How will they rule ??!

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For years I've advocated having a two year minimum service requirement for all kids upon leaving hs. I've encountered countless 18 yolds that have no idea of what they want or how to get it. They go to college because that's all they know to do...then waste the money, drop-out, etc....
Require two years. Then, if we wanted to find a way of offering some sort of GI Bill plan for post military education, I'd be for it. With two years maturity, work and experience, they'd come back better able to make good, life impacting decisions.
Even if we had to pay increased taxes for this, I'd support it.
I like this idea. I grew up in an age where all males faced the draft and we did not have a lottery. You could get a four year deferment by going to college but it was for four years. I went to college and graduated in four years but during my senior year I got a letter from the draft board reminding me my four year deferment was up at the end of the semester. Not that I was being drafted but I was on the list. This meant I could not get a permanent job with any employer until I had my military obligation behind me. So I graduated and went into the Army. No big deal. I became a man and when I was discharged jobs were plentiful so I picked the one I want to use as a career. I knew what I wanted.

Everybody does not have to go into the military. You can spend two years doing community service. Wouldn't it be nice to have a civilian program to clean up California. Get rid of the garbage in the streets, fumigate their inner cities and get rid of the diseases that have come into our country due to our inability to control the Southern border. I am sure all good liberals would be more than willing to offer two years of service for the good of that community. A win, win
Probably means it's a good idea. Once read a book in which the author advocated changing the military and expanding its functions. A portion would still be dedicated to defense but there would be other functions that were humanitarian in nature such as education, construction, feeding the hungry, spreading pro-American good will.
All for it but would never see the light of day.
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This is what we got from threatening our most important trade partner. A bunch of words that mean nothing.

The United States and Mexico met this week to address the shared challenges of irregular migration, to include the entry of migrants into the United States in violation of U.S. law. Given the dramatic increase in migrants moving from Central America through Mexico to the United States, both countries recognize the vital importance of rapidly resolving the humanitarian emergency and security situation. The Governments of the United States and Mexico will work together to immediately implement a durable solution.

As a result of these discussions, the United States and Mexico commit to:

Mexican Enforcement Surge

Mexico will take unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border. Mexico is also taking decisive action to dismantle human smuggling and trafficking organizations as well as their illicit financial and transportation networks. Additionally, the United States and Mexico commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation, including information sharing and coordinated actions to better protect and secure our common border.

Migrant Protection Protocols

The United States will immediately expand the implementation of the existing Migrant Protection Protocols across its entire Southern Border. This means that those crossing the U.S. Southern Border to seek asylum will be rapidly returned to Mexico where they may await the adjudication of their asylum claims.

In response, Mexico will authorize the entrance of all of those individuals for humanitarian reasons, in compliance with its international obligations, while they await the adjudication of their asylum claims. Mexico will also offer jobs, healthcare and education according to its principles.

The United States commits to work to accelerate the adjudication of asylum claims and to conclude removal proceedings as expeditiously as possible.

Further Actions

Both parties also agree that, in the event the measures adopted do not have the expected results, they will take further actions. Therefore, the United States and Mexico will continue their discussions on the terms of additional understandings to address irregular migrant flows and asylum issues, to be completed and announced within 90 days, if necessary.

Ongoing Regional Strategy

The United States and Mexico reiterate their previous statement of December 18, 2018, that both countries recognize the strong links between promoting development and economic growth in southern Mexico and the success of promoting prosperity, good governance and security in Central America. The United States and Mexico welcome the Comprehensive Development Plan launched by the Government of Mexico in concert with the Governments of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to promote these goals. The United States and Mexico will lead in working with regional and international partners to build a more prosperous and secure Central America to address the underlying causes of migration, so that citizens of the region can build better lives for themselves and their families at home.
Name one president in the last 50 years that has even tried to address this problem. Nothing he does will ever satisfy your ilk so we don't even concern our self with what the opposition party says. Your side openly pulls for President Trump to fail and each time he wins you go into deep depression caused by TDS.. We have a president that will face issues with strength and courage even if half of his own party is not with him. And he wins. We know that there are many senators in the GOP that want cheap Mexican labor and open borders. They will never get on the Trump train but so be it. The people that count will. And Trump will win in 2020.
Sometimes the good guys win.

For the longest time, you never heard of anyone winning a libel/slander case. It gives hope for the Covington kid. Punitive damages will be decided next week and could triple the award. This site has been following this case from the beginning and there are many interesting stories linked.

Somebody's tuition is about to go up.

VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College


"The short version of this story is that the day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson's Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson's had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson's was not engaged in racial profiling.

But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson's was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson's was "racist" and had "a long account of racial profiling and discrimination." The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo allegedly participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson's "has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike." The college administration allegedly helped spread this student senate resolution.

Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.
Gibson's and its owners sued the college and Raimondo for libel, tortious interference with business relationships and contracts, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass. Gibson's alleged long-term damage to its business and reputation for the allegedly defamatory accusations and other torts. The plaintiffs in closing argument asked the jury to award $12.8 million in compensatory damages."


