How will they rule ??!

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9000 lies baby!!! WOOOOO

That's a bullshit stat - very misleading, but I'd expect someone like you to use it.

Take a peak at one of their lies:
In the president’s immigration address Saturday, the last day of his second year in office, we counted 12 false or misleading claims, including:

"Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90 percent of which comes across our southern border.”

  • The 300-a-week number checks out. But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry.

Here, another beauty:

“Many of these security ideas have been proposed by Democrats themselves, and all of them have been supported by Democrats in the past, including a physical barrier wall or fence.”

Trump overstates the supposed Democratic support. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and many Democrats (although not Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California) voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by President George W. Bush and authorized construction of a fence along nearly 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed 283 to 138 in the House, with 64 Democratic votes, and 80 to 19 in the Senate, with 26 Democratic votes. But the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself has called the 2006 fence a “nothing wall.”

Selling that a wall will stop heroin is a lie. Trump is claiming that a wall will somehow stop 300 Americans a won't.

Claiming that Democrats have supported his idea in the past is a lie. Remember, they supported a "nothing wall" that what Trump wants?

The fact that you don't see the dishonesty in either of those statements is... sadly believable for #Cult45 members.
Selling that a wall will stop heroin is a lie. Trump is claiming that a wall will somehow stop 300 Americans a won't.

Claiming that Democrats have supported his idea in the past is a lie. Remember, they supported a "nothing wall" that what Trump wants?

The fact that you don't see the dishonesty in either of those statements is... sadly believable for #Cult45 members.

You're a goddam lunatic.
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The only valid point fuzz has is Trump authorizes too much spending. I think we've all voiced our concern over that.

But fuzz was conveniently silent about the $10 trillion Obama layered on top, so he can shove his complaints up his hypocritical ass.

And if you think Congress, the branch of the government that is supposed to write a budget, is going to cut spending, you're goddam clueless.
Deficit spending when an economy is in recession and in need of stimulus is understandable. Obama's deficits fell as the economy improved, we were on a path to a balanced budget. Trump's deficit spending is beyond irresponsible.
Selling that a wall will stop heroin is a lie. Trump is claiming that a wall will somehow stop 300 Americans a won't.

Claiming that Democrats have supported his idea in the past is a lie. Remember, they supported a "nothing wall" that what Trump wants?

The fact that you don't see the dishonesty in either of those statements is... sadly believable for #Cult45 members.
Fuzz, does heroin kill 300 Americans a week and does 90% of that Heroin come from the southern border?
Fuzz, have democrats proposed border security measures in the past, and have democrats even voted on border fencing and barriers in the past?

Where in the statements did it say democrats have supported HIS idea? LMAO...where did he say MY WALL will STOP 300 Americans dying a week? Seems as though you have to add an awful lot of unsaid things to those statements to make them lies.

Those are yes or no...very simple. If you answer yes, then they are facts...if you answer no, then you use two screennames here and have lied, lost bets and basically stolen $ from charity.
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Fuzz, does heroin kill 300 Americans a week and does 90% of that Heroin come from the southern border?
Fuzz, have democrats proposed border security measures in the past, and have democrats even voted on border fencing and barriers in the past?

Those are yes or no...very simple. If you answer yes, then they are facts...if you answer no, then you use two screennames here and have lied, lost bets and basically stolen $ from charity.
do you honesty think a wall will make even a 1% difference on drug flow?? get real fool. Demand overpowers any half assed attempt to stop it. Prison have big beautiful walls, fences, guards and it doesn't stop any of the contraband from getting in. Because they pay the prison guards to bring it in for them. It just means border patrol agents will get slightly bigger bribes to let their semi trucks get through the checkpoints. Fighting supply has NEVER worked in the history of mankind. You have to either end the demand or face reality. If mexico heroin because problematic they will revert back to flights of Asian heroin like the old CIA days.
Fuzz, does heroin kill 300 Americans a week and does 90% of that Heroin come from the southern border?
Fuzz, have democrats proposed border security measures in the past, and have democrats even voted on border fencing and barriers in the past?

Those are yes or no...very simple. If you answer yes, then they are facts...if you answer no, then you use two screennames here and have lied, lost bets and basically stolen $ from charity.
Context matter dumbass. Trying to parse out a statement to measure it outside of the context in which it was delivered is dishonest at best.
do you honesty think a wall will make even a 1% difference on drug flow?? get real fool. Demand overpowers any half assed attempt to stop it. Prison have big beautiful walls, fences, guards and it doesn't stop any of the contraband from getting in. Because they pay the prison guards to bring it in for them. It just means border patrol agents will get slightly bigger bribes to let their semi trucks get through the checkpoints.
What I think doesn't matter a bit...but yeah fool...1% sure...

