How will they rule ??!

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You are definitely brain dead. Trade deficit rose 11% year to year and that is a win? you are comedy gold. ..
** We interrupt another silly-ass comment to bring you the following special report **

Markets can cheer: China appears to finally be addressing its US trade surplus.
Beijing is turning the trade leaf: Its merchandise trade surplus with the U.S. is down at an annual rate of 10% in the first four months of this year. On current trends, that surplus could fall 24% in 2019.....

** We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ("Leftist Loons Everywhere") already in progress. **
There was an interesting piece on rare earth metals and China last night. US, for reasons unknown got out of the rare earth business and sold to China in the mid to late 90’s, right before the tech boom.

That’s not stupidity on our part, or blind luck for China, that’s treasonous shit.

We are now attempting to get back in the rare earth business.
** We interrupt another silly-ass comment to bring you the following special report **

Markets can cheer: China appears to finally be addressing its US trade surplus.
Beijing is turning the trade leaf: Its merchandise trade surplus with the U.S. is down at an annual rate of 10% in the first four months of this year. On current trends, that surplus could fall 24% in 2019.....

** We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ("Leftist Loons Everywhere") already in progress. **
Slightly OT but related:

If you buy the "Trump dips" (whenever he complains about something: trade, etc) you can do quite well in this market.
It was purchased in Canada but imported from Bangladesh.

I think 420 bro is mostly an act, and not a particularly good one, so I don't much bother with him. RQ is too long winded, and apparently has some sort of negative financial situation with the board that precedes me, but I don't see him as being "out there." I must have the rest of them blocked. I have called out the far left many times on here, especially as it relates to abortion, taxes, and immigration. I'm also not a fan of Muslims in the slightest.

Conversely, I see a lot of crazy shit on here from some righties that I won't name but probably know who they are. I like Willy because he seems like he'd be a fun guy to hang around with. There are several moderate republicans on the board as best I can tell. Like I said, it's just a numbers game. I despise the fringes of both parties, but there are a bunch of fringe righties here.

So basically, hyperbole vs. Verifiable looney toons.

Yea he had the state department rerelease news from 6 months ago and call it a win! When he just publicly admits that he was to pussy to apply the tariffs and caved, then he can finally get some recognition. The smartest move he has made his entire presidency was to back down and he is to proud to admit that's what he did. And now he is pretending there is secret parts of the deal that he is just waiting to reveal later! Genius move! You sheep just eat up his bullshit.

Friday’s joint declaration says Mexico agreed to the “deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.” But the Mexican government had already pledged to do that in March during secret talks in Miami between Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, and Olga Sanchez, the Mexican secretary of the interior, the officials said.

The centerpiece of Mr. Trump’s deal was an expansion of a program to allow asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal cases proceed. But that arrangement was reached in December in a pair of painstakingly negotiated diplomatic notes that the two countries exchanged. Ms. Nielsen announced the Migrant Protection Protocols during a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee five days before Christmas.

Straight owned.

Already arresting migrants, already freezing assets, already beefing up border security. and they are passing s portion of the agreement thru their congress.

Just fricken take your beating like a man. If only you knew how.

Granted, it’s only a handful of posters, but a few examples.

- a pro life poster saying he’d be fine with every pregnant democrat having an abortion
- the notion that anyone who doesn’t like trump or disagrees with him should leave the country
- believing that every democrat is an anti American, traitorous person
- I pointed this out above, but the opinion that anything in the media that doesn’t indicate that Trump is perfect must be “fake news.”

I’ve said this before, but almost every one of my friends is a republican who voted for Trump, but they’re all sane. They know I’m a democrat but they don’t care. I think most of the poster here are a lot like those friends, but there are definitely a few weirdos here.

Youre basically a republican.. Just don't want to admit it bc you like to be different. Your major hangup from admitting to your self that youre way mote right leaning than left is religion. You dont have to be religious to be MAGA, you hoser. Youre most definitely fiscally conservative. Middle of the aisle on social issues. So whats more important to you..your money.. or if @Platinumdrgn and @Levibooty can have their local baker bake them a cake for their big day?
I agree. Politicians carefully mold themselves to suit the temperature of the room.

The Mid 90s through 2008 campaign Hillary was more moderate on almost all major issues.

