How will they rule ??!

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do you honesty think a wall will make even a 1% difference on drug flow?? get real fool. Demand overpowers any half assed attempt to stop it. Prison have big beautiful walls, fences, guards and it doesn't stop any of the contraband from getting in. Because they pay the prison guards to bring it in for them. It just means border patrol agents will get slightly bigger bribes to let their semi trucks get through the checkpoints. Fighting supply has NEVER worked in the history of mankind. You have to either end the demand or face reality. If mexico heroin because problematic they will revert back to flights of Asian heroin like the old CIA days.

Great points. Let’s stick a drone in the air so we can video the truck driving through no barrier. Can’t believe they don’t make people take a test to post this dumb crap [eyeroll]

You are the boards version of AOC. People only read your posts to see if you get any dumber.
I guess Obama didn't like when he said...If you like your doctor, you can keep him... since all doctors will take cash payments if your able and willing to do so. The fact that your insurance plan may have changed or a doctor decided to no longer participate with an insurance group isn't germane to the discussion.
What You Can Do if You Want to See a Specific Doctor Not Covered
You have options if your doctor won't accept your insurance.

  • Pay cash for the visit. Be sure to make this arrangement ahead of time, though. Not all doctors will accept cash payments.
Fuzz vs see who comes out on top.

And I am not quite sure "if you like your doctor you can keep them" vs factual, verified statistics is really the best argument to make fuzzy wuzzy.
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You really believe a wall won't slow the amount of heroin and illegals entering the country?
Not to any noticeable degree. As earlier stated...90% of heroin comes in through ports of call.
The cartels know x% of their shipments will be discovered and stopped, they will simply up the amount they send.
It won't stop drones that will easily fly over the wall, it won't stop moles that tunnel under the wall.

You can raise their cost of doing business which will simply get passed along to the drug addicts. Raising their cost also raises OUR cost.

As for illegals. Most that cross opposed to those who cross legally but stay/work making them so for 1 of 2 reasons. 1. They hired a coyote to get them across... 2. Convenience. There isn't a border crossing station nearby.

Border agents and police are generally low paid and relatively easily bought by drug cartels that have literally billions of $$$. It isn't unusual for drug kingpins to lose $2-3 million a month in cash to rats who eat the cash stuffed into garbage bags. How many border agents do you think can be bought for a fraction of that?

Name one substance we've ever been successful in stopping?
I guess Obama didn't like when he said...If you like your doctor, you can keep him... since all doctors will take cash payments if your able and willing to do so. The fact that your insurance plan may have changed or a doctor decided to no longer participate with an insurance group isn't germane to the discussion.

Just when I thought Fuzz couldn't possibly be more disingenuous. He posts a beauty like this.
Ports of entry are also on the water. That’s where a large chunk of drugs comes from. That’s also why trump always talks about the port technology that can X-ray entire containers.
They already x-ray containers...and I'm not opposed nor are Democrats at spending on this type of technology... but claiming Trump "always talks about the port technology..."... really? Just googled "Trump port technology"... not one hit of Trump calling for more. In fact he claims that the technology is already stopping everything coming into the ports.
Just when I thought Fuzz couldn't possibly be more disingenuous. He posts a beauty like this.
Perhaps you should follow the thread up and the discussion in which that comment was made. I am simply using @CatsFanGG24 logic. Context doesn't matter when evaluating a statement for truth.
What You Can Do if You Want to See a Specific Doctor Not Covered
You have options if your doctor won't accept your insurance.

  • Pay cash for the visit. Be sure to make this arrangement ahead of time, though. Not all doctors will accept cash payments.
Fuzz vs see who comes out on top.

And I am not quite sure "if you like your doctor you can keep them" vs factual, verified statistics is really the best argument to make fuzzy wuzzy.
Tell you what... find me a doctor that won't accept any other form of payment other than an insurance reimbursement and I'll concede the argument. I'll find 10 unicorns before you find that doctor.
Don’t tag me fuzz. Don’t try to equate us. I assure you they can read my posts and have the ability to call me out.

They decided on you. Likely because you are batshit crazy.
Since when have Americans become so terrified of drugs??

Trump is a bitch who's never drank or done drugs in his life. He's easily influenced and anti-drug propaganda got to him at a young age. He thinks that the whole "drugs are POURING into our country..." line will make anyone think a wall would be effective at stopping drug flow from nations south of the border. Jesus, he's such a simpleton. Luckily, most Americans know better. Also, most Americans believe in personal choice and responsibility. Nobody cares where the dope comes from. It's gonna find its way here, one way or another.

