How will they rule ??!

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Not a birther but never understood why asking to see a birth certificate is racist when age and birth location are the only constitutional requirements to hold the office.

Who actually checks if a candidate is eligible to be president? I was curious about Ted Cruz as well.
Birth certificates are used all of the time to prove citizenship. I wonder if they have ever heard of a passport. Can't get one without proof of citizenship.
It's funny conservatives saying this is some huge win for Trump. Like Mexico has any power to police their border. You can bribe the entire Mexican army for 100$. He once again manufactured a crisis and got some politicians to make a announcement that we are just supposed to believe will actually happen. Are we going to pay Mexico to do this? Cause the cartels have 100billion in cash just sitting around and they will sure as shit keep using it to bring and kill everyone. When border detentions are still going up next month does the tarriff threat start over?
It's funny conservatives saying this is some huge win for Trump. Like Mexico has any power to police their border. You can bribe the entire Mexican army for 100$. He once again manufactured a crisis and got some politicians to make a announcement that we are just supposed to believe will actually happen. Are we going to pay Mexico to do this? Cause the cartels have 100billion in cash just sitting around and they will sure as shit keep using it to bring and kill everyone. When border detentions are still going up next month does the tarriff threat start over?
They seem to do well when they try to keep people out who are trying to get in illegally to stay. You know, like put them in prison for a spell.
I'm not defending anything.

Not changing the subject either.

Actually stayed right on topic of Presidents and or candidates with service, or lack thereof, records.

Not sure posing a question makes anyone coward, once again you have confused curiosity with something else.

You do realize there is not a service requirement to be eligible to run for office?

In fact, I'm quite certain liberals would scream bloody murder if only Military leaders could put their name in the hat to run the country...I remember when you all weren't fanboys and girls of John Mcain for that very reason..."War Hawk this and Obama, the guy who didn't serve..."

There hasn’t been a Dem President who served in the military since Carter. They ran Kerry but he lost. The stats for presidents with military service is fascinating with how it goes in streams. Weirdly, three of our last four haven’t served in the military.

I’d be in favor of mandatory military service to be president. I say that as a Trump supporter. I’d also be in favor of bringing back the draft.
There hasn’t been a Dem President who served in the military since Carter. They ran Kerry but he lost. The stats for presidents with military service is fascinating with how it goes in streams. Weirdly, three of our last four haven’t served in the military.

I’d be in favor of mandatory military service to be president. I say that as a Trump supporter. I’d also be in favor of bringing back the draft.
I should be the next president. My first order would be to sign an executive order to deport all Canucks who support the leftist view. Is it not enough that we have to be defended on one of our flanks by a flaming cuck nation?
I love Trump. But he should've lined the entire border with military. Pretty angry. Every illegal regardless of woman or child should be shot dead. You don't see that kinda bullshit in muslim country
I have been saying for a long time that we would save money simply by using the military for border security. Fire on all invaders. Anyone trying to come in illegally should be viewed as an invader.
Anybody notice how the left is not so eager to describe our ancestors in WWII as Nazis? In today’s era with more opportunity than ever for people of all flavors of life, they constantly lament about the persistence of white supremacy. If white supremacy is nazism and white supremicists defeated the Nazis, then Nazis defeated Nazis. And thus, WWII was a Nazis civil war.

But when compared to actual Nazis, it seems to be easy to differentiate them from our gay hating, trans-discriminating, Jim Crow loving ancestors. It’s as if reality is more complicated than “lol Nazis!”

Of course, they won’t state that because it’s not politically expedient. The current iteration of anti-racism is purely a political weapon. They change the definition of emotionally charged words and then use them like a cudgel in colloquial discussion. And really, the primary target of their ire is capitalism. All lamentations can be traced back to that.
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Anybody notice how the left is not so eager to describe our ancestors in WWII as Nazis? In today’s era with more opportunity than ever for people of all flavors of life, they constantly lament about the persistence of white supremacy. If white supremacy is nazism and white supremicists defeated the Nazis, then Nazis defeated Nazis. And thus, WWII was a Nazis civil war.

But when compared to actual Nazis, it seems to be easy to differentiate them our gay hating, trans-discriminationg, Jim Crow loving ancestors. It’s as if reality is more complicated than “lol Nazis!”

Of course, they won’t state that because it’s not politically expedient. The current iteration of anti-racism is purely a political weapon. They change the definition of emotionally charged words and then use them like a cudgel in colloquial discussion. And really, the primary target of their ire is capitalism. All lamentations can be traced back to that.

Goddamn. One of my favorite posters. Not sure if he is being sarcastic. Fatguy.
Satan loves ya, man. *fist bumps
Think about that for a moment. You are considered disrespectful if you call a person by his name. A name he adopted and chose. When McCain called out Bill Cunningham over this I knew he did not have what it takes to be President and I knew he was going to get beat. He should have embraced what Cunningham said and not turn off a large portion of his base by acting like Tiny Tim tip toeing through the tulips. But he didn't and we end up with Obama and racism for 8 years.

