How will they rule ??!

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Unless Ivanka or Jr choose not to carry on with the swamp drain in 2024 I think it would be an honor for Gassy and Austin to step up and carry on the fight. ..Ladies and gentlemen please stand for the Potus and Vice Potus….Gassy and Austin...I like that ring

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"the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government." Everything else is the Idiot Wind of paid rabble rousers in the media and the left wing of the Democratic party. Again, I pray your fellow lefties are foolish enough to push this toward impeachment. Trump would waltz to a win in 2020 as the country got a good look at the midgets running the Democratic House opposition.
Even Barr’s summary defines conspiracy as specifically a quid pro quo. The only thing they couldn’t establish were the specific “release damaging info on Hillary to get me elected and I’ll remove sanctions” terms of the deal because the man who orchestrated those terms, Roger Stone, will take it to the grave. Can totally expect someone with a Nixon back tat to follow the law...
Does Amazon have a book on recognizing sarcasm?

That sarcasm got him to regurgitate that stupid "the really bad stuff only comes through the places that are watched and heavily guarded" talking point.

Yeppers, nobody would do bad things where we aren't looking. We have very accurate statistics from where we are not looking.

These are the same ****ers that bought "jobs saved, not lost."
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Even Barr’s summary defines conspiracy as specifically a quid pro quo. The only thing they couldn’t establish were the specific “release damaging info on Hillary to get me elected and I’ll remove sanctions” terms of the deal because the man who orchestrated those terms, Roger Stone, will take it to the grave. Can totally expect someone with a Nixon back tat to follow the law...
You need to loosen up your tin foil hat. It's cut off the flow of blood to your brain. "The investigation did not establish" collusion is pretty clear English. This isn't like trying to figure out what the definition of 'is' is when Bill Clinton was caught obstructing justice and lying under oath. Mueller had unlimited resources and over two years and all the tools and power of American Justice. Trump is now much more in the clear than the FBI or Hillary.
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Government will do all that stuff...

Even though they can barely run the post office, education system, and take care of a couple of million veterans, more money from rich people and total dependence by everyone will somehow miraculously turn the bureaucratic swamp full of blowhards and lawyers into an advanced healthcare system that can take care of 350 million people.

Libs just like to think outside the box. Conventional wisdom says let the innovators, health care professionals, scientists, engineers, researchers, billionaires improve the health care system.

However, liberals want to mix it up. They want to let the people who can't get together to pave roads and improve basic infrastructure run health care. You know, lawyers and bureaucrats in charge of health care.

The people letting measles and other diseases come into the country and spread, in charge of your wellness.

The people who don't want to distinguish between a male and female, basic biology, in charge of fixing your body.

The people letting beautiful San Franciso literally be shit up and dirtied up with needles, in charge of your well being.

The people who will let a doctor terminate a baby, in charge of deciding what happens to you should you catch some bad luck and need to be fixed up.
They are obsessed with compassion so much, watch
Lmao, its libs get owned day.

No collusion ya dumb bastards.

Can we let Trump run the country please?
now it’s payback time
Even Barr’s summary defines conspiracy as specifically a quid pro quo. The only thing they couldn’t establish were the specific “release damaging info on Hillary to get me elected and I’ll remove sanctions” terms of the deal because the man who orchestrated those terms, Roger Stone, will take it to the grave. Can totally expect someone with a Nixon back tat to follow the law...

I could go all day on how he isn't winning. Trump thought going into the first summit that he could contain Jong-un. He was thinking he was going to get the Nobel prize. Talked about how they were best friends and all that. Now, shockingly, NK is up to their old tricks and has no intention on stopping things. Art of the deal: LMAO. Getting played is more appropriate
You did not understand what you read and it was one sided being the New York Times. Any one with even a little intelligence could see that.
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“It’s certainly great news that our president, and those around him, did not conspire with Russia...” - Anderson Cooper

Just watching CNN now, this is great. They got like 10 people up there, all checking phones, and behaving like this is the damn NFL draft or something.

