How will they rule ??!

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Yep. People forget that he worked exclusively with the NYT to release that info. They even made a documentary about it called Page One, Brian Stelter’s fatass is in it.

Honest question: Can someone tell me why it's a big deal that Trump and Co. *may* have had this deal with Mexico largely worked-out (but not signed) months ago? Why does it matter when the details were ironed out? Why does it matter that he maybe didn't get this done until after the tariffs? Sounds to me like Meixco was pussy-footing and Trump him with that 1-2 Tariffs punch, forcing their hand.

What am I missing? Why is this such a big deal?
Good question. To me it's kind of like this. You hire a contractor to put on a new roof. All the details are lined out....costs, type of roof, completion date, ect. So you pay in advance to have everything done in accordance to the agreement. Then, the contractor jacks around and doesn't get the work done. So you threaten to take him to court. Then suddenly he agrees and starts doing his part of the deal, even though the deal was made months ago.
Good question. To me it's kind of like this. You hire a contractor to put on a new roof. All the details are lined out....costs, type of roof, completion date, ect. So you pay in advance to have everything done in accordance to the agreement. Then, the contractor jacks around and doesn't get the work done. So you threaten to take him to court. Then suddenly he agrees and starts doing his part of the deal, even though the deal was made months ago.

P.S. That's racist.

P.S.S. Contractors are the absolute worst. Not a single one understand the concept of communication. Great at what they do, but a total crap shoot on getting it done.
And to pay for it, they're going to start taxing those citizens who choose not to have health Insurance. Wonder how those citizens feel about that?

As one of those citizens, I can tell you exactly how I feel about that. I am in my late 20s and an independent contractor who was very happy that the individual mandate was ending. Call it short sighted, but I really just don't feel the need for health insurance at this stage of my life (Im young and like to spend that money on stupid crap haha).

But now that Im a Californian that makes good money but doesn't pay for health insurance, I am now going to be taxed into paying for an illegal's health insurance. This state is beyond fixable.

I took my dad to a Giants game this weekend as a birthday gift. In the quarter mile walk from the parking lot to the stadium, we saw 3 piles of crap and a pile of trash that had multiple needles in it. Driving through San Fran, you see rows and rows of tents throughout the streets.

Yet instead of doing anything to try and fix the major cities of this state falling apart, they want to tax me to pay for illegals healthcare. I see Denver and the rest of Colorado is going super far left, so I won't move back there. I think Nashville looks like a solid place to live, may be there by the end of the year. My father has lived in Cali for the last 40 years, he is moving to his place up in Arizona for good with how bad Cali has gotten.
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Trump told CNBC that China has lost $15-$20 trillion in value since he was elected. China's entire economy is worth about $13 trillion and their GDP growth has remained steady since Trump took office.

Who feeds him this kind of info? Something like that is so easy to look up. He should focus on positives and say things that are actually true - unemployment for example. Just hammer that from now till 2020. Such a good story but he gets off on these tangents of made up stuff.
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Trump made Mexico send 6,000 troops to their border and start arresting illegals ASAP. Now they are nazi ass racists! Sad!

But...but...but...those are just dreeeeeaaaaaamers. Why are they arresting dreamers??? And what about the kids?!?!?!?111 Are the kids in cages in Mexico too??????1111

Nashville is one of my favorite cities. Great food, lots to do, climate is nice, etc.

Ya I moved to Denver for a few years and I loved it. I am big fan of the snow and I just loved Denver's smaller city kind of feel. But since I left 2 years ago, it seems like they have turned full blown Cali 2.0. Them trying to make it so homeless have the right to camp anywhere on public property and many other things.

Nashville seems like another good city with more of a small city vibe and ya the culture and food and all that seems like a cool place to spend a few years at.

Cali has just gotten out of control. Not even talking about the "progressives" or anything like that. Traffic is insane, it is unbelievably dirty everywhere, you go to any city and you are legit trying to dodge sleeping bums and crap on the sidewalks. Because of that, good luck trying to park anywhere, it feels like a 50/50 chance that your window is going to get broken into. Its horrible here now.
Ya I moved to Denver for a few years and I loved it. I am big fan of the snow and I just loved Denver's smaller city kind of feel. But since I left 2 years ago, it seems like they have turned full blown Cali 2.0. Them trying to make it so homeless have the right to camp anywhere on public property and many other things.

Nashville seems like another good city with more of a small city vibe and ya the culture and food and all that seems like a cool place to spend a few years at.

Cali has just gotten out of control. Not even talking about the "progressives" or anything like that. Traffic is insane, it is unbelievably dirty everywhere, you go to any city and you are legit trying to dodge sleeping bums and crap on the sidewalks. Because of that, good luck trying to park anywhere, it feels like a 50/50 chance that your window is going to get broken into. Its horrible here now.

