She has. She is too far up Bill Maher butt to be objective anymore. She made a lot of money off of Trump supporters with her books. Too bad but she showed her true colors. Back stabberAnn Coulter says she could forget all the socialist stuff and possibly vote for Bernie if he went back to his original plan on immigration. Has she lost her damn mind?
I'm against it if it's white bread!!! No white bread!!! Cause white bread racist!!!Hey man - bread lines are the only way to ensure bread equality. Who could be against that?
"Water is wet"
Can we get Barr as VP next time? Guy just does not give two fs
Can we get Barr as VP next time? Guy just does not give two fs
Tied up at work and needed a 30-second summary of what was happening with Mueller and Barr.
So I logged on this thread, scanned for the lefty nuts, and when it was clear they were too depressed to post, I knew all I needed to know.
Barnes and Noble offering free download of the report.
Press release: Wire/ac3161911fa0426790e400bce3d8690d
The MSM is basically stumbling all over themselves to come up with something. They're going to spin themselves dizzy trying to turn any nugget they can into something it's not.
That is the tragedy of this whole foolish witch hunt. The special counsel knew from the beginning there was nothing here. They knew Trump and his team had nothing to do with any of this. Yet they allowed leaks to be made to a willing media who hated Trump as much as they did. Meanwhile Trump was obstructed from doing his job as president. He even had Republicans willing to hang him out to dry and rooting hard that the special counsel would come up with something to nail the administration. Meanwhile others were trying to over throw a legitimate election. Those involved should be tried for treason and sedition no doubt.Folks the collusion was dead a looooong time ago when the first indictment stated the Russian trolls acted without the knowledge or cooperation of any American citizen.
It was literally dead then. The media and every politician/pundit should've called for an end to that charade way back then. Every single one that didn't should be ashamed of themselves.
The ones that continued to actively push a narrative they knew to be false SHOULD all be tried for treason or sedition. We all know they won't. But they should
It's nice to think House Democrats are so foolish and delusional that they'll drag the country through an impeachment proceeding even after Mueller found -- and it was his only mandate -- ZERO evidence of collusion. If that happens, Trump will win in 2020 by more than Clinton did in 1996.
"the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government." Everything else is the Idiot Wind of paid rabble rousers in the media and the left wing of the Democratic party. Again, I pray your fellow lefties are foolish enough to push this toward impeachment. Trump would waltz to a win in 2020 as the country got a good look at the midgets running the Democratic House opposition.As to collusion: "Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in the election interference activities."
They did it but Roger Stone didn't flip so they couldn't definitively prove it.
As for obstruction: "With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution, we concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice."
He obstructed justice but that's Congress's job to prosecute.
None of this is "Total exoneration, No collusion" or whatever other nonsense the president wants to tweet.
As to collusion: "Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in the election interference activities."
They did it but Roger Stone didn't flip so they couldn't definitively prove it.
As for obstruction: "With respect to whether the President can be found to have obstructed justice by exercising his powers under Article II of the Constitution, we concluded that Congress has the authority to prohibit a President's corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice."
He obstructed justice but that's Congress's job to prosecute.
None of this is "Total exoneration, No collusion" or whatever other nonsense the president wants to tweet.
****ing Mexicans have even managed to infiltrate Appalachia and prescribe too many pills. The wall can’t go up fast enough.
A wall isn't going to help stop most of the illegal drugs coming into the US. The majority of illegal drugs come thru ports of entry in trucks/cars/ships. Building a wall doesn't stop most of it. Also if you want to blame someone for the opioid crisis in Appalachia, your starting point is Purdue Pharma and corrupt doctors....
This is a great book which shows all angles of how this got going. It really is eye opening