do you honesty think a wall will make even a 1% difference on drug flow?? get real fool. Demand overpowers any half assed attempt to stop it. Prison have big beautiful walls, fences, guards and it doesn't stop any of the contraband from getting in. Because they pay the prison guards to bring it in for them. It just means border patrol agents will get slightly bigger bribes to let their semi trucks get through the checkpoints. Fighting supply has NEVER worked in the history of mankind. You have to either end the demand or face reality. If mexico heroin because problematic they will revert back to flights of Asian heroin like the old CIA days.
Great points. Let’s stick a drone in the air so we can video the truck driving through no barrier. Can’t believe they don’t make people take a test to post this dumb crap
![Eye roll [eyeroll] [eyeroll]](
You are the boards version of AOC. People only read your posts to see if you get any dumber.