How will they rule ??!

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Just skimmed the last 2 pages. Levi can't be real, has to be parody.

The Gore thing is crystallized. Doesn't matter what he really said, by now everyone just recalls that he said he invented the Internet. Whether he said it is beside the point.....
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You Hill dog people are just crazy. If Trump is 1% better than Obama on trade, foreign affairs, immigration, it's a win. Not to mention she plans on bringing cheating Bill back to run some stuff.

I can't wait for the Crooked/Cheating Hillary bumper stickers come out. At least Trump has a good looking wife and hot daughters.
[QUITE="MrLair, post: 4605150, member: 3506"]

This is what the democratic party feast on. Uneducated, stupid, voters.[/QUOTE]
It is what is keeping Bernie competitive. We are constantly told that conservatives are uneducated yet, we see this type of uneducated, uninformed comments like this all of the time. The only intelligent democrats are the ones running the party. They are smart enough to know that if they keep their voting base poor and in the dark, they will continue to vote democrat.
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Pretty amazing Hilldawg and her team think the best way to attack Trump is the same failed playbook from Jeb!, Perry, Rubio, Cruz

Mean to girls! Rude to others! Not even QUALIFIED to be President!!
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I supported the 1st Iraq war. I was against the 2nd but to be fair the 98 Senators that voted to give Bush the option of war had been mislead and lied to themselves. To use that example is just political hackery. If you think not then you should go back and read what she had to say at the time. It appears you support the lies that the Bush administration told the world about WMD's but you want to hold them out of the conversation of Clinton's decision. I again remind you it was the same as 98 out of a 100. Your argument is lame and impotent.

You say not to assume you are a GOP shill but you use all the same BS tactics they use and then try to call other hypocrites. I'm not impressed. Your arguments so far are just like the conservatives game---very broad but conveniently shallow. You have no idea what my views are other than enough to attach your bumper sticker analysis to.

The depth of your thinking makes it of little importance to me. Your intellect is exposed when I said I had one large concern about Clinton and that did not interest you, you try to define a person's judgement as a singletary thought, you show no curiosity as to what others think or why---you just like to blow hard.

BTW you don't have a clue why I brought up Rufina Amaya, you thought you did but you don't. People who try to look smart seldom enough time to become informed. Blow on.
Maybe I missed something, so I'm asking a legitimate question, and not trying to argue. How exactly did he and his administration lie about WMDs in Iraq? My understanding was that intelligence organizations were telling the administration they thought Iraq had WMDs. My understanding was that intelligence agencies from other countries came to the same conclusion. For example, Israel, and I think England, contributed similar information from their intelligence agencies. The fact that they were wrong doesn't mean they lied. They were simply wrong. The administration had to act based on the information they had at the time. When you say he lied, you are saying he knew for a fact there were no WMDs in Iraq and attacked them anyway. I haven't seen anything like that proven. I am not a fan of either Bush, but I am less a fan of not representing facts in a truthful manner.
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This is what the democratic party feast on. Uneducated, stupid, voters.

As stupid as it sounded, was she wrong? Sadly, she was dead on.

Maybe I missed something, so I'm asking a legitimate question, and not trying to argue. How exactly did he and his administration lie about WMDs in Iraq? My understanding was that intelligence organizations were telling the administration they thought Iraq had WMDs. My understanding was that intelligence agencies from other countries came to the same conclusion. For example, Israel, and I think England, contributed similar information from their intelligence agencies. The fact that they were wrong doesn't mean they lied. They were simply wrong. The administration had to act based on the information they had at the time. When you say he lied, you are saying he knew for a fact there were no WMDs in Iraq and attacked them anyway. I haven't seen anything like that proven. I am not a fan of either Bush, but I am less a fan of not representing facts in a truthful manner.

You're asking this very reasonable question to a poster who refuses to admit what Gore said in the video; even though it's painfully clear. Good luck getting a reasonable response
Maybe I missed something, so I'm asking a legitimate question, and not trying to argue. How exactly did he and his administration lie about WMDs in Iraq? My understanding was that intelligence organizations were telling the administration they thought Iraq had WMDs. My understanding was that intelligence agencies from other countries came to the same conclusion. For example, Israel, and I think England, contributed similar information from their intelligence agencies. The fact that they were wrong doesn't mean they lied. They were simply wrong. The administration had to act based on the information they had at the time. When you say he lied, you are saying he knew for a fact there were no WMDs in Iraq and attacked them anyway. I haven't seen anything like that proven. I am not a fan of either Bush, but I am less a fan of not representing facts in a truthful manner.
Don't forget the Clinton administration saying the same thing.
Maybe I missed something, so I'm asking a legitimate question, and not trying to argue. How exactly did he and his administration lie about WMDs in Iraq? My understanding was that intelligence organizations were telling the administration they thought Iraq had WMDs. My understanding was that intelligence agencies from other countries came to the same conclusion. For example, Israel, and I think England, contributed similar information from their intelligence agencies. The fact that they were wrong doesn't mean they lied. They were simply wrong. The administration had to act based on the information they had at the time. When you say he lied, you are saying he knew for a fact there were no WMDs in Iraq and attacked them anyway. I haven't seen anything like that proven. I am not a fan of either Bush, but I am less a fan of not representing facts in a truthful manner.

