This is just incorrect. What if someone develops a disease such as cancer or diabetes based on their life choices? Is that still a medical issue? I'll answer that for you, yes. Yes it is. That's why people go to the hospital for chemo treatment, etc.
I am not talking about drug addicts that inflict harm on others or steal from other people. If you are caught committing a crime that effects someone else's well-being or personal property, you should go to jail. Period.
I am talking about locking people up because solely because they have a crack rock or a small bag of heroin. That's insane to me.
Lastly, if prisons can't, won't or shouldn't rehabilitate, then why do WE have such a high recidivism rate? Many other countries have no where near what we have. The solution isn't to just throw up our hands.
It's a medical issue but only after. There's a movement, mainly on the left, that attempts to absolve the addict of any personal responsibility. As if they're some helpless bystander.
Same thing if someones poor choices lead to cancer via smoking or diabetes/heart disease via diet. But those afflictions can develop absent poor choices. Addiction cannot.
I think most here agree weed should be decriminalized.
In terms of rehabilitation, much the same where the personal responsibility is ignored. People commit crimes because they choose to. They're the perpetrator, not the victim. Jails are there for both deterrence and rehabilitation. But the inmate must take responsibility and use the resources provided. Most don't.