What matters is simple factual statements, proven fact by the same fact checkers who turn around and call it a lie because they don't like how said fact was being used.
Part of "the wall" that your side can't acknowledge exists bc that means YOU AGREE WITH TRUMP (which you do in this case...) is "smart security" at ports of entry....xrays and stuff.

I didn't know cartels actually manufacture fentanyl. They buy ingredients from China or wherever, then cook it up in their many huge labs that are close to the border.
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Deficit spending when an economy is in recession and in need of stimulus is understandable. Obama's deficits fell as the economy improved, we were on a path to a balanced budget. Trump's deficit spending is beyond irresponsible.
You sure have become a fervent deficit hawk! Tell you what, I'll support a balanced budget amendment, if you will do the same. Deal?
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Context matter dumbass. Trying to parse out a statement to measure it outside of the context in which it was delivered is dishonest at best.

300 Americans die a week to heroin. Fact. 90% of heroin comes across our southern border. Fact.

"Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90% of which comes across our southern border." LIES! BC his proposals wouldn't fix this!!!

No, you disagree with his potential solutions...that doesn't make facts he uses regarding the subject lies.

That is their sentence they alone is FACT. If you want to label it a lie, you better had add something to it.
So if that's what you call sane people who aren't brainwashed...I guess I am.
You certainly cannot debate me on the substance of what I wrote.

You're calling Trump a liar for making objectively factual statement, then turning around and saying Obama was on a path to a balanced budget.

Takes a mind boggling amount of unhinged lunacy to post something so goddam stupid.
1. Trump would actually have to commit a crime first.
2. A sitting President cannot be indicted.
3. You're an idiot.
there is nothing that says a President can't be indicted except a DoJ policy memo that an AG can change freely. Barr could indict Trump anytime he wanted to. Now i don't think it will ever happen, the DoJ is to scared to get involved in that kind of mess and would make Congress do the dirty work. The closest SCOTUS has come to ruling on this is when Nixon tried to claim he couldn't be subpoenaed and SCOTUS told him to **** off. How they would rule on indictment? Nobody really has any idea because the constitution doesn't address it at all so it will come down to how they feel about giving the President the power to commit crimes. If Trump ever actually got put in a court room for crimes it would be from SDNY after he gets kicked out of office.
there is nothing that says a President can't be indicted except a DoJ policy memo. Barr could indict Trump anytime he wanted to. Now i don't think it will ever happen, the DoJ is to scared to get involved in that kind of mess and would make Congress do the dirty work. The closest SCOTUS has come to ruling on this is when Nixon tried to claim he couldn't be subpoenaed and SCOTUS told him to **** off. How they would rule on indictment? Nobody really has any idea because the constitution doesn't address it at all so it will come down to how they feel about giving the President the power to commit crimes.

Not surprisingly, #1 is skipped over by the lefties.
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Selling that a wall will stop heroin is a lie. Trump is claiming that a wall will somehow stop 300 Americans a won't.

Claiming that Democrats have supported his idea in the past is a lie. Remember, they supported a "nothing wall" that what Trump wants?

The fact that you don't see the dishonesty in either of those statements is... sadly believable for #Cult45 members.

You really believe a wall won't slow the amount of heroin and illegals entering the country?
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a policy memo means nothing. They get changed all the time based on the whims of new administrations or AG's.

Who gives a shit. There's no crimes. Not a single shred of evidence of any crimes. No sense in talking about policy memos or the whims of an AG when there's nothing in step 1 to get you to step 2.
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Fuzz, does heroin kill 300 Americans a week and does 90% of that Heroin come from the southern border?
Fuzz, have democrats proposed border security measures in the past, and have democrats even voted on border fencing and barriers in the past?

Where in the statements did it say democrats have supported HIS idea? LMAO...where did he say MY WALL will STOP 300 Americans dying a week? Seems as though you have to add an awful lot of unsaid things to those statements to make them lies.

Those are yes or no...very simple. If you answer yes, then they are facts...if you answer no, then you use two screennames here and have lied, lost bets and basically stolen $ from charity.
I guess Obama didn't like when he said...If you like your doctor, you can keep him... since all doctors will take cash payments if your able and willing to do so. The fact that your insurance plan may have changed or a doctor decided to no longer participate with an insurance group isn't germane to the discussion.
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