When you tell the world you have conclusive proof (which they did not have BTW) based on the word of a person we now know was referred to as "Curveball" while ignoring or actively hiding information to the contrary which is exactly what CIA operative Valarie Plame and weapons inspector Scott Ritter did. That is a lie.

The conservatives are trying hard now to paint the picture that the Bush administration didn't lie---they just got the intelligence wrong. That is utter garbage as there are far too many examples of them dismissing any and all evidence contrary to the narrative they were building. There are even testimony about that very action the administration had perpetrated.

This is so easily researched now with official documents and statements that I will not waste anymore time here.
Pretty amazing Hilldawg and her team think the best way to attack Trump is the same failed playbook from Jeb!, Perry, Rubio, Cruz

Mean to girls! Rude to others! Not even QUALIFIED to be President!!
When you tell the world you have conclusive proof (which they did not have BTW) based on the word of a person we now know was referred to as "Curveball" while ignoring or actively hiding information to the contrary which is exactly what CIA operative Valarie Plame and weapons inspector Scott Ritter did. That is a lie.

The conservatives are trying hard now to paint the picture that the Bush administration didn't lie---they just got the intelligence wrong. That is utter garbage as there are far too many examples of them dismissing any and all evidence contrary to the narrative they were building. There are even testimony about that very action the administration had perpetrated.

This is so easily researched now with official documents and statements that I will not waste anymore time here.

It wasn't a lie until the war became unpopular.

Thats the excuse the Democrats used for their overwhelming support of the invasion of Iraq.
[QUOTE"CatFromDaHood, post: 4607190, member: 69744"]
There is the proof. A liberal cartoon depicting something Trump said only exagerrated for emphasis needed to convince the ignorant voter (democrats for those needing explanation).
Well you obviously didn't keep up with the story.

7/23/02 is one undeniable smoking gun.

Levi, you can post link after link to what you consider smoking guns, the fact remains that democrats started the bush lied garbage AFTER the Iraq war became unpopular.

The person you're likely going to vote for president this year voted in favor of going into Iraq. She didn't vote that way because she was lied to, she voted that way because it was the popular thing to do at the time, then when it became unpopular she didn't have the fortitude to stick with it. That isn't leadership
Levi, you can post link after link to what you consider smoking guns, the fact remains that democrats started the bush lied garbage AFTER the Iraq war became unpopular.

The person you're likely going to vote for president this year voted in favor of going into Iraq. She didn't vote that way because she was lied to, she voted that way because it was the popular thing to do at the time, then when it became unpopular she didn't have the fortitude to stick with it. That isn't leadership

I'm sorry but this is beyond silly and proves you do not know or understand what happened. Actually the whole world was lied to on broadcast TV by George W. Bush. You're ridiculous and in way over your head here. Why I don't know but you are taking a position that has already been proven untrue in public by multiple sources, media employees complete with mea culpa's by journalists, and government inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.

Since you said no amount of evidence I produce can changed your already made up mind, I will not waste my time on obstinate ignorance.
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I'm sorry but this is beyond silly and proves you do not know or understand what happened. Actually the whole world was lied to on broadcast TV by George W. Bush. You're ridiculous and in way over your head here. Why I don't know but you are taking a position that has already been proven untrue in public by multiple sources, media employees complete with mea culpa's by journalists, and government inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.

Since you said no amount of evidence I produce can changed your already made up mind, I will not waste my time on obstinate ignorance.
I think you need to get out more. Linked is what Just Facts says about whether or not Bush lied to Congress about Iraq and WMDs. As I thought, people who say it is factual that he did are either liars or ignorant about the facts.
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Just watched Angry Birds the movie and can't help but feel like it was subliminal to what is going on. Those in charge are to stupid to stop the pigs from raiding their country, and the angry birds(Trumps and all dem damn racists) are complaining the whole time. Once the place is raided then they ask the angry birds to fix the problem they were to stupid to listen about up front.