Again, why are they even covering this. Did Trump pay them?
As to collusion: "Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in the election interference activities."
They did it but Roger Stone didn't flip so they couldn't definitively prove it.

As for obstruction: "With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution, we concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice."
He obstructed justice but that's Congress's job to prosecute.

None of this is "Total exoneration, No collusion" or whatever other nonsense the president wants to tweet.
It did not say Trump was corrupt in his use of authority, he simply put that congress has the authority to stop him if he did. What do you not understand about that which by the way, we knew already. Well....most of us. And some of you idiots think I can't comprehend. If you really believe that then, you have to feel dumber than dog sh** at this point.
Even Barr’s summary defines conspiracy as specifically a quid pro quo. The only thing they couldn’t establish were the specific “release damaging info on Hillary to get me elected and I’ll remove sanctions” terms of the deal because the man who orchestrated those terms, Roger Stone, will take it to the grave. Can totally expect someone with a Nixon back tat to follow the law...

"The only thing they couldn't establish were actual illegal things"

Agreed. It’s not illegal to give your internal polling data to a foreign adversary so they can intelligently target their disinformation campaign. Just shady AF and against any reasonable moral standard. Moral standards and Trump have never been compatible though.
Agreed. It’s not illegal to give your internal polling data to a foreign adversary so they can intelligently target their disinformation campaign. Just shady AF and against any reasonable moral standard. Moral standards and Trump have never been compatible though.
His opponent kept classified emails on a private server, lied about it, made her personal IT staff electronically and physically destroy said servers, refused to turn over 30k+ emails, had her husband meet surreptitiously on a tarmac with then sitting AG while charges were pending, paid for an oppo-research dossier to be commissioned on her opponent that was entirely made up, gave said dossier to people who then instigated a 2 year witch hunt which concluded he was kinda shady...

Just to put that into perspective for ya.
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“It’s certainly great news that our president, and those around him, did not conspire with Russia...” - Anderson Cooper

Just watching CNN now, this is great. They got like 10 people up there, all checking phones, and behaving like this is the damn NFL draft or something.

Again, why are they even covering this. Did Trump pay them?
Marketers see value in their dumb young twat demo that watches as easily persuaded.
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The only thing more Boomer than old ass Eagles singing the musical equivalent of "Get off my lawn!!" while aping already outdated Grunge clothing style are Clinton supporters
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That sarcasm got him to regurgitate that stupid "the really bad stuff only comes through the places that are watched and heavily guarded" talking point.

Yeppers, nobody would do bad things where we aren't looking. We have very accurate statistics from where we are not looking.

These are the same ****ers that bought "jobs saved, not lost."

I will walk you thru it Dave. Original Post: ****ing Mexicans have even managed to infiltrate Appalachia and prescribe too many pills. The wall can’t go up fast enough.

First of all, the Mexicans aren't the ones prescribing too many pills. That would be American doctors who are partially at fault for prescribing WAY too many pills like Oxy to people. There were pill mills set up all over Appalachia by corrupt American doctors who were in it for the $$. Purdue Pharma (American company) got the ball rolling by claiming opioids weren't addictive. Those people should rot in hell

Once the cartels recognized there was a pill epidemic in many places in the US, they brought in the heroin because they realized people couldn't afford the Oxy forever. The heroin is cheaper and in many cases more potent.

The wall won't stop the majority of drugs because most (not all) are brought in in cars, trucks and boats. Cartels aren't interested in bringing in 5 kilos, they are interested in bringing in tons of the stuff (you can't do that in a backpack). They know they are going to get caught on some of it because they do inspections at legal points of entry, but more will get in. Thats the cost of doing business

"According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points."

"Gil Kerlikowske, who headed CBP and the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Barack Obama, said intelligence received from arrested smugglers and law enforcement partners in Mexico indicate that cartels clearly prefer moving high-profit narcotics through the busy ports of entry because their chances of success are better there."