If you're a bourbon guy, there is a great group of bourbon enthusiasts in Nashville too.
But...but...but...those are just dreeeeeaaaaaamers. Why are they arresting dreamers??? And what about the kids?!?!?!?111 Are the kids in cages in Mexico too??????1111


Yes, but Mexico cages are significantly less luxurious - no xbox, no tennis courts, no snack time, etc etc.

Trump told CNBC that China has lost $15-$20 trillion in value since he was elected. China's entire economy is worth about $13 trillion and their GDP growth has remained steady since Trump took office.

Who feeds him this kind of info? Something like that is so easy to look up. He should focus on positives and say things that are actually true - unemployment for example. Just hammer that from now till 2020. Such a good story but he gets off on these tangents of made up stuff.

Idk, but if Trump says one thing, and you say another, I'm believing Trump 10000%.
Ya I moved to Denver for a few years and I loved it. I am big fan of the snow and I just loved Denver's smaller city kind of feel. But since I left 2 years ago, it seems like they have turned full blown Cali 2.0. Them trying to make it so homeless have the right to camp anywhere on public property and many other things.

Nashville seems like another good city with more of a small city vibe and ya the culture and food and all that seems like a cool place to spend a few years at.

Cali has just gotten out of control. Not even talking about the "progressives" or anything like that. Traffic is insane, it is unbelievably dirty everywhere, you go to any city and you are legit trying to dodge sleeping bums and crap on the sidewalks. Because of that, good luck trying to park anywhere, it feels like a 50/50 chance that your window is going to get broken into. Its horrible here now.
I lived in San Diego for 9 years and moved to Idaho in 1995. My quality of life is so much better.

Only thing is you can't have the Devil's Lettuce. Our governor thinks that may attract scumbags and contribute to turning the place into another Portland/Seattle shithole. He may be right to some extent. It is the only freedom I can think of that we don't have.
Claiming you want to remake an economy sitting at 3% unemployment doesn't sound like a winning message

Seriously, if Im the Democrats I act like the Economy and Immigration aren't even political talking points. I would never even mention them once, because that is something Trump will destroy them on.

Its really hard to say anything negative about the Economy right now and no denying some of Trumps policies definitely have played a big part in that.

Immigration I hated how Trump essentially sat on his ass about it for the first year and half of his term. But since last winter the dude has gone all out on trying to fix it, even things like the latest deal with Mexico. You can debate the effectiveness of that all you want. But at least the dude is trying to make moves to improve it, even if its bit by bit. While the Dems are out there basically championing open borders.

If Im the Dems, I focus on healthcare and the climate. Im not saying I agree that they have better positions on either one of those things (especially climate). But those two are by far the two best policies for them when it comes to public perception. Healthcare is an easy win for them since it was clear as day the Reps had no clue what to do with healthcare once they got power to actually do something about it.
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How did a Dook fan from California end up on a UK political message board? :D

Well as a DUKE fan, gotta admit Rupp Rafters is by far the most active message board. Its the most popular political board that I have seen that has the Conservative majority. Wont lie a little conservative echo chamber is a refreshing change haha.

Got tired of every other political board when if someone posted a Ben Shapiro tweet, 9 out of the 10 responses would be. "Ha look at this idiot posting tweets from an actual far right Nazi". Let me get this one little echo chamber haha.
I lived in San Diego for 9 years and moved to Idaho in 1995. My quality of life is so much better.

Only thing is you can't have the Devil's Lettuce. Our governor thinks that may attract scumbags and contribute to turning the place into another Portland/Seattle shithole. He may be right to some extent. It is the only freedom I can think of that we don't have.

Turns out, living further away from “diversity” equates to a better way of life, no violent crime, and homelessness isn’t an issue.
I lived in San Diego for 9 years and moved to Idaho in 1995. My quality of life is so much better.

Only thing is you can't have the Devil's Lettuce. Our governor thinks that may attract scumbags and contribute to turning the place into another Portland/Seattle shithole. He may be right to some extent. It is the only freedom I can think of that we don't have.

I love Idaho. Have a good friend who lives in Boise. Lots of Mormons up there, it’s like a mini Utah.

I’ve been to both Portland and Seattle in the last year and both are fantastic. If you consider them shitholes, I’d like to see your definition of a nice city.

Of cities I’ve been to, the first that come to mind when I hear “shithole” are Newark, Cleveland, Milwaukee. Of course, every one of those is Nirvana compared to the third world. We have a different definition of shithole here.
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Don't see the climate thing working:

Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its ‘Gone by 2020’ Signs

Again I don't think they're right on the subjects. Just saying those two issues they poll far better than republicans do.

If Im Trump I talk nonstop economy, how they have handled ISIS, prison reform, and the last big push he has done for immigration the last 6 months and the complete push back from the Dems he has gotten.

If Im the Dems I focus on healthcare and climate. Again those are their two best areas of polling.