Pretty dead on IMO.
[QUOTE"CatFromDaHood, post: 4607190, member: 69744"]
There is the proof. A liberal cartoon depicting something Trump said only exagerrated for emphasis needed to convince the ignorant voter (democrats for those needing explanation).[/QUOTE]
Love what the cartoon depicts: a know nothing teen/twenty-something running off at the mouth again to her poor working dad that knows a thing or two not only about life, but reality.
I think you need to get out more. Linked is what Just Facts says about whether or not Bush lied to Congress about Iraq and WMDs. As I thought, people who say it is factual that he did are either liars or ignorant about the facts.
Whether or not Bush knew the facts or not; whether he lied or not, s h was wreaking havoc while in power. Not only was he giving the US and our allies the finger, but he was torturing his own people. Our own people sited instances of torture and murder.

IMO, it's our/America's responsibility to intervene when we see helpless people being harmed, killed, abused. WMD's or not, for me that was not the only reason to be there.

None of us knows what Bush knew or didn't know. All I know is he did the right thing defending the helpless.
Whether or not Bush knew the facts or not; whether he lied or not, s h was wreaking havoc while in power. Not only was he giving the US and our allies the finger, but he was torturing his own people. Our own people sited instances of torture and murder.

IMO, it's our/America's responsibility to intervene when we see helpless people being harmed, killed, abused. WMD's or not, for me that was not the only reason to be there.

None of us knows what Bush knew or didn't know. All I know is he did the right thing defending the helpless.
I'm sorry but this is beyond silly and proves you do not know or understand what happened. Actually the whole world was lied to on broadcast TV by George W. Bush. You're ridiculous and in way over your head here. Why I don't know but you are taking a position that has already been proven untrue in public by multiple sources, media employees complete with mea culpa's by journalists, and government inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.

Since you said no amount of evidence I produce can changed your already made up mind, I will not waste my time on obstinate ignorance.

There's a difference in lying and being wrong. The Democrats that whole heartedly supported going into Iraq didn't get their info from a TV interview from Bush. They were with it because it was popular at the time. As soon as public opinion turned so did they, that isn't leadership.

That's what I meant by no amount of links Levi. If the war had gone smoothly the lying angle never would've come about.
You don't agree to send men into harms way and then look for an out when the public gets weary of it.
I hated the Iraq War from Day MFing 1 - It pre-empted the first day of the NCAA tournament in 2003. Bullshit at its finest.

And ... GO RED TEAM!! (You partisan two-party hacks are GD awful. Go Gary Johnson!!)
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I'm sorry but this is beyond silly and proves you do not know or understand what happened. Actually the whole world was lied to on broadcast TV by George W. Bush. You're ridiculous and in way over your head here. Why I don't know but you are taking a position that has already been proven untrue in public by multiple sources, media employees complete with mea culpa's by journalists, and government inquiries on both sides of the Atlantic ocean.

Since you said no amount of evidence I produce can changed your already made up mind, I will not waste my time on obstinate ignorance.
I like the "doubling down"... unfortunately, your bet is on "stupidity"... and you won big time.
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No, every elected Dem including those on the intelligence committee and also the Clinton Admin (retroactively) were lied to by George Bush, the smartest schemer in all of mankind, per Dems.

George Bush, simultaneously, was the dumbest bumbling idiot of all time, per Dems.

Remarkable, imo.
This one made laugh simply because it is the Gods honest truth. He is the dumbest guy in the world but, he managed to out smart every Dem in the business. Incredible.
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Also good to see blame Bush is still alive and well, all these years later. Will that dem rally cry ever end?
Not until our country actually becomes great again. Dems never take responsibilty for their wrong actions (which by the way is more times than not). "The world is in turmoil!" Yeah, if it were not for those republicans and their war on women (insert other distracting non related issues) this would not be happing. Democratic voter response: "Yeah man, that makes sense".

Investigating this tale of dishonesty by those in power and acquiescence on the part of those charged with reporting the truth has been a disheartening experience for me. Even more sobering, however, is the fact that the Iraq War deception, with its 935 public, shameless lies, is simply the latest and most egregious story of truth betrayed that I’ve witnessed or reported on over the past five decades. My career in journalism has coincided with a tragic period in American history — one in which falsehood has increasingly come to dominate our public discourse, and in which the bedrock values of honesty, transparency, accountability and integrity we once took for granted have been steadily eroded.

Excerpted from 935 Lies by Charles Lewis. Copyright © 2014 by Charles Lewis.
For the moment I want to focus on the part about the lies. I've found over the years that conservatives who supported the war get particularly angry at the assertion that Bush lied us into war. No, they'll insist, it wasn't his fault: There was mistaken intelligence, he took that intelligence in good faith, and presented what he believed to be true at the time. It's the George Costanza defense: It's not a lie if you believe it.

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