McCain more than likely refused to criticize Obama in part because he knew it would result in the race card being pulled Fast and Furious. Oh wait. That’s another topic.
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LMFAO! This is the agreement they came to. Mexico commits to take unprecedented steps! And they commit to joint cooperation! They will take decisive action!
Jesus Christ, it's like they asked some idiot to use every adjective they could think of but not actually lay out any real action. Politics at it's finest level of bullshit.

LMFAO! This is the agreement they came to. Mexico commits to take unprecedented steps! And they commit to joint cooperation! They will take decisive action!
Jesus Christ, it's like they asked some idiot to use every adjective they could think of but not actually lay out any real action. Politics at it's finest level of bullshit.


“Over the past decade, the baseline attitudes expressed by white liberals on racial and social justice questions have become radically more liberal. In one especially telling example of the broader trend, white liberals recently became the only demographic group in America to display a pro-outgroup bias—meaning that among all the different groups surveyed white liberals were the only one that expressed a preference for other racial and ethnic communities above their own.

As woke ideology has accelerated, a growing faction of white liberals have pulled away from the average opinions held by the rest of the coalition of Democratic voters—including minority groups in the party. The revolution in moral sentiment among this one segment of American voters has led to a cascade of consequences ranging from changes in the norms and attitudes expressed in media and popular culture, to the adoption of new political rhetoric and electoral strategies of the Democratic Party.”
I just finished assembling a new lower this afternoon. Needed one to house a Geissele SSA-E trigger I got on sale a few weeks ago. Very nice trigger.

All my AR shit is home builds and they work well, but I'm thinking seriously about buying a Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 next.
Dude! I nearly said "eff it", and attended gunsmith training out in Colorado -- course conducted by former gunsmiths for US Olympic Team (think immortal Lones Wigger gunsmiths). I was on my second stint at UK back then. In between US Army duty. $ called, and ex-wife pregnant with current daughter. Loves me some high-speed trigger work. Still own, but have not fired my Remington 788 chambered .308 cal in years. Quickest lock-time in the world back then. That rifle is still sacred and put up for emergencies. Love my old Colt AR-15 Match. Also not fired in over 20 years. I got digital. Forgot where I came from. Great shit.
Dude! I nearly said "eff it", and attended gunsmith training out in Colorado -- course conducted by former gunsmiths for US Olympic Team (think immortal Lones Wigger gunsmiths). I was on my second stint at UK back then. In between US Army duty. $ called, and ex-wife pregnant with current daughter. Loves me some high-speed trigger work. Still own, but have not fired my Remington 788 chambered .308 cal in years. Quickest lock-time in the world back then. That rifle is still sacred and put up for emergencies. Love my old Colt AR-15 Match. Also not fired in over 20 years. I got digital. Forgot where I came from. Great shit.
Got a 1963 model 88 in pristine condition you would love
Dude! I nearly said "eff it", and attended gunsmith training out in Colorado -- course conducted by former gunsmiths for US Olympic Team (think immortal Lones Wigger gunsmiths). I was on my second stint at UK back then. In between US Army duty. $ called, and ex-wife pregnant with current daughter. Loves me some high-speed trigger work. Still own, but have not fired my Remington 788 chambered .308 cal in years. Quickest lock-time in the world back then. That rifle is still sacred and put up for emergencies. Love my old Colt AR-15 Match. Also not fired in over 20 years. I got digital. Forgot where I came from. Great shit.
I did/do the digital thing too. Spent 10s thousands on musical gear and woodworking shit over many years, but when electric guitar became no longer a weapon of mass destruction, I got bored with it started getting into guns. I'm no gunsmith, but as you know, you don't need to be to assemble America's rifle. Take that Colt to the range ... or send it to me and I'll keep it running for you!

LMFAO! This is the agreement they came to. Mexico commits to take unprecedented steps! And they commit to joint cooperation! They will take decisive action!
Jesus Christ, it's like they asked some idiot to use every adjective they could think of but not actually lay out any real action. Politics at it's finest level of bullshit.
What is your point? You link a couple of article's after it has already been proven here that Tariffs work. Not unlike the Russian collusion stories, once it was settled that no collusion happened you and the other idiots continued to push the Russian collusion story. Are you so desperate and petty that you (like booty) needs to flood this thread with lies for your own sanity. TDS is one bad disease.

Liberalism and TDS go together like HIV and homosexuality. Get help son.
What is your point? You link a couple of article's after it has already been proven here that Tariffs work. Not unlike the Russian collusion stories, once it was settled that no collusion happened you and the other idiots continued to push the Russian collusion story. Are you so desperate and petty that you (like booty) needs to flood this thread with lies for your own sanity. TDS is one bad disease.

