How will they rule ??!

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Ol Joe don't miss a chance does he...…sneaky bastid

Let this sink in. Rq/fuzz doesn't want good border security. He only wants to sit on his loft and criticize. He's your typical smarmy lib douche bag that runs with a holier than thou attitude and doesn't seem to understand that everyone sees him as stupid but yet thinks of himself as smarter than everyone else.
Wants the economy to crash, the crisis at the border to continue, and NK to set off missiles to make DT look bad....but super defensive of Obama's religion and birthplace.
Exactly what does “assimilate into the American culture” mean?
What is the timetable to meet that requirement and who is the arbiter that makes that determination?

I ask because I know of plenty of native born Americans that live culturally quite different from me and from others in that group.
And where are these native born Americans you know? Do they use electricity? Do they watch TV? Do they raise 100% of their food? Do they use U.S. currency to buy goods or beaver skins? The American Indian is a part of American culture. Even the Seminole and they are the only ones to never sign a peace treaty. Do you know a single American Indian that can not speak English? They read and write the English language and they are fully integrated into our society. Of course they have their customs and they should but don't act like they are some separate group out there in no man's land who are still barbaric.
Exactly what does “assimilate into the American culture” mean?
What is the timetable to meet that requirement and who is the arbiter that makes that determination?

I ask because I know of plenty of native born Americans that live culturally quite different from me and from others in that group.
If you are born in America you are native American, did you know that? You assimilate when you become a naturalized citizen for those that are not, did you know that?

Those who wish to become Americans must go through the process legally and after doing so must contribute by working and paying into not taking from the system.
If you are born in America you are native American, did you know that? You assimilate when you become a naturalized citizen for those that are not, did you know that?

Those who wish to become Americans must go through the process legally and after doing so must contribute by working and paying into not taking from the system.
Warrior, she did not know that.
If you are born in America you are native American, did you know that? You assimilate when you become a naturalized citizen for those that are not, did you know that?

Those who wish to become Americans must go through the process legally and after doing so must contribute by working and paying into not taking from the system.

I didn't realize that 16 different dysfunctional tribes at war with each other constitutes a government.

Muslims in Europe= Good
English in early America=Bad
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This is where I fall on climate. The only constant throughout history is that it's always changing. The current sample size is too small to make a definitive determination on whether or not we are causing anything to worsen.

Climate change is a lot like religion. People latch onto them despite the lack of any evidence or reality based events. Both sides take the "but what if you are wrong?" approach. I'm not really into what ifs. I'm alive, one day I'll die, and that's it. Driving an electric car isn't gonna change that.
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One sure way to flag fake news on Twitter is when the person tweeting uses any sort of capitalized adjective, especially when followed by an exclamation point.


All telltale signs that the linked story is almost certainly bullshit.

Zero followers, following zero people, makes their banner Nazis and his first post is about gassing Jews?

Not obvious at all. Haha
This is where I fall on climate. The only constant throughout history is that it's always changing. The current sample size is too small to make a definitive determination on whether or not we are causing anything to worsen.

Climate change is a lot like religion. People latch onto them despite the lack of any evidence or reality based events. Both sides take the "but what if you are wrong?" approach. I'm not really into what ifs. I'm alive, one day I'll die, and that's it. Driving an electric car isn't gonna change that.
What I don’t get is, they can tell what’s going to happen in 12 years but they can’t tell me for sure what the weekend will be like.
Let this sink in. Rq/fuzz doesn't want good border security. He only wants to sit on his loft and criticize. He's your typical smarmy lib douche bag that runs with a holier than thou attitude and doesn't seem to understand that everyone sees him as stupid but yet thinks of himself as smarter than everyone else.
Typical foolish, self-righteous leftist douchebag. It's like they all took a hard head shot as a baby and phucked up their brain circuits. Incurable, but sometimes controllable with a daily ass kicking.
Now finish the wall at our border and change our illegal immigration laws, then we can assure that the problem is solved for now and the future without having to again threaten Mexico into helping save our ass.

Common f**king sense. Yet leftists like Schumer still only want to play political games to pander to their commie base.
If you click on the document link it is a copy of the agreement the state department released. Which is a complete joke of absolutely no substance. Its basically the same thing Trump released after the NK summit. "We promise to do something to fix something and work really well together". The WH didn't want the fallout of having to actually follow through with the tariffs and came up with a typical politicians agreement of long winded nothingness.
Again you don't get it. It is working. They are at least talking and I will bet they will take real action. You have proved nothing other than you have TDS. Get help son.
Dude, a birth certificate regardless if it is a certificate of live birth as some states called it or whatever is a piece of paper. It “proves” nothing. Hell, my father-in-law was born at home and his parents didn’t even register his birth until he was like 6 yrs old, his sister was born and they realized they hadn’t. On top of that the hand writing on the certificate was so bad that when the state put the records onto digital media his birthday was incorrectly transcribed. So today since everything is dependent on “what’s in the computer” his “birthday” is in September, not April like he has celebrated it the last 83 yrs.
Wrong, birth certificates have 7 major pieces of information that proves you were born where you were born and who you are to be considered legit along with seals and authenticating marks.
Wrong, birth certificates have 7 major pieces of information that proves you were born where you were born and who you are to be considered legit along with seals and authenticating marks.

Rq/fuzz knows everything about everything.
Birth certs

Knows everything.