Four generations of Gibsons after Jury Verdict

There are many US industries that rely on migrant labour

"Labour"? Where did you copy/paste this argument from?

Yeah, you and I are pretty close. I’m a first trimester only pro choice guy, but if a law was passed that limited it to
8 weeks I wouldn’t get fired up about it. I agree that the plan B pill is the best case scenario for ending a pregnancy. I just don’t see how anyone who is pro life can be ok with plan B.

Because I'm not convinced it's a life at that point.

We all hear the proverbial "back alley" and "clothes hanger" anecdotes all the time but has there ever been a printed unbiased scientific account of the numbers of these supposedly historical events?

Guarantee they're extraordinarily limited. They make it sound like every back alley across America was packed full of illegal abortion goers.

And if someone tries a clothes hanger, they assume the risk of their stupid actions. So no sympathy.

Not a birther but never understood why asking to see a birth certificate is racist when age and birth location are the only constitutional requirements to hold the office.

Who actually checks if a candidate is eligible to be president? I was curious about Ted Cruz as well.

Exactly. And a birth certificate is literally THE sole item that proves both those qualifications.

Regardless of where Obama was born, that "certificate of live birth" was fake. It was done in cheap photoshop a few years back after people questioned it, not decades ago.

I don't know if it was fake or not but it's at least highly suspect. The level of resistance against providing it was extremely suspicious
Yes the Russians did the fighting... Much of the fighting. Although if anyone's implying that the Anglo Saxons would have lost 11 million people to the Germans they're psychotic. And people on the left use this to say that the Russian saved us. The English-speaking nations would have been just fine without the Russians. Hell we had the Canadians on our side. More casualties yes. Berlin would have been vaporized.
Well, Britain would have surrendered to Germany long before they lost 11M people. That was 25% of their population. Actually, Japan won WW@ for West by bombing PH. We might have stayed out of it so long w/o that that UK could have capitulated. BTW, Anglo Saxons are of Germany.
For years I've advocated having a two year minimum service requirement for all kids upon leaving hs. I've encountered countless 18 yolds that have no idea of what they want or how to get it. They go to college because that's all they know to do...then waste the money, drop-out, etc....
Require two years. Then, if we wanted to find a way of offering some sort of GI Bill plan for post military education, I'd be for it. With two years maturity, work and experience, they'd come back better able to make good, life impacting decisions.
Even if we had to pay increased taxes for this, I'd support it.

I like the idea of some sort of service - Military OR Civil. I would personally keep them separate though.

I was stationed in Portugual with NATO. The Portuguese had a mandatory two year service at the time and we had a small number, say 100 or so of the conscripts stationed at the command.

Frankly, the guys were great, but with only two years of service required they kind of fell-through-the-cracks for lack of a better term.

The Portuguese army did not invest much in training them, rightfully so with only a two year term. So they were basically relegated to just hanging around. Which led to low moral. Not to mention the pay for conscripts was pathetic, different subject I know.

I would think a civil service option would be more effective use of a couple of years and not bog the military down. The civil service corps could be used for infrastructure, natural disasters, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Also, this would eliminate the conscientious objector quandry. I support conscientious objection by the way as I have known some great Americans who did not believe in war or violence.

This could also help address the cost of eduction a bit. Both University or Trade School help AFTER you complete your service.

I admit, somebody way smarter than me would have to figure out the details.
Well, Britain would have surrendered to Germany long before they lost 11M people. That was 25% of their population. Actually, Japan won WW@ for West by bombing PH. We might have stayed out of it so long w/o that that UK could have capitulated. BTW, Anglo Saxons are of Germany.


Anglo Saxons made up of Angles,Jutes and Saxons from the northern part of Germany, Denmark and Holland in the 5th century

The term was used for English.

Modern America decided to lump them with Germans.

The Anglo-Saxons were immigrants. The people we call Anglo-Saxons were actually immigrants from northern Germany and southern Scandinavia. ... Bede names three of these tribes: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. There were probably many other peoples who set out for Britain in the early fifth century.

The Lombards went to Italy, the Franks occupied most of France and Germany, many Germans went to Spain.
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That LBGTQ folks have full rights doesn't stop the Left talking about them insessently, does it?
I just heard on the news that the Dems were pushing an amendment to any illegal immigration bill than would exempt illegal LBGTQ's from ever being deported. Talk about full rights. So all you have to do is say you are gay and you have a welcome to America card. I find this hard to believe but then I don't.

“Over the past decade, the baseline attitudes expressed by white liberals on racial and social justice questions have become radically more liberal. In one especially telling example of the broader trend, white liberals recently became the only demographic group in America to display a pro-outgroup bias—meaning that among all the different groups surveyed white liberals were the only one that expressed a preference for other racial and ethnic communities above their own.

As woke ideology has accelerated, a growing faction of white liberals have pulled away from the average opinions held by the rest of the coalition of Democratic voters—including minority groups in the party. The revolution in moral sentiment among this one segment of American voters has led to a cascade of consequences ranging from changes in the norms and attitudes expressed in media and popular culture, to the adoption of new political rhetoric and electoral strategies of the Democratic Party.”
White liberals emote about everything more than every other demographic. Emoting is their lives. It's why the clog shrinks' offices. It's why they're so scary.
Me: " BTW, Anglo Saxons are of Germany."