Liberalism and TDS go together like HIV and homosexuality. Get help son.
Truth. These people are sick in the head to a point of being dangerous to society.
What is your point? You link a couple of article's after it has already been proven here that Tariffs work. Not unlike the Russian collusion stories, once it was settled that no collusion happened you and the other idiots continued to push the Russian collusion story. Are you so desperate and petty that you (like booty) needs to flood this thread with lies for your own sanity. TDS is one bad disease.

Liberalism and TDS go together like HIV and homosexuality. Get help son.
If you click on the document link it is a copy of the agreement the state department released. Which is a complete joke of absolutely no substance. Its basically the same thing Trump released after the NK summit. "We promise to do something to fix something and work really well together". The WH didn't want the fallout of having to actually follow through with the tariffs and came up with a typical politicians agreement of long winded nothingness.
This is what we got from threatening our most important trade partner. A bunch of words that mean nothing.

The United States and Mexico met this week to address the shared challenges of irregular migration, to include the entry of migrants into the United States in violation of U.S. law. Given the dramatic increase in migrants moving from Central America through Mexico to the United States, both countries recognize the vital importance of rapidly resolving the humanitarian emergency and security situation. The Governments of the United States and Mexico will work together to immediately implement a durable solution.

As a result of these discussions, the United States and Mexico commit to:

Mexican Enforcement Surge

Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border. Mexico is also taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks. Additionally, the United States and Mexico commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including information sharing and coordinated actions to better protect and secure our common border.

Migrant Protection Protocols

The United States will immediately expand the implementation of the existing Migrant Protection Protocols across its entire Southern Border. This means that those crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their asylum claims.

In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare and education according to its principles.

The United States commits to work to accelerate the adjudication of asylum claims and to conclude removal proceedings as expeditiously as possible.

Further Actions

Both parties also agree that, in the event the measures adopted do not have the expected results, they will take further actions. Therefore, the United States and Mexico will continue their discussions on the terms of additional understandings to address irregular migrant flows and asylum issues, to be completed and announced within 90 days, if necessary.

Ongoing Regional Strategy

The United States and Mexico reiterate their previous statement of December 18, 2018, that both countries recognize the strong links between promoting development and economic growth in southern Mexico and the success of promoting prosperity, good governance and security in Central America. The United States and Mexico welcome the Comprehensive Development Plan launched by the Government of Mexico in concert with the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to promote these goals. The United States and Mexico will lead in working with regional and international partners to build a more prosperous and secure Central America to address the underlying causes of migration, so that citizens of the region can build better lives for themselves and their families at home.
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I should be the next president. My first order would be to sign an executive order to deport all Canucks who support the leftist view. Is it not enough that we have to be defended on one of our flanks by a flaming cuck nation?
Well, he can’t vote, so his view is just that. He’s pretty harmless.
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Got a 1963 model 88 in pristine condition you would love
Oh yaus, yausss, Yaussssss. Those make simply adorable buttplugs, darling. Stick it up your ass and pull the trigger. Just make sure you put one of those little brass, dick shaped cartridges in the chamber first.
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There hasn’t been a Dem President who served in the military since Carter. They ran Kerry but he lost. The stats for presidents with military service is fascinating with how it goes in streams. Weirdly, three of our last four haven’t served in the military.

I’d be in favor of mandatory military service to be president. I say that as a Trump supporter. I’d also be in favor of bringing back the draft.
For years I've advocated having a two year minimum service requirement for all kids upon leaving hs. I've encountered countless 18 yolds that have no idea of what they want or how to get it. They go to college because that's all they know to do...then waste the money, drop-out, etc....
Require two years. Then, if we wanted to find a way of offering some sort of GI Bill plan for post military education, I'd be for it. With two years maturity, work and experience, they'd come back better able to make good, life impacting decisions.
Even if we had to pay increased taxes for this, I'd support it.
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For years I've advocated having a two year minimum service requirement for all kids upon leaving hs. I've encountered countless 18 yolds that have no idea of what they want or how to get it. They go to college because that's all they know to do...then waste the money, drop-out, etc....
Require two years. Then, if we wanted to find a way of offering some sort of GI Bill plan for post military education, I'd be for it. With two years maturity, work and experience, they'd come back better able to make good, life impacting decisions.
Even if we had to pay increased taxes for this, I'd support it.
Can you imagine the outrage and the protests there would be?
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Can you imagine the outrage and the protests there would be?
Probably means it's a good idea. Once read a book in which the author advocated changing the military and expanding its functions. A portion would still be dedicated to defense but there would be other functions that were humanitarian in nature such as education, construction, feeding the hungry, spreading pro-American good will.