Both need to avoid abortion, it seems like the vast vast majority are fine with 1st term abortion. But when you get to no abortion or 9 month abortion, you are only pleasing the extremes on both sides.
I love Idaho. Have a good friend who lives in Boise. Lots of Mormons up there, it’s like a mini Utah.

I’ve been to both Portland and Seattle in the last year and both are fantastic. If you consider them shitholes, I’d like to see your definition of a nice city.

Of cities I’ve been to, the first that come to mind when I hear “shithole” are Newark, Cleveland, Milwaukee. Of course, every one of those is Nirvana compared to the third world. We have a different definition of shithole here.
I was in Oregon last fall. Stayed in Hood River and thought it was very nice. Drove into downtown Portland and coluldn't believe how bad it has become. Homeless everywhere, passed out on sidewalks, piles of trash everywhere, tents, ... just a f**king shithole! I wouldn't park anywhere in that place and walk around. Car would probably be missing wheels when you got back, assuming you made it back. So I don't know wtf you are talking about. The people who owned the hotel I stayed at in the gorge warned me not to go there.

Maybe Cleveland is worse, I know it's really bad, but a shithole is a shithole, and Portland IS A F**KING SHITHOLE!
I love Idaho. Have a good friend who lives in Boise. Lots of Mormons up there, it’s like a mini Utah.

I’ve been to both Portland and Seattle in the last year and both are fantastic. If you consider them shitholes, I’d like to see your definition of a nice city.

Of cities I’ve been to, the first that come to mind when I hear “shithole” are Newark, Cleveland, Milwaukee. Of course, every one of those is Nirvana compared to the third world. We have a different definition of shithole here.

Ya Ive been to both, got friends just outside of Portland (Hood River) so Ive been there a good amount. I wouldnt consider them shitholes, super progressive for sure and not the funnest cities to live in if you're conservative. I live right next to Santa Cruz, its like a small costal version of Portland. Super progressive and very proud about how weird they are. But not a shithole.

LA, is a shithole. The surrounding cities are nice like Irvine, Malibu, Newport, Hills and so on. But LA itself, its disgusting, dirty and pretty damn dangerous. San Fran same thing. Nothing but hills of crappy houses and apartments squished together, so it looks like the slums before the buildings fall apart. And now every other street is essentially a homeless camp. And its not just the outside parts either, I had meetings up in the financial district (the fancy part of downtown) for a week. Every night leaving the building (around 9pm), you are literally zig zagging on the sidewalks dodging the bums past out. San Fran has become a shithole.
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I was in Oregon last fall. Stayed in Hood River and thought it was very nice. Drove into downtown Portland and coluldn't believe how bad it has become. Homeless everywhere, passed out on sidewalks, piles of trash everywhere, tents, ... just a f**king shithole! I wouldn't park anywhere in that place and walk around. Car would probably be missing wheels when you got back, assuming you made it back. So I don't know wtf you are talking about. The people who owned the hotel I stayed at in the gorge warned me not to go there.

Maybe Cleveland is worse, I know it's really bad, but a shithole is a shithole, and Portland IS A F**KING SHITHOLE!

I stayed at a downtown Marriott. I don’t recall seeing any homeless. If you want to search that out, you can find a rough part of every city. Vancouver is one of the nicest cities in North America but it also contains maybe the worst street in North America for drugs and homelessness. That doesn’t make it a shithole.
I love Idaho. Have a good friend who lives in Boise. Lots of Mormons up there, it’s like a mini Utah.

I’ve been to both Portland and Seattle in the last year and both are fantastic. If you consider them shitholes, I’d like to see your definition of a nice city.

Of cities I’ve been to, the first that come to mind when I hear “shithole” are Newark, Cleveland, Milwaukee. Of course, every one of those is Nirvana compared to the third world. We have a different definition of shithole here.
Yea, Portland great with all the antifas the screw over normal people. KMA on that one.
I was in Oregon last fall. Stayed in Hood River and thought it was very nice. Drove into downtown Portland and coluldn't believe how bad it has become. Homeless everywhere, passed out on sidewalks, piles of trash everywhere, tents, ... just a f**king shithole! I wouldn't park anywhere in that place and walk around. Car would probably be missing wheels when you got back, assuming you made it back. So I don't know wtf you are talking about. The people who owned the hotel I stayed at in the gorge warned me not to go there.

Maybe Cleveland is worse, I know it's really bad, but a shithole is a shithole, and Portland IS A F**KING SHITHOLE!
Mini LA/SF
This is another reason you ****ing right wingers drive me nuts. Half of you have never been to the places you call Antifa strongholds. Get out and travel and you’ll see that there’s a lot of beautiful country outside of Appalachia. Jesus Christ.
This is another reason you ****ing right wingers drive me nuts. Half of you have never been to the places you call Antifa strongholds. Get out and travel and you’ll see that there’s a lot of beautiful country outside of Appalachia. Jesus Christ.
So two people on here make some comments about Portland and all right wingers drive you nuts? Take your meds dude.