How will they rule ??!

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flat ass lied during a nation wide televised TV interview......yet he was the victim...SMMFH

Prolly found out somebody was holding his pink poodle hostage.
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What would it take for you to admit Trump is just an asshole and not a treasonous asshole?
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Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx said in a statement, ""After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case."

Wow, that is really disgusting! Makes it appear like a decision based on race and/or politics rather than a defective case. All this from someone who had supposedly recused herself. Word is the cops are furious. smh.
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haha victim [eyeroll]

that's the only kind of privilge that actually does exist, having enough money and/or power/influence to grease the wheels of corruption when needed.

like ole beto, claims it is was white privilege got his juvenile breaking and entering and dui dismissed... couldn't possibly have anything to do with his Dad being a judge could it?

you leftists, those who blindly buy into these pernicious lies are complete dumbasses; those you follow take advantage of your naivete, exploiting it at every turn... noone has insulted you worse than these people, done more to hurt your progressive cause

Their base never questions anything.

Person enriching themselves from politics? Hates the guy who donates his salary and doesn’t need politics for wealth? “Yay! They’re the good guys! Take down the crook Trump.”

Black celeb tries to smear millions of people and start a race war, gets off due to a black corrupt DA? “White privilege is real. The prison system is racist.”

Media industry completely exposed via digital footprint of colluding with the Democrat Party to influence elections and promote propaganda? *Refuses to read them*

Muslims commit daily terrorism and raping western women? “Let’s go after the Christian baker and boycott Chick-Fil-A.”

Democrats wanting to raise your taxes? “YAY!”

More billionaires and corporations and rich celebs are Democrat. “We’re the rebels. Take down the one percent!”

Loves to be led to rich celebs talking about social justice and virtue signaling all while they pay to make sure their kids get in the front of the line.

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Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx said in a statement, ""After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case."

Wow, that is really disgusting! Makes it appear an act of mercy rather than a defective case. Word is the cops are furious. smh.

Cops should be furious, if this had been a white nobody his ass would still be inside looking out..
Decision to drop Smollett charges are yet another highlight of Democratic side inability/refusal/privilege to take no accountability/responsibility/respect for themselves and their actions. Interesting to hear them say they must see the full Muller report-can’t accept message from one person. Wonder how they feel about Smollett case file being sealed and just accepting message from Chicago DA that Smollett case is closed without charges.....I think we all know the answer to that one.
Black racist fox tried to get the fbi to do the dirty work they wouldn’t do she took the law into her own hands as liberals always do, blacks and libs are trying so hard to get a full race war going . They are filled with hate and revenge, they are good for nothing but tearing down and destryoing things

aaaaaand, there's the diversion. Dude will be plastered all over the media talking up his exoneration and ranting about racist Trump and the evils of MAGA.
Cops should be furious, if this had been a white nobody his ass would still be inside looking out..
They would file both state and federal crimes but that’s why Jussie had to hire two blacks cuz no white person unless it’s a self loathing lib would participate in this .. so after saying that I’m surprised Jussie couldn’t find a white lib to do this, and to use that cnn anchor babes line in re to this “this is America 2019”
Libs won’t care they will gladly rebuff the double standard of justice and say it is warranted because of slavery.. I wish I could put money on that... it’ll be jamoo or or joy Reid , Reid’s eyes look like Satans
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Here’s a perfect example of the media/left if I’ve ever seen one.

Trump’s Russia collusion BS had 0 evidence. They ran with it for 2 years. They cheered for it for 2 years. They didn’t get the result they wanted and now they’re pushing for something else. ~$50,000/day of American’s tax dollars spent on something they knew was BS. The far left is upset nothing was found and praying for him to be dirty somehow. Trump’s not a victim though.

Smollett has evidence against him in droves. He was FOS and everyone knew it. Guy would have ruined any 2 random white dude’s lives without thinking twice had they been on camera. Gets off totally free and I’m sure many will either celebrate it or stay silent on the issue. Smollett is somehow a victim.

Justice is blind my ass. Justice is dying a slow and painful death.
I want to rewatch his movies I would probabaly look at it differently
I have to honest. I don't think I can tell you one movie he was in. But I think I will do like you and watch a few of them. I like him because he has been one of very few people who have stuck with the President and saw the "investigation" for what it is and was. A hoax and fraud. He was consistent the entire time and never wavered. I respect that
The winner of the mcdaa dunk competition threw down a basic one handed dunk. Bested someone who jumped over three people, among other incredible displays.

Perfect example of "equality" in today's social justice environment. There's nothing equal about gifting her a victory. The equality was allowing her to participate.

Yet had she not won, weeping and wailing would ensue until people apologize and/or get sacrificed at the alter of social justice.
You leftist scumbags must be real proud today.
They've destroyed the entire justice system. If you're a conservative, you can be investigated over a crime you didn't commit. If you're a liberal, you can commit a crime yet get away with it.

What a GD disgrace. The Trump administration needs to do something about this or this country is finished.
The winner of the mcdaa dunk competition threw down a basic one handed dunk. Bested someone who jumped over three people, among other incredible displays.

Perfect example of "equality" in today's social justice environment. There's nothing equal about gifting her a victory. The equality was allowing her to participate.

Yet had she not won, weeping and wailing would ensue until people apologize and/or get sacrificed at the alter of social justice.
We are so far past full retard it’s mind blowing
The winner of the mcdaa dunk competition threw down a basic one handed dunk. Bested someone who jumped over three people, among other incredible displays.

Perfect example of "equality" in today's social justice environment. There's nothing equal about gifting her a victory. The equality was allowing her to participate.

Yet had she not won, weeping and wailing would ensue until people apologize and/or get sacrificed at the alter of social justice.
I think they did the same thing to Joe Crawford. Girl barely got it over the rim.
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