You're right, liberals did seem hesitant to put a woman through to the general back in 08. They weren't too high on Sarah Palin in the WH either. They weren't Michele Bachman fans either.

Spitfire "I'm not some Tammy Wynette..." Hillary with her moderate mid 90s thoughts on guns, immigration, NAFTA, marriage, abortion, etc. would have won by epic proportions.
Much of your post verifies something I have long observed...the biggest difference between most liberals and conservatives is 25-30 years. The conservative mouthpieces of the mid 90s and 2008 called Hillary a left wing liberal then too. Come 20 yrs from now there will be few conservatives worried about gay marriage or someone’s sexual orientation.

As for Palin and Bachman...liberals didn’t have problems with them because they were women, they had problems with them because they were Tea Party conservatives.
You seem like a pretty bright guy. Surely I don’t need to explain the difference between single payer HC and full blown socialism to you, right?

You seem like a pretty bright guy. Surely the socialist will realize they have reached utopia when they nationalize 1/7 of the economy. No other sectors of the economy will need to follow suit.

This is an old chart, but I can't see that Canada would have made any strides in research the last decade either.


That Thatcher quote, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money" , couldn't be more true here. Canada is so insignificant, it doesn't make the chart. Canada healthcare is living free off of the phama innovations of the rest of the world.

Whenever we go single payer, that big blue massive chunk will be a sliver like the rest.

Whatevs, you won't bother to pay attention until it affects you directly.
You seem like a pretty bright guy. Surely the socialist will realize they have reached utopia when they nationalize 1/7 of the economy. No other sectors of the economy will need to follow suit.

This is an old chart, but I can't see that Canada would have made any strides in research the last decade either.


That Thatcher quote, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples' money" , couldn't be more true here. Canada is so insignificant, it doesn't make the chart. Canada healthcare is living free off of the phama innovations of the rest of the world.

Whenever we go single payer, that big blue massive chunk will be a sliver like the rest.

Whatevs, you won't bother to pay attention until it affects you directly.
This needs to pinned and reposted everytime some moron brings up universal healthcare or socialism in general.

Edit: as if they'd understand it lol.

A judge has ruled that a class-action lawsuit filed by two former Google employees claiming discrimination on the basis of gender, race and political bias can move forward, and an attorney representing the plaintiffs told "Fox & Friends" that Google has been making every effort to impede the case.

Attorney Harmeet Dhillon represents ex-engineer James Damore and another plaintiff who claim that they were fired from Google because they are white and Asian men who support conservative politicians like President Trump.

Most recently, Google tried to argue that they could not gather the hiring information requested by the former employees' legal team because millions of people apply to the company and it would be an "impossible task," according to Dhillon.

We manage the worlds most advanced cookie tracking and web analytics platform but our own employment applications are too much for us.

Nice defense.
** We interrupt another silly-ass comment to bring you the following special report **

Markets can cheer: China appears to finally be addressing its US trade surplus.
Beijing is turning the trade leaf: Its merchandise trade surplus with the U.S. is down at an annual rate of 10% in the first four months of this year. On current trends, that surplus could fall 24% in 2019.....

** We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming ("Leftist Loons Everywhere") already in progress. **
Excuse me, but if the annual rate is -10%, at the end of year ON CURRENT TRENDS - - 10% - it will be -10% not - 24%.
Honest question: Can someone tell me why it's a big deal that Trump and Co. *may* have had this deal with Mexico largely worked-out (but not signed) months ago? Why does it matter when the details were ironed out? Why does it matter that he maybe didn't get this done until after the tariffs? Sounds to me like Meixco was pussy-footing and Trump him with that 1-2 Tariffs punch, forcing their hand.

What am I missing? Why is this such a big deal?
Honest question: Can someone tell me why it's a big deal that Trump and Co. *may* have had this deal with Mexico largely worked-out (but not signed) months ago? Why does it matter when the details were ironed out? Why does it matter that he maybe didn't get this done until after the tariffs? Sounds to me like Meixco was pussy-footing and Trump him with that 1-2 Tariffs punch, forcing their hand.

What am I missing? Why is this such a big deal?
Of course it's no big deal, but it's all they've got. And their base is so GD stupid (see platinum) that they are satisfied with any excuse to continue justifying their OMB (orange man bad) hatred.