How will they rule ??!

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I will take this moment to remind the blind mice here that this is the beginning of a story not the end.

Whats worse for the country, using govt agencies to undermine and impede the peaceful transistion of power, unmask citizens, abuse FISA to listen to a campaign, create an investigation out of a dossier created with false info or pay a woman threatening you with a perfectly legal NDA?

Don't you find it just a little odd that in 2 years no one has asked Obama if he knew anything about the actions of his admin in late 2016, early 2017?

We are a country of laws, and for parents to use kids as props and pawns and to endanger them on a long trek is irresponsible and the fault of the parents. I guess you need to go scream at Obama since he did the same thing.

The difference between yourself and Platinum and normal people on this board is that you want the country to fail so that Trump fails. I never want the US to fail no matter who is President. When Obama was President I did not want him to fail because I did not want to see people struggle or see Americans have issues just so “my side” could win. That is the mantra of the Dems. They want failure when the GOP is in charge so they can demand control. They want people to be forced to rely on them for their pay, their healthcare, their security, for every aspect of their lives. They want to give free healthcare and free college to everyone and feel it is a right, and they don’t want to pay for it - they want us to pay for it with higher taxes. Why? Because the more people rely on them the more they can dictate what they do in their lives. Is that really how you want to live?

If they feel that strongly why don’t millionaires like Bernie, Hillary, Gore, Soros... give their millions and billions to charity and help people since they say that is their intent? Because they don’t want to help them - they just want to control them. Making them dependent is what they want. The Clintons started a foundation not to help people but to help themselves. Haiti ring a bell. Chelsea’s wedding paid for with funds from the foundation. Hating America is not a good look and your rhetoric along with Platinum’s does not make you courageous, champions for the cause, or heroes or bleed red, white, and blue. It just makes you transparent for everyone to see.
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I want to remind all the conservative here that one of Trumps people in his administration has already plead guilty of lying to congress. Elliot Abrams is a known liar to congress and now holds a prominent position in this administration.

Of course it isn't the end. They'll keep the charades going as long as possible.

But it was without a doubt the end to any substance to Russia collusion. He was never in Prague (which we knew) and the first time trump told him to expect more WikiLeaks dumps was a month after assange announced to everyone the dumps were coming

He also killed the campaign finance nonsense. Admitted trump never directed him to do anything.

So ya the show will go on. But this put the final nail in an already closed coffin
The point I'm making here is conservatives do not want to face the truth about Trump. They are by all appearances too concern about their personal positions, too devoted to a political position, or too cowardly to face the truth even to the point of not asking basic questions as to what is best for America.
This is such complete bullshit lol.
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Need a democrat to answer this truthfully....

What part of Trump's Presidency is making you hate him at this time and want him removed from office?

~Foreign Policy / America's security

You know...the really important stuff.

The fact is you can't name one thing that really matters on a daily basis which makes your life miserable, other than you despise him as a person. Even then, what has he done since day one in office that makes you want him out of office?

....will hang up and listen.
Need a democrat to answer this truthfully....

What part of Trump's Presidency is making you hate him at this time and want him removed from office?

~Foreign Policy / America's security

You know...the really important stuff.

The fact is you can't name one thing that really matters on a daily basis which makes your life miserable, other than you despise him as a person. Even then, what has he done since day one in office that makes you want him out of office?

....will hang up and listen.

Don't hold your breath.
Well I'm not from Virginia but it is very clear that Democrats called for his resignation just like with Al Franken, I've yet to see a conservative with the balls to do that with their own.
Actually there have been a few Republicans that have done so...John McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker but they have all been driven out or in McCain's case, died.
Actually there have been a few Republicans that have done so...John McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker but they have all been driven out or in McCain's case, died.
Steve King was stripped of his committee spots and was roundly criticized with many calls for resignation. You and Levi would not have heard since you only read MotherJones, ThinkProgress, Vox, etc.
Actually there have been a few Republicans that have done so...John McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker but they have all been driven out or in McCain's case, died.
Flake was just speaking out of both sides of his mouth. McCain was inconsistent with his positions, and Corker may have been the most honest but he isn't around. I was mostly referring to the ongoing Trump corruption that is now being exposed. But you are at least paying attention eh?
Need a democrat to answer this truthfully....

What part of Trump's Presidency is making you hate him at this time and want him removed from office?

