9000 lies baby!!! WOOOOO
That's a bullshit stat - very misleading, but I'd expect someone like you to use it.
Take a peak at one of their lies:
In the president’s immigration address Saturday, the last day of his second year in office, we counted 12 false or misleading claims, including:
"Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90 percent of which comes across our southern border.”
- The 300-a-week number checks out. But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry.
![Laughing [laughing] [laughing]](http://l.yimg.com/j/assets/img/emoticons/classic/laugh.r191677.gif)
Here, another beauty:
“Many of these security ideas have been proposed by Democrats themselves, and all of them have been supported by Democrats in the past, including a physical barrier wall or fence.”
Trump overstates the supposed Democratic support. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and many Democrats (although not Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California) voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by President George W. Bush and authorized construction of a fence along nearly 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed 283 to 138 in the House, with 64 Democratic votes, and 80 to 19 in the Senate, with 26 Democratic votes. But the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself has called the 2006 fence a “nothing wall.”