Hate you tell you this it already is! I'll remind you we have a cowardly child molesting liar in the White House now that is in bed with a ex-KGB russia operative, a country that has vowed to defeat us from within.
You're right about them trying to defeat us within.
Who knew it was so easy to take down the USA?
Hell, the Muslims have to be kicking themselves in the ass saying "we go through all the trouble of acts of terrorism, and all we had to do was muck around online during an election and let the party that lost take it from there..."
Levi...Russians didn't give a F*** who won, they knew no matter what that the meddling would kick off what it kicked off.
Had Hillary won, Pubs would be investigating and hollering about impeachment.
"Uranium 1...Bided's son in the Ukrain...Bill speaking in Russia...Clinton Foundation ties...Obama, during his time, whispering sweet little nothings in Putin's ear...and on and on..."
Also, it wasn't just about this election and presidential cycle, it was about the ones to come in the future.
Unfortunately, Libs have set a precedent to scream and holler about collusion. Rest assured Russia and other bad actors will meddle in some way shape or form from here on out. Not because they care who wins, because they know that it will create chaos.
What comes the next time a Democrat gets elected is on you all booty...If not Russia or China, pretty sure by then Silcon Valley will have found a way to more heavily influence elections. At least Russia tried to be sneaky, F**king google and those boys are out in the open with who they want to win and algorithms that fudge things...