

I remember before the election many celebrities said they were leaving the country if Trump won. I know people personally that said the same thing. I don't see how expecting them to stand by their own statements is all that crazy.

There are some good democrats out there. But it bothers me that they rarely call out the extremists on their own side. As far as the extreme left? They want to change virtually every aspect of what this country fundamentally is about. Maybe calling them traitors isn't healthy rhetoric, but they certainly are traitors to what has made this country what it is.

Calling every negative report against Trump "fake news" isn't good. He makes mistakes for sure. But there certainly is "fake news" that's been put out there to put Trump in a negative light. This is a problem with the media. They put out so much garbage that even when they speak the truth, no one on the right believes them anymore because we've been lied to so many times.

We have a couple of conservative posters here that say some crazy things at times. But can you point out any actual policy anyone supports that you feel is crazy or extreme? Meanwhile, look at the garbage that posters like Platinum, Fuzz/RQ, Dion, and essentially every liberal poster minus yourself spouts. They come on here and openly cheer like loons everytime something negative happens to the country just because they hate Trump more than they love America. Conservatives didn't like Obama, but we still wanted the country to do well and weren't hoping and praying that he would screw up just so we could say "I told you so!"

I do my best to call out the left when I disagree with them, which I do on late term abortion, immigration, taxes. The open acceptance of Islam is also super frustrating. I probably come across as being so left biased because of my extreme dislike for the way Trump carries himself. Policy wise, I honestly don't have many complaints. He's taken a common sense approach to things, has nominated two very good SCJs, hasn't tried to remove any freedoms we all have, etc. He's really governed from the middle for the most part, but his bluster annoys me.