How will they rule ??!

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As for abortion, it absolutely does not need to be abolished. Rape and incest are no brainers. First trimester clump of cells is a no brainer. We, in no way, don't need to back to the time when women were poisoning themselves or shoving items up to try and terminate themselves. We do not need young teenage girls hiding the pregnancy in shame and shitting out a baby in some back alley and leaving it to die in some dumpster because they felt they had no other option, are too young to understand, and alone. Women should have a right, without any fear of being persecuted, to not continue on with a pregnancy that they find out early on.

I know 2 women personally who have shared to me that they had abortions. First term, felt they had no other choice, alone and scared. Both have disclosed how that decision stays with them every day of every week of their lives. One of the hardest things I have heard and they are guilt ridden and saddened but felt it was the choice they had to make. Sane women do not make this choice lightly. There is no reason to make infinitely harder on them.

Where do we draw the line? That should be a discussion. Accepting early term termination and not accepting late term termination, barring serious medical risks, should be the only things acceptable and off the table.

Find ways to make it easier for women to make the choice to keep it rather than not keep it?

Outside rape and incest, why can they simply refuse to make a baby? While I'm not even sure abortion is the right thing to do in the event of rape/incest , it's absolutely not the right thing to do with regard to birth control in general.
Outside rape and incest, why can they simply refuse to make a baby? While I'm not even sure abortion is the right thing to do in the event of rape/incest , it's absolutely not the right thing to do with regard to birth control in general.

I like your views on most everything. But if you believe a 12 year old girl who gets raped should be forced to carry out a pregnancy, then we will be on totally opposite ends of this spectrum.

The world is a nasty place. Women, in particular young girls will go to some nasty and dangerous lengths to end an unwanted pregnancy if backed against a wall and no other option is available.

I said in my last post that we should try and come up with better solutions and reasons why women should carry out their pregnancy rather than terminate it, but if no option whatsoever is there for them, it will lead to much more suffering and pain. It's a harsh reality, but one that needs to be made available, at least in the early term.
As for abortion, it absolutely does not need to be abolished. Rape and incest are no brainers. First trimester clump of cells is a no brainer. We, in no way, don't need to back to the time when women were poisoning themselves or shoving items up to try and terminate themselves. We do not need young teenage girls hiding the pregnancy in shame and shitting out a baby in some back alley and leaving it to die in some dumpster because they felt they had no other option, are too young to understand, and alone. Women should have a right, without any fear of being persecuted, to not continue on with a pregnancy that they find out early on.

I know 2 women personally who have shared to me that they had abortions. First term, felt they had no other choice, alone and scared. Both have disclosed how that decision stays with them every day of every week of their lives. One of the hardest things I have heard and they are guilt ridden and saddened but felt it was the choice they had to make. Sane women do not make this choice lightly. There is no reason to make infinitely harder on them.

Where do we draw the line? That should be a discussion. Accepting early term termination and not accepting late term termination, barring serious medical risks, should be the only things acceptable and off the table. How would one know they had a clump of cells removed or aborted a living fetus?

1/2 of 1% are abortions because of rape. Google it.

Find ways to make it easier for women to make the choice to keep it rather than not keep it?

What is this magical date in a pregnancy when that "clump of cells" is transformed into a living fetus? Is it a clump of cells on Monday and a fetus the next day? Serious question: Do the medical professionals have a test to make that determination?
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What is this magical date in a pregnancy when that "clump of cells" is transformed into a living fetus? Is it a clump of cells on Monday and a fetus the next day? Serious question: Do the medical professionals have a test to make that determination?

I didn't say I had the answer, I simply said you can't take it fully away from the girl. You are not going to stop some very awful things from happening. You might not like it, but it is between them and your God, not between you and them.

I am totally against 3rd term abortions, should be illegal imo. I don't know where the middle ground is, when the heart beat starts, but this discussion needs to start and finish in the middle. Taking a hard line stance on either end will get us no where and it is not beneficial for the mental and physical health of our women.
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He should have threatened a tariff on the cartels, the Mexican government has no power.
What is this magical date in a pregnancy when that "clump of cells" is transformed into a living fetus? Is it a clump of cells on Monday and a fetus the next day? Serious question: Do the medical professionals have a test to make that determination?

I think it is generally accepted that a heartbeat can first be detected at around 8 weeks. First trimester ends at 12 weeks - this is where I draw the line currently. As I stated above, if a law were passed that cut it off at 8 weeks, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I can understand someone being vehemently pro life. I used to be. I softened a bit when I had a daughter. I can also understand and might even get behind removing public funding for abortions. Criminalizing the act is a terrible idea though. As TBBN pointed out above, that isn't going to stop them. They've been on a steady downward trend since Roe. Forcing women to go the back alley route to have them done isn't the answer.
He should have threatened a tariff on the cartels, the Mexican government has no power.

My old employer has a location in Juarez, and when we visited we hired a private security to escort us because we didn't trust the police to handle it. The entire government down there is one corrupt pile of shit.
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Sad that you admit to being ignorant.

Guess you also think he was born in Kenya and that at birth the great conspiracy began. They slipped his birth announcement into the birth notices at he local Honolulu hospital because they knew he would one day be President.

If he’s a Muslim he sure isn’t a very good one. Neither his wife or daughters wear head scarfs. He attended and got married in a United Church of Christ church.

Obama is actually a jr as he shares the same name as his father... who btw was atheist. His grandfather converted from Catholic to Islam. His father converted from Islam to Anglican at 6 yrs old...and later became atheist.

All of that is easily researched and verified.

