How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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But what is really going on here?

Everyone making statements are all on the Dem team.

Everyone in this is connected through Rahm and Obama.

I find it hard to believe this is happening in real time.

They should have been able to hash all this out in private and had a unified message as usual.

I know it's one party rule up there, but isn't there one republican in Chicago that can make hay out of this?

The thing that is crazy to me is even Rahm was out there today going ham on the decision. So ya I expected to hear Rahm walk the party line and say this was a smart decision.

Honestly just think Jussie had a connection with the Obama's, they made a call and just like that, it got figured out for him. The Obama thing isn't even really conspiracy thing either, it was reported like a week ago that Obama aids were reaching out trying to get involved in this case.

Its crazy to me that they did this without even caring that the entire country was watching this thing.
or Axelrod. WTF is going on.

The records are sealed. The plea bargain or whatever the hell you call this isn't going to be reversed. Of course the Democrats are going to act outraged.

There literally is nothing to lose. They're completely and totally full of shit, and all probably knew this was coming down the pipeline. No one on team Obama is surprised or angered by this. Not Rahm Emanuel. Not David Axelrod.

Do not fall for the act.

It's like the old "would your murder Hitler as a baby" thing. Of course they'd all say they'd try and stop Hitler because it's a meaningless hypothetical, but you really know he'd be the one baby the Ds wouldn't murder.
Cocaine mitch is the best mitch

This was one of the best political moves by a Republican that I can remember. I give Republican politicians a ton of crap because I think they are awful politicians while Democrats tend to be the far better politicians.

But damn Cocaine Mitch hit it out of the park on this one. This was a shrewd move by him, I love it.

It seems like since the Kavanaugh fiasco, the Dems are just creating a laundry list of things that Trump is just going to go off on once the debates come.
  • Screw due process, lets call Kavanaugh a rapist
  • Abortions for all 9 months
  • Full blown socialism
  • Demonize innocent high school kids with 0 evidence
  • Backup a fake hate crime hoax
  • Pump up Mueller for 2 years then act like the Mueller report means nothing
  • Say climate change is the most important issue in the world, then have them vote on the policy they all supported. Yet when its time to vote none of them vote for it.
  • Basically be for open borders/no walls and against Ice
I know there is a lot more, those are just the ones off the top of my head. You give Trump those talking points headed into a debate, plus the economy and destroying ISIS. That's 10 topics right there that Trump would just go to town on and make the Dems look horrible.
Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx said in a statement, ""After reviewing all of the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollet's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the City of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution to this case."

Wow, that is really disgusting! Makes it appear like a decision based on race and/or politics rather than a defective case. All this from someone who had supposedly recused herself. Word is the cops are furious. smh.
Sounds like he agreed to pay a $10K fine to avoid trial.
The winner of the mcdaa dunk competition threw down a basic one handed dunk. Bested someone who jumped over three people, among other incredible displays.

Perfect example of "equality" in today's social justice environment. There's nothing equal about gifting her a victory. The equality was allowing her to participate.

Yet had she not won, weeping and wailing would ensue until people apologize and/or get sacrificed at the alter of social justice.
More notice that I'm out of touch. No f-ing idea what this is about.
There have been countless people do some awful things and get no jail time or a slap on the wrist. I never thought Smollett would serve time, he deserves it but I knew he wouldn't.

What I didn't expect was the charges would be dropped without him admitting guilt and getting a stiffer punishment than what he got. You can't say hate crimes should be treated seriously if you allow hate crime hoaxes to basically go unpunished because they undermine actual hate crimes.

Any prosecutor should be embarrassed to have the mountain of evidence against him and let him off and let him do that farce statement where he emotionally claims his innocence

I don't know what's better. The fact he kept a straight face throughout the whole thing. Or the people on twitter thinking he was being serious with what he was saying.

The fact that the entire point of his speech was to show how unbelievably dumb the GND is and the fact that many people aren't getting that was his point is just hilarious.
Not surprising at all. In Trumpelskiltskin’s fairytale world:

Free Press = fake news
FBI = fake investigations
Justice Department = fake indictments
Courts = fake judgements

Donnie wants unchecked power. He’s very transparent about it.

Ugh politics is so dumb. Why wouldn't you just vote Yes on the stupid bill that won't pass? Can someone explain the stupid reason I'm sure exists for this silliness?
And I bet she was using a women’s basketball which was smaller. Modern day liberalism is like a free circus I tell you what

Good ole USA in 2019. Where a woman can win a dunk contest against men with a simple one handed dunk and a man who claims to be a woman can compete and dominate wrestling, weight lifting, track and field etc. against women. Now that's progressive.[eyeroll] :cry:
There have been countless people do some awful things and get no jail time or a slap on the wrist. I never thought Smollett would serve time, he deserves it but I knew he wouldn't.

What I didn't expect was the charges would be dropped without him admitting guilt and getting a stiffer punishment than what he got. You can't say hate crimes should be treated seriously if you allow hate crime hoaxes to basically go unpunished because they undermine actual hate crimes.

Any prosecutor should be embarrassed to have the mountain of evidence against him and let him off and let him do that farce statement where he emotionally claims his innocence
My later thoughts on this is that it's to assure that when any black is accused of anything, that regardless of the evidence, he/she gets off with just paying bail money since wealthy Hollywood celeb got that treatment. To do otherwise will be labeled racist. Really, why should we even have prison terms after this?
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Ugh politics is so dumb. Why wouldn't you just vote Yes on the stupid bill that won't pass? Can someone explain the stupid reason I'm sure exists for this silliness?

They would be dragged over the coals if someone put their name on this thing, even if it doesn't pass. If they put their name on it, then Trump and every other Republican will hold that over them forever.

Right now the Dems can come out and say they support "A" green new deal, just not everything inside of this one.

This was a great move by Mitch because it was so obvious that no one would ever put their name on a bill this bad. But by having them not vote for it, it makes them look horrible right now and adds a nice little split in the party between all the senators who are looking to run for president and all the young house members.