Legalize all drugs and let Americans figure it out over the next 300 years or so. Tax them and spend the money on education and infrastructure.

Drugs are cool when done in moderation.

Do you guys even party, bro???
The only valid point fuzz has is Trump authorizes too much spending. I think we've all voiced our concern over that.

But fuzz was conveniently silent about the $10 trillion Obama layered on top, so he can shove his complaints up his hypocritical ass.

And if you think Congress, the branch of the government that is supposed to write a budget, is going to cut spending, you're goddam clueless.

Not knowing much behind this, I started googling the highlighted area. Found this to be pretty interesting for anyone who wants to know more.
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National Weather Service reports the temperature at -14 on March 15, 2019. Thermometer shows -14 on 3/15/2019.

Trump shows up to outdoor rally: “Wow! Look at all of you - they say it’s -14 degrees and it’s March 15th!”

Fuzzy fact check: LIE. While the date was March 15th and the recorded temperature at the time of the rally WAS -14, Trump is a known climate change denier, therefore his factual reporting of the temperature was made in bad faith and therefore earns 4 Pinocchio’s!

To answer the question, anyone who's ever hung with the Kennedys in Martha's Vinyard. I'm sure between the fam and their friends you could scrap up five of just about anything you want.

As for all those names, we've established that Epstein is an Ivy liberal and pal to pretty much anyone and everyone near the top of Hollywood, media, political, corporate circles...

Casablancas...New Yorker through and through. Founder of basically the go-to talent/model agency for everyone in the liberal circles of pop culture, fashion, entertainment, media...can probably draw lines from his face to any face in Hollywood, New York, DC...the father of lead singer of The Strokes...

Arif...Bayrock group...Globalist real estate company does business with many different people in many countries. Based in liberal NY, surrounded by liberals, under the watch of liberal politicians.

Nader...worked with old man Bush and Clinton Admins...has some obama white house counsel on his legal team... ivy league lawyer who you can connect to everyone from J. Edgar to George Steinbrenner...
Trump walking away from the negotiations is classic deal making. Did not get the deal he wanted so had no issues leaving. Kim wants to keep "limited" nukes and have all sanctions lifted. Appears Trump called him out on some sites he had no idea the US knew about. Kim is not being honest and Trump called his bluff. Guarantee if this was Bush, Obama, or any other usual politician (even though they would have never been able to get Kim to agree to meet) would have signed a bogus deal just to say they got a deal.
I keep coming back to how is the US & world worse off for these meetings?
The point I'm making here is conservatives do not want to face the truth about Trump. They are by all appearances too concern about their personal positions, too devoted to a political position, or too cowardly to face the truth even to the point of not asking basic questions as to what is best for America.
I do face the truth about Trump: This country & the world is way better off with him as Prez than Hill or any Lib. Now there's truth. I give an ish about his life or lies that don't change a thing in this country. Why do they bother you so much?
Both Trump and Kim know what happens to dictators that fall... They get bayonetted in the asshole. If you were Kim how do you get out of this situation without the asshole bayonette from twenty of your 20 million slaves or being blown up by the United Nations?
Move to China.
Let's play a game.

How will Trump try to save face with his next tweet RE: the Hanoi summit? Nail the most words and you win the prize.

"We have a great, warm relationship."

"As a master negotiator, I know when you have to walk away from the table."

"*3rd-grade vocabulary terms with random capitalization* OBAMA *3rd-grade vocabulary terms with random capitalization*"

"I still believe in Chairman Kim and admire his great leadership."

Let's predict some tweets, my bros!
Flake was just speaking out of both sides of his mouth. McCain was inconsistent with his positions, and Corker may have been the most honest but he isn't around. I was mostly referring to the ongoing Trump corruption that is now being exposed. But you are at least paying attention eh?
What's corrupt about an NDA?
Someone should do a search, did a single lefty in here make a post about Trump and Kim Jong Un until it was perceived by the media to have gone badly?

Other side of the coin, has there been a single post about the Cohen stuff after it was a complete dud and he committed perjury again?
know how bad the gdp report was today? Trump didn't even tweet about it, that bad.
They already x-ray containers...and I'm not opposed nor are Democrats at spending on this type of technology... but claiming Trump "always talks about the port technology..."... really? Just googled "Trump port technology"... not one hit of Trump calling for more. In fact he claims that the technology is already stopping everything coming into the ports.
only about .5% of containers get x-rayed. The machines used cost millions and are very slow. only 3% of containers get any kind of inspection at all. It is cost and time prohibitive to go any further. This is one of many reasons republicans are so stupid when they say walls will stop drugs.