How will they rule ??!

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Headline now

"Oh no, Trump didn't get a deal after two meetings in two years..."

Headline if some sort of significant progress was made

"Oh no Trump made deal with a dictator...Russians probably involved..."

Headlines you didn't see prior to Trump election

"After 8 years Obama makes progress with NK"

"After 8 years Bush makes progress with NK"

"After 8 years Clinton makes progress with NK"
Particularly those aborted.
Deficit spending when an economy is in recession and in need of stimulus is understandable. Obama's deficits fell as the economy improved, we were on a path to a balanced budget.

You certainly cannot debate me on the substance of what I wrote.

The kind of lies that made your rep here. The deficit in 2016 grew $150b, it was not trending down. The only real impact he had on the deficit was the sequester which is stated his opposition to even though he signed it....then took credit when that ~$100b made a difference. Lastly, the CBO was warning he and Congress for the most of his last term that deficits were set to explode again.

In short, the "substance" of what you wrote is horseshit. Debate these facts.

Under CBO’s revised baseline projections, growth in spending – especially for Social Security, health care and interest on the federal debt – will outpace growth in revenues over the coming decade. Under the latest CBO scenario, deficits will increase modestly through 2018 but then start to accelerate, reaching $1.4 trillion in 2026 absent some legislative intervention to slow the growth of spending.
Not to any noticeable degree. As earlier stated...90% of heroin comes in through ports of call.
The cartels know x% of their shipments will be discovered and stopped, they will simply up the amount they send.
It won't stop drones that will easily fly over the wall, it won't stop moles that tunnel under the wall.

You can raise their cost of doing business which will simply get passed along to the drug addicts. Raising their cost also raises OUR cost.

As for illegals. Most that cross opposed to those who cross legally but stay/work making them so for 1 of 2 reasons. 1. They hired a coyote to get them across... 2. Convenience. There isn't a border crossing station nearby.

Border agents and police are generally low paid and relatively easily bought by drug cartels that have literally billions of $$$. It isn't unusual for drug kingpins to lose $2-3 million a month in cash to rats who eat the cash stuffed into garbage bags. How many border agents do you think can be bought for a fraction of that?

Name one substance we've ever been successful in stopping?

Again, the 90% is not how much comes in through the port if entry’s. 90% of what is confiscated is, which only furthers the argument. Because they are staffed and manned 24 hours a day. The open borders are not.
No one is arguing that it will stop 100% of drugs, you know we’re right and simply being stubborn.
You’re argument is oh well, f*ck it.

I know why they cross illegally, it’s still illegal and we need to stop it.
Jesus, is Levi my 75 year old mother who discovered chain emails for the first time?

Take a breather, Ma’am.
She is a little teenage girl who's boyfriend dumped her and now she wants to try and make other people look bad. Most of her postings are untrue or fake.
Spartacus, with support of the other dim hopefuls, is introducing a bill to legalize weed at the federal level. I would support this if they don't load it up with a bunch of idiocy, which they probably will just to make it a more divisive political issue. Trump already legalized hemp and has expressed positive interest in legalizing marijuana. This needs to get done, imo.
Yep bc our govt needs more ways to make money so they can irresponsibly spend it. And of course we need easier access to drugs.

I’m pro pot af, but this stupid “legalization” crap is not as sweet as it sounds.

I might be a contrarian dick about this issue, but man just look at the people pushing hard for this crap. You don’t want to stand with these loons. Same ones that want to flood our borders and get rid of police. It’s not a good recipe.

Plus since pot has been legalized in the states, cartels have made more money, increased violence, and California home of pot is still a fiscal mess.

It’s a damn trap.

I remember when liberals championed people who said f*** war, f*** getting involved in somebody else's problem...

yet again, one more liberal criteria Trump meets and they use it against him...guy literally can't win..

Had he gone and racked up a bunch of kills, he'd be an imperialist bastard who shot up brown people...
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Again, the 90% is not how much comes in through the port if entry’s. 90% of what is confiscated is, which only furthers the argument. Because they are staffed and manned 24 hours a day. The open borders are not.
No one is arguing that it will stop 100% of drugs, you know we’re right and simply being stubborn.
You’re argument is oh well, f*ck it.

I know why they cross illegally, it’s still illegal and we need to stop it.
No Bill, 90% of what gets through does so through the ports.

They ship narcotics by the ton, what goes across the border via some human is at most a kilo here, a kilo there other than places like in SCal where there are tunnels under the border and they push through larger quantities...which is most of the other 10%.
Bill, I lived down there for 3 years and worked there for the best part of 13 years, I know what the **** I'm talking about. If you think there will be any noticeable difference of drugs on the street then you're crazy. They can't keep drugs out of prisons...think about that one.

yeah...those three have never been shrill. In fact, not causing a ruckus is what they're known for...real examples of how to be diplomatic they are...

I'll bet dollars to donuts the shot-callers had a little meet with those three and told them to toe the line...AOC alone has cost the party at least a million votes...
I remember when liberals championed people who said f*** war, f*** getting involved in somebody else's problem...

yet again, one more liberal criteria Trump meets, yet they use it against him...guy literally can't win..

Had he gone and racked up a bunch of kills, he'd be an imperialist bastard who shot up brown people...
I remember when conservatives criticized people who avoided Vietnam...
No Bill, 90% of what gets through does so through the ports.

They ship narcotics by the ton, what goes across the border via some human is at most a kilo here, a kilo there other than places like in SCal where there are tunnels under the border and they push through larger quantities...which is most of the other 10%.
Bill, I lived down there for 3 years and worked there for the best part of 13 years, I know what the **** I'm talking about. If you think there will be any noticeable difference of drugs on the street then you're crazy. They can't keep drugs out of prisons...think about that one.
False, there is no way your little world could possibly have the network intelligence expanse it would take to monitor the entire border. This is just the rambling of ignorance and made up BS that the left is noted for.
No Bill, 90% of what gets through does so through the ports.

They ship narcotics by the ton, what goes across the border via some human is at most a kilo here, a kilo there other than places like in SCal where there are tunnels under the border and they push through larger quantities...which is most of the other 10%.
Bill, I lived down there for 3 years and worked there for the best part of 13 years, I know what the **** I'm talking about. If you think there will be any noticeable difference of drugs on the street then you're crazy. They can't keep drugs out of prisons...think about that one.

Listen, I don’t care if you lived there, You don’t have to live there to realize that a border boundary would make it tougher to get them in. It’s not rocket science. Where is the proof that 90% goes through the ports of entry?
If that’s the case why have we built any boundary structures? Just gave guards at the ports of entry. In your mind they don’t work, even though we have actual real world evidence they do.

Just admit that you don’t want them because Trump has pushed for it. It’s ok, at least then you’d make a lick of sense, instead you jump through mental gymnastics to prove a point no one believes.
When a Dem gets elected, and pushes for a wall you’ll be right in tow.

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