His opponent kept classified emails on a private server, lied about it, made her personal IT staff electronically and physically destroy said servers, refused to turn over 30k+ emails, had her husband meet surreptitiously on a tarmac with then sitting AG while charges were pending, paid for an oppo-research dossier to be commissioned on her opponent that was entirely made up, gave said dossier to people who then instigated a 2 year witch hunt which concluded he was kinda shady...

Just to put that into perspective for ya.
Agreed. Hillary sucks too.
I just wanted to crawl out of the woodwork for the Mueller report. Does anyone else find it troublesome that the only reason our country did not face maybe it's greatest constitutional crisis ever is that the President's advisors disobeyed direct orders from him?

Moreover, I think this report is about the worst possible report for the country. It neither fully exonerates nor fully and inarguably inculpates the President while at the same time pointing out just how awful the Russian Interference was. So as a result we will look at the same thing and come to two different conclusions while not addressing the Elephant in the room, i.e. that Russians were totally f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner.
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I just wanted to crawl out of the woodwork for the Mueller report. Does anyone else find it troublesome that the only reason our country did not face maybe it's greatest constitutional crisis ever is that the President's advisors disobeyed direct orders from him?

Moreover, I think this report is about the worst possible report for the country. It neither fully exonerates nor fully and inarguably inculpates the President while at the same time pointing out just how awful the Russian Interference was. So as a result we will look at the same thing and come to two different conclusions while not addressing the Elephant in the room, i.e. that Russians were totally f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner.
Call me crazy, but I'd put the Civil War slightly above "did Trump help the Russians make Facebook memes" on the list of Constitutional crises?

It absolutely exonerates Trump. Did he act illegally? No. Boom, done.

And the Russians have been f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner for decades. Acting like Trump is the first or worst (see Hillary comment above) is just a way to rile people up. The media and political class acting shocked that the Russians may have tried to sway the election is pathetic feigning. "OH MY HEAVENS WHY I NEVER SEEN THE RUSSIANS DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!" *faints*. It's BS.
I just wanted to crawl out of the woodwork for the Mueller report. Does anyone else find it troublesome that the only reason our country did not face maybe it's greatest constitutional crisis ever is that the President's advisors disobeyed direct orders from him?

Moreover, I think this report is about the worst possible report for the country. It neither fully exonerates nor fully and inarguably inculpates the President while at the same time pointing out just how awful the Russian Interference was. So as a result we will look at the same thing and come to two different conclusions while not addressing the Elephant in the room, i.e. that Russians were totally f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner.


totally agree, china man. What I don't understand is why/how Mark Zuckerburg is not in jail? Or at least fined billions of dollars for allowing russia to infiltrate our facebook? Seems like bs to me. Looking forward, how will we handle elections in the future? Can we shutdown facebook/twitter temporarily? Idk, just a lot to think about. All I know is if Russia gets back on facebook/twitter Trump will likely win 2020 and that will be the end of america as we know it, and highly likely it's the end of the entire world because we all know how much Drumph cares about our planet. Smh.
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It did not say Trump was corrupt in his use of authority, he simply put that congress has the authority to stop him if he did. What do you not understand about that which by the way, we knew already. Well....most of us. And some of you idiots think I can't comprehend. If you really believe that then, you have to feel dumber than dog sh** at this point.
It did. “If we had confidence after a through investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice we would state so. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgement.”

The special counsel’s position is just that it’s Congress’s job to do something about it, not their’s. “The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”
I will walk you thru it Dave. Original Post: ****ing Mexicans have even managed to infiltrate Appalachia and prescribe too many pills. The wall can’t go up fast enough.

First of all, the Mexicans aren't the ones prescribing too many pills. That would be American doctors who are partially at fault for prescribing WAY too many pills like Oxy to people. There were pill mills set up all over Appalachia by corrupt American doctors who were in it for the $$. Purdue Pharma (American company) got the ball rolling by claiming opioids weren't addictive. Those people should rot in hell

Once the cartels recognized there was a pill epidemic in many places in the US, they brought in the heroin because they realized people couldn't afford the Oxy forever. The heroin is cheaper and in many cases more potent.

