How will they rule ??!

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Iraq admitted, among other things, an offensive biological warfare capability, notably, 5,000 gallons of botulinum, which causes botulism; 2,000 gallons of anthrax; 25 biological-filled Scud warheads; and 157 aerial bombs. And I might say UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq has actually greatly understated its production....

Over the past few months, as [the weapons inspectors] have come closer and closer to rooting out Iraq's remaining nuclear capacity, Saddam has undertaken yet another gambit to thwart their ambitions by imposing debilitating conditions on the inspectors and declaring key sites which have still not been inspected off limits....

It is obvious that there is an attempt here, to protect whatever remains of his capacity to produce weapons of mass destruction, the missiles to deliver them, and the feed stocks necessary to produce them. The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons....


George W. Bush

I guess you are right, Levi. Guy clearly lied and falsified intel. All of us need to read up more. You told us right here, right now, and you are right right.

Hoodwinked. Hoodwinked is the only word I can think of.
To spare anyone the suspense, this quote is actually by Bill Clinton from the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998.

Amazing, in just 3 years Iraq got rid of all the weapons and programs that Bill Clinton says he had, then Bush concocted everything from scratch. That or George W Bush gave the intel to Clinton in 1998? Damn that dude is sharp....
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Poor Hillary Clinton, a true pollyanna of politics. She is just too earnest and is not a cynical, pandering politician at all. That's her biggest fault.

Poor thing was hoodwinked(!!!) by that devious Bush. She definitely did not, under any circumstances, vote to invade Iraq because it was politically profitable. No sir, she just blindly believed Bush on television even though she had access to intelligence as a member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services.

I just hope she can learn to trust again after such a betrayal
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if only members of Congress weren't forced to rely on the statements of the president and his administration when contemplating war. maybe we could have certain members of congress form a committee of sorts, maybe give it the ability to review intelligence reports on its own, unfiltered. we could call it the Senate Intelligence Committee or some such. nah. probably unrealistic. guess we'll just have to make do, taking George Bush's word for these things. And it's weird how everything he said was so different from what everyone else was saying about the topic. and still, they believed him!
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really not sure the endgame for the hardcore liberals in this thread re-fighting the Iraq War debate when their candidate was for the war & voted to authorize the war. And showed during her terrible SecState tour she learned nothing, with Libya/Syria/Yemen complete clustertouches thanks in large part to her warmongering mishandling.
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Like jhb4uk said, what about her tenure as SOS makes you think she was hoodwinked into voting for Iraq? She seems more than willing to intervene around the world with little to no prompting.

I mean she is STILL calling the toppling of Qaddafi a "use of smart power." She has just as big of a war boner as anyone in the old Bush administration
Ok, I'm telling you here and now I don't care what you think. It was 13 years ago, we can argue all night about how you're justifying a vote for Hillary, but no one wants to read that.
Well this simply magnifies you statement that you don't care what the evidence may be. Your assumption about who I'll vote is more along that line of thinking since I don't know who I'll vote for yet. Yeah 13 years ago and we are still paying the price. You don't know how we got into this mess because all you can read are bumper stickers. I'm aware you don't care what anybody thinks or who is on record saying what.
When Clinton left office the IRA had ceased their terror campaign due directly to Clinton, the war in the Balkans was over without a single American casualty, the economy was humming along the best it had for decades, Saddam Hussein couldn't even access most of his country, the world trade center was standing, the people that attack the world trade center the first time were either in custody or beheaded, and the GOP congress was ignoring Osama Bin Laden to concentrate on sniffing panties. Then came Bush, the debt rose at a faster clip, the world trade are no longer, spending went up big time, the economy nearly collasped world wide, and we have been mired in the middle east every since.
When Clinton left office the IRA had ceased their terror campaign due directly to Clinton, the war in the Balkans was over without a single American casualty, the economy was humming along the best it had for decades, Saddam Hussein couldn't even access most of his country, the world trade center was standing, the people that attack the world trade center the first time were either in custody or beheaded, and the GOP congress was ignoring Osama Bin Laden to concentrate on sniffing panties. Then came Bush, the debt rose at a faster clip, the world trade are no longer, spending went up big time, the economy nearly collasped world wide, and we have been mired in the middle east every since.

WTF are you talking about with all this? I know it may be hard to follow my posts sometimes but Christ almighty this isn't 2008 when Obama first what are you getting at here? You don't want to have George Bush as president again?