Anglo Saxons made up of Angles,Jutes and Saxons from the northern part of Germany, Denmark and Holland in the 5th century

The term was used for English.

Modern America decided to lump them with Germans.

The Anglo-Saxons were immigrants. The people we call Anglo-Saxons were actually immigrants from northern Germany and southern Scandinavia. ... Bede names three of these tribes: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. There were probably many other peoples who set out for Britain in the early fifth century.
[roll] You make my case. Good grief.
Me: " BTW, Anglo Saxons are of Germany."

[roll] You make my case. Good grief.

Would you say the Italians are Germans?

Britain is about 1/3 Anglo-Saxon 1/3 Scandinavian and 1/3 Celtic.

Thanks for trying, really don't need middle-ages history from you since I know it way better than you ever will.
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On the "scorched earth Mueller investigation..." and sending FBI to the homes of conservative journalists, authors, staffer, etc...

That is the kind of shit that happens in China, Russia, and any number of tin-pot shit holes in Africa...

Why are reasonable people from both sides on the hill and throughout the media not raising holy hell?

If I were a rep up there and I found out Mueller sent some people knocking on the doors of my staffers, who are more than likely innocent college kids...oooooohhhhhhhh buddy, GAME FU**ING ON!!!!
Regardless of where Obama was born, that "certificate of live birth" was fake. It was done in cheap photoshop a few years back after people questioned it, not decades ago.
Dude, a birth certificate regardless if it is a certificate of live birth as some states called it or whatever is a piece of paper. It “proves” nothing. Hell, my father-in-law was born at home and his parents didn’t even register his birth until he was like 6 yrs old, his sister was born and they realized they hadn’t. On top of that the hand writing on the certificate was so bad that when the state put the records onto digital media his birthday was incorrectly transcribed. So today since everything is dependent on “what’s in the computer” his “birthday” is in September, not April like he has celebrated it the last 83 yrs.
Those that work, pay taxes, assimilate into the American culture and become self-sufficient should have access to expedited citizenship. It's those that can't or won't do any/all the above that need to be kept out.
Exactly what does “assimilate into the American culture” mean?
What is the timetable to meet that requirement and who is the arbiter that makes that determination?

I ask because I know of plenty of native born Americans that live culturally quite different from me and from others in that group.
Just announced. US and Mexico reach agreement and new tariffs suspended! Trump wins again!!
Is this the same victory like with N Korea?

This was so easily predictable. Absolutely nothing will actually change but Trumpers will claim it as a victory since says so.
Exactly what does “assimilate into the American culture” mean?
What is the timetable to meet that requirement and who is the arbiter that makes that determination?

I ask because I know of plenty of native born Americans that live culturally quite different from me and from others in that group.

I would put learning the language up at the top.
Take John kba for instance, the way he writes I wouldn't even know he's foreign.

Expects VH cat to come on and correct me anytime.

Sorry, I'm trying to be like Michael Scott when he went to Winnipeg. And he kept saying to the Canadians how you say.
I did/do the digital thing too. Spent 10s thousands on musical gear and woodworking shit over many years, but when electric guitar became no longer a weapon of mass destruction, I got bored with it started getting into guns. I'm no gunsmith, but as you know, you don't need to be to assemble America's rifle. Take that Colt to the range ... or send it to me and I'll keep it running for you!
You'll be happy to know that the Mesa Boogie Mark IV and Marshall Silver Jubilee are still weapons of mass destruction lol. I gigged with them last night.
How didn't it? He did back off with a no substance agreement that will change nothing. Trump got to save face with some meat to throw his base and Mexico gets no tariffs and just has to put on a good show.
Liberals: Trump is stupid for thinking he will get a deal with Mexico because of tariffs

Liberals now: Stupid Trump got a deal hahaha what an idiot.
Has NK tested any nukes lately? This deal with Mexico was a win and you lib/DIMS can't stand it.

Let this sink in. Rq/fuzz doesn't want good border security. He only wants to sit on his loft and criticize. He's your typical smarmy lib douche bag that runs with a holier than thou attitude and doesn't seem to understand that everyone sees him as stupid but yet thinks of himself as smarter than everyone else.
On the "scorched earth Mueller investigation..." and sending FBI to the homes of conservative journalists, authors, staffer, etc...

That is the kind of shit that happens in China, Russia, and any number of tin-pot shit holes in Africa...

Why are reasonable people from both sides on the hill and throughout the media not raising holy hell?

If I were a rep up there and I found out Mueller sent some people knocking on the doors of my staffers, who are more than likely innocent college kids...oooooohhhhhhhh buddy, GAME FU**ING ON!!!!

It’s unbelievable. You would like to think some journalist/news organization would go hard on this. It’s a hell of story, and would totally flip people out. It’s exactly the sort of things media tries to paint Trump as.