The wall won't stop the majority of drugs because most (not all) are brought in in cars, trucks and boats. Cartels aren't interested in bringing in 5 kilos, they are interested in bringing in tons of the stuff (you can't do that in a backpack). They know they are going to get caught on some of it because they do inspections at legal points of entry, but more will get in. Thats the cost of doing business

"According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points."

"Gil Kerlikowske, who headed CBP and the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Barack Obama, said intelligence received from arrested smugglers and law enforcement partners in Mexico indicate that cartels clearly prefer moving high-profit narcotics through the busy ports of entry because their chances of success are better there."

The original poster you quoted was being tongue in cheek.

It's not that people can't afford pills, it's that states finally started reeling in doctors and the out of control scripts. Addicts needed a fix, thats why heroine numbers have skyrocketed.

Lastly, for the umpteenth time, border checkpoints are monitored 24/7 of course 90% of apprehensions will be made there over hundreds of miles of unmanned border.
I just wanted to crawl out of the woodwork for the Mueller report. Does anyone else find it troublesome that the only reason our country did not face maybe it's greatest constitutional crisis ever is that the President's advisors disobeyed direct orders from him?

Moreover, I think this report is about the worst possible report for the country. It neither fully exonerates nor fully and inarguably inculpates the President while at the same time pointing out just how awful the Russian Interference was. So as a result we will look at the same thing and come to two different conclusions while not addressing the Elephant in the room, i.e. that Russians were totally f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner.

Just think, all this could've been avoided if the FBI had done the right thing and warned the Trump campaign that they were being probed by the Russians. You know, like they do every other campaign when something like this arises.
I just wanted to crawl out of the woodwork for the Mueller report. Does anyone else find it troublesome that the only reason our country did not face maybe it's greatest constitutional crisis ever is that the President's advisors disobeyed direct orders from him?

Moreover, I think this report is about the worst possible report for the country. It neither fully exonerates nor fully and inarguably inculpates the President while at the same time pointing out just how awful the Russian Interference was. So as a result we will look at the same thing and come to two different conclusions while not addressing the Elephant in the room, i.e. that Russians were totally f'ing with us in an unacceptable manner.

Not troublesome, but relieved that he had people around him who knew better. What I find troublesome is the lack of accountability for the parties involved in masterminding this whole treasonous coup attempt on a sitting president. That would have been far more damaging to this country. Hopefully that will change, not likely though.

Trump could have exercised executive privilege, could have shut this thing down from the start, he's been transparent throughout, and basically let this thing drag out, all the while having his name dragged through the mud in the press daily. Would a guilty person, or someone who thought they were in jeapordy, allow that? There has been so much hypocrisy and finger pointing and false accusations by the media that their credibility should be shot. This whole fiasco has exposed them for the partisan hacks they are. This entire attempt by the media and the left to undermine any and everything Trump tries to do, to the detriment and safety of our country and citizens, regardless of how hypocritical they appear, is whats truly troublesome.
"The no spying feature costs a lot more but it's well worth it"

I hope they got a firm handshake too.

Huawei CEO offered Berlin no-spy deal to soften 5G concerns

BERLIN, April 17 (Reuters) - China’s Huawei offered Berlin a “no-spy agreement” to address security concerns over the Chinese company’s involvement in building Germany’s next-generation 5G mobile infrastructure, a German magazine said on Wednesday.

“Last month, we talked to the German Interior Ministry and said that we were ready to sign a no-spy agreement with the German government and to promise that Huawei will not install any backdoors in the networks,” Wirtschaftswoche quoted Huawei Chief Executive Ren Zhengfei as saying.

He called on the Chinese government to sign a similar no-spy-agreement and to adhere to European Union data protection laws.

Germany last month set tougher criteria for vendors supplying network equipment, stopping short of singling out Huawei for special treatment and instead saying the same rules should apply to all vendors.