Cool, it's guaranteed! Move on now.
, and the GOP congress was ignoring Osama Bin Laden to concentrate on sniffing panties.
quoting so this brilliant thought can't be erased or deleted

if only Newt & the GOP congress would have sent in some Seals or cruise missiles to take out OBL! After all, they were responsible for controlling the armed forces & intelligence assets of the United States, not Billary!!
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Hey Levi, bet Fuzz has an open seat next to him on his next flight out...rough last couple of pages, weekend getaway should solve it.
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Well this simply magnifies you statement that you don't care what the evidence may be. Your assumption about who I'll vote is more along that line of thinking since I don't know who I'll vote for yet. Yeah 13 years ago and we are still paying the price. You don't know how we got into this mess because all you can read are bumper stickers. I'm aware you don't care what anybody thinks or who is on record saying what.

I'll make it real simple Levi, if the US had gone in toppled Saddam, there had been no insurgency, and the masses fell right into peace and tranquility the Bush lied campaign NEVER would've started.
Now you can spin and post links till the cows come home, that's reality.
it's not an exaggeration or the crazed ravings of a Bernie disciple to say she'll be to the right of Trump on numerous issues - and he'll, by design, tack to her left on certain issues as well.
And that says as much about Trump as it does about Hillary
Did I miss something, HillDawg hire Sarah Palin to write her applause lines recently?

god she is horrible at this

Shes really made some bad misteps on the trail lately. This one, and the one last week in KY tying herself directly to Bills economic policy, which will kill her in the general as NAFTA has already been shown to be a big weakness for her.
the people that attack the world trade center the first time were either in custody or beheaded

so many ways we could discuss how stupid this comment is, as terrorists responsible for the 1993 WTC attack, which occurred 1 month after Bill clinton took office, were most certainly at large after he left. Khalid Sheik Mohammed avoided capture until 2003. And then there is Abdul Rahman Yasin, who helped make the bombs used in the 1993 WTC attack, and who was questioned by the FBI as a known connection but, very stupidly, was released. It was not until the year 2001, after Bill was no longer president, that our Federal Bureau decided to place Mr. Yasin on the list of Most Wanted Terrorists, where he remains because he has never been caught. Incidentally, and as you might imagine, the initial WTC attack in 1993 was never enough reason for the Clinton administration to consider emphasizing "most wanted terrorists," as just one of a myriad of examples to demonstrate that Bill never placed in his remaining 7 years and 11 months sufficient priority on the new threat, global terrorism. And so they did it again.
so many ways we could discuss how stupid this comment is, as terrorists responsible for the 1993 WTC attack, which occurred 1 month after Bill clinton took office, were most certainly at large after he left. Khalid Sheik Mohammed avoided capture until 2003. And then there is Abdul Rahman Yasin, who helped make the bombs used in the 1993 WTC attack, and who was questioned by the FBI as a known connection but, very stupidly, was released. It was not until the year 2001, after Bill was no longer president, that our Federal Bureau decided to place Mr. Yasin on the list of Most Wanted Terrorists, where he remains because he has never been caught. Incidentally, and as you might imagine, the initial WTC attack in 1993 was never enough reason for the Clinton administration to consider emphasizing "most wanted terrorists," as just one of a myriad of examples to demonstrate that Bill never placed in his remaining 7 years and 11 months sufficient priority on the new threat, global terrorism. And so they did it again.

Hard to believe now, but late 1990s there was a lot of debate about how to treat terrorism, particularly non state sponsored terrorism. People were coming around to leaning militarism (as opposed to treating it like a crime), but 9/11 obviously cemented going after terrorists in their failed states.

Will be interesting to see if anything comes of this. We live in Baltimore and my wife works at the hospital right in downtown. Hopefully all stays calm.

By the way, my first post in the Political Thread...popped my cherry.

Best luck, both to Baltimore and the Political Thread. You'll need it for both.
^ she's a terrible campaigner. Probably should have won the nomination in 2008 before Benghazi/email/Foundation.
yep. undoubtedly a very smart person, just has no natural abilities as a candidate. she's terrible. might/will probably win anyway, tho.
I just finished smoking some weed. I think Hillary is going to talk herself into getting beat. By November, that old vag won't be able to queef properly. She'll be so wore out that it will just slide down her leg instead.

No one wants that.
I just finished smoking some weed. I think Hillary is going to talk herself into getting beat. By November, that old vag won't be able to queef properly. She'll be so wore out that it will just slide down her leg instead.

No one wants that.

Well, I certainly didn't want to read that.
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