I will walk you thru it Dave. Original Post: ****ing Mexicans have even managed to infiltrate Appalachia and prescribe too many pills. The wall can’t go up fast enough.
First of all, the Mexicans aren't the ones prescribing too many pills. That would be American doctors who are partially at fault for prescribing WAY too many pills like Oxy to people. There were pill mills set up all over Appalachia by corrupt American doctors who were in it for the $$. Purdue Pharma (American company) got the ball rolling by claiming opioids weren't addictive. Those people should rot in hell
Once the cartels recognized there was a pill epidemic in many places in the US, they brought in the heroin because they realized people couldn't afford the Oxy forever. The heroin is cheaper and in many cases more potent.
The wall won't stop the majority of drugs because most (not all) are brought in in cars, trucks and boats. Cartels aren't interested in bringing in 5 kilos, they are interested in bringing in tons of the stuff (you can't do that in a backpack). They know they are going to get caught on some of it because they do inspections at legal points of entry, but more will get in. Thats the cost of doing business
"According to
U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in
at legal crossing points."
"Gil Kerlikowske, who headed CBP and the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Barack Obama, said intelligence received from arrested smugglers and law enforcement partners in Mexico indicate that cartels clearly prefer moving high-profit narcotics through the busy ports of entry because their chances of success are better there."