I’m not ignorant mr learned one just because i have an opinion different than yours. i don’t believe everything i see and hear, nor do i avow my opinion is 100% proven fact, as you do.
I guess if you researched and verified then it must be bona fide.
How are we going to enforce this agreement with the corrupt Mexicans? Are we going to send a team down there to play shop foreman and make sure they are protecting their own border?
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I’m not ignorant mr learned one just because i have an opinion different than yours. i don’t believe everything i see and hear, nor do i avow my opinion is 100% proven fact, as you do.
I guess if you researched and verified then it must be bona fide.

What's the saying? Opinions are like assholes?

Like one poster said above, that was some un****ingbelievable foresight to fake a birth certificate 40+ years before Barry was to run for President. Talk about being hand picked.

I'm the opinion that anyone who believes in the birther BS is as whacko as people who believe Sandy Hook never happened or that we blew up the WTC and faked it to look like planes hit it.
Thabigbluenation, great posts. It's not often you see a logical argument about abortion, it's usually some emotionally or religiously charged outburst. More people with an attitude like yours would be a great help to the whole discussion.
yes there is a way to adjust the law away from the extreme but not to the extreme the other way where everybody somewhat hates it.
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What's the saying? Opinions are like assholes?

Like one poster said above, that was some un****ingbelievable foresight to fake a birth certificate 40+ years before Barry was to run for President. Talk about being hand picked.

I'm the opinion that anyone who believes in the birther BS is as whacko as people who believe Sandy Hook never happened or that we blew up the WTC and faked it to look like planes hit it.

Why would his birth certificate have to be faked forty years prior to his run for prez?
Thabigbluenation, great posts. It's not often you see a logical argument about abortion, it's usually some emotionally or religiously charged outburst. More people with an attitude like yours would be a great help to the whole discussion.

easy now frostback, I am an internet dickhead first and foremost.

I have an 11 year old daughter as well. Her well being changes perspectives
I think it is generally accepted that a heartbeat can first be detected at around 8 weeks. First trimester ends at 12 weeks - this is where I draw the line currently. As I stated above, if a law were passed that cut it off at 8 weeks, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I can understand someone being vehemently pro life. I used to be. I softened a bit when I had a daughter. I can also understand and might even get behind removing public funding for abortions. Criminalizing the act is a terrible idea though. As TBBN pointed out above, that isn't going to stop them. They've been on a steady downward trend since Roe. Forcing women to go the back alley route to have them done isn't the answer.

We all hear the proverbial "back alley" and "clothes hanger" anecdotes all the time but has there ever been a printed unbiased scientific account of the numbers of these supposedly historical events?
What's the saying? Opinions are like assholes?

Like one poster said above, that was some un****ingbelievable foresight to fake a birth certificate 40+ years before Barry was to run for President. Talk about being hand picked.

I'm the opinion that anyone who believes in the birther BS is as whacko as people who believe Sandy Hook never happened or that we blew up the WTC and faked it to look like planes hit it.

Not a birther but never understood why asking to see a birth certificate is racist when age and birth location are the only constitutional requirements to hold the office.

Who actually checks if a candidate is eligible to be president? I was curious about Ted Cruz as well.
Not a birther but never understood why asking to see a birth certificate is racist when age and birth location are the only constitutional requirements to hold the office.

Agreed, simply asking for it is fine. Once produced, accept it and move on. Even Trump finally gave up on that stupidity.
I am pro fair trade but Trumps tariff threats work. Time for so many people (even those on the right) to stop freaking out so much every time he threatens tariffs.

Just wait til he ends up reaching a deal with China, yall will feel really stupid.

I won't lie im not the biggest on the Tariffs. But I definitely have to be patient with them. Looks like they are long term things that take time to come around. Looks like a great win for trump.
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I won't lie im not the biggest on the Tariffs. But I definitely have to be patient with them. Looks like they are long term things that take time to come around. Looks like a great win for trump.
They definitely are more of a long game type of thing. But they've worked in pretty much every instance so far.
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I like your views on most everything. But if you believe a 12 year old girl who gets raped should be forced to carry out a pregnancy, then we will be on totally opposite ends of this spectrum.

The world is a nasty place. Women, in particular young girls will go to some nasty and dangerous lengths to end an unwanted pregnancy if backed against a wall and no other option is available.

I said in my last post that we should try and come up with better solutions and reasons why women should carry out their pregnancy rather than terminate it, but if no option whatsoever is there for them, it will lead to much more suffering and pain. It's a harsh reality, but one that needs to be made available, at least in the early term.

I understand a situation like that. Your example would be the 10% uncertainty I struggle with. In other cases, there is too much room for abuse of any reason for allowing abortion such as lying/claiming rape just for the purpose of getting an abortion.
I think it is generally accepted that a heartbeat can first be detected at around 8 weeks. First trimester ends at 12 weeks - this is where I draw the line currently. As I stated above, if a law were passed that cut it off at 8 weeks, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

I can understand someone being vehemently pro life. I used to be. I softened a bit when I had a daughter. I can also understand and might even get behind removing public funding for abortions. Criminalizing the act is a terrible idea though. As TBBN pointed out above, that isn't going to stop them. They've been on a steady downward trend since Roe. Forcing women to go the back alley route to have them done isn't the answer.
I understand your position until your last sentence. Having laws that criminalize abortions would not force people to violate the law anymore than laws criminalizing murder cause people to murder.
I understand your position until your last sentence. Having laws that criminalize abortions would not force people to violate the law anymore than laws criminalizing murder cause people to murder.

I didn’t mean it that way. I meant that abortion is not going away if it’s outlawed. Just like drugs and burglary and murder still happen on the regular even though they are all illegal.
Like one poster said above, that was some un****ingbelievable foresight to fake a birth certificate 40+ years before Barry was to run for President. Talk about being hand picked.

Regardless of where Obama was born, that "certificate of live birth" was fake. It was done in cheap photoshop a few years back after people questioned it, not decades ago.