~Foreign Policy / America's security

You know...the really important stuff.

The fact is you can't name one thing that really matters on a daily basis which makes your life miserable, other than you despise him as a person. Even then, what has he done since day one in office that makes you want him out of office?

....will hang up and listen.

Yup - I've been saying this for awhile - nothing Trump has done has adversely affected my life or the lives of any law abiding resident. He rubs some people the wrong way with his tantrums and personality but at the end of the day, he is doing a good job for ALL Americans. Strip away the insults, childish behavior, and twitter rants and I can't think of a single thing to complain about.
Need a democrat to answer this truthfully....

What part of Trump's Presidency is making you hate him at this time and want him removed from office?

~Foreign Policy / America's security

You know...the really important stuff.

The fact is you can't name one thing that really matters on a daily basis which makes your life miserable, other than you despise him as a person. Even then, what has he done since day one in office that makes you want him out of office?

....will hang up and listen.
I would say general civility matters every day.
Having a President that acts like a 12 year old matters every day and erodes the respect for the office.
A President that has lied nearing 9000 times since taking office matters every day and diminishes the office.

Foreign Policy? In what way as Trump done ANYTHING positive? He has insulted and alienated our allies and had cozied up to and coddled our enemies simply because they say nice things about him. He is so narcissistic he is easily played.

I don't give Trump credit for the economy which is directly tied to unemployment. Any review of the data shows a fairly straight line of growth dating from October 2009 until today. Further, he has only kept in on the current trajectory by piling on an additional $2T of debt and is forecasted to add an additional $1T per year into the future, double the rate of debt being compiled Obama's 2nd term. One can live beyond their means for years but sooner or later it catches up. Since when is wild deficit spending, ESPECIALLY during good economic times a "conservative principle"?
Trump is quoted as saying "I won't be here" referring to when the problems of the debt manifest themselves. You see, right there should tell you something. He isn't "Make(ing) America Great Again"... he is purposely putting American in further turmoil, pushing American closer to the edge of an economic collapse for the sole purpose of his own ego. Debt will cripple this nation and during good economic times we shouldn't be adding on, we should be paying it down. I wonder sometimes if anyone who favors what Trump is doing with the economy has ever taken a class in economics...certainly nothing beyond a 100 level class for sure.
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I would say general civility matters every day.
Having a President that acts like a 12 year old matters every day and erodes the respect for the office.
A President that has lied nearing 9000 times since taking office matters every day and diminishes the office.

Foreign Policy? In what way as Trump done ANYTHING positive? He has insulted and alienated our allies and had cozied up to and coddled our enemies simply because they say nice things about him. He is so narcissistic he is easily played.

I don't give Trump credit for the economy which is directly tied to unemployment. Any review of the data shows a fairly straight line of growth dating from October 2009 until today. Further, he has only kept in on the current trajectory by piling on an additional $2T of debt and is forecasted to add an additional $1T per year into the future, double the rate of debt being compiled Obama's 2nd term. One can live beyond their means for years but sooner or later it catches up. Since when is wild deficit spending, ESPECIALLY during good economic times a "conservative principle"?
Trump is quoted as saying "I won't be here" referring to when the problems of the debt manifest themselves. You see, right there should tell you something. He isn't "Make(ing) America Great Again"... he is purposely putting American in further turmoil, pushing American closer to the edge of an economic collapse for the sole purpose of his own ego. Debt will cripple this nation and during good economic times we shouldn't be adding on, we should be paying it down. I wonder sometimes if anyone who favors what Trump is doing with the economy has ever taken a class in economics...certainly nothing beyond a 100 level class for sure.
9000 lies baby!!! WOOOOO

That's a bullshit stat - very misleading, but I'd expect someone like you to use it.

Take a peak at one of their lies:
In the president’s immigration address Saturday, the last day of his second year in office, we counted 12 false or misleading claims, including:

"Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90 percent of which comes across our southern border.”

  • The 300-a-week number checks out. But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry.

Here, another beauty:

“Many of these security ideas have been proposed by Democrats themselves, and all of them have been supported by Democrats in the past, including a physical barrier wall or fence.”

Trump overstates the supposed Democratic support. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and many Democrats (although not Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California) voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by President George W. Bush and authorized construction of a fence along nearly 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed 283 to 138 in the House, with 64 Democratic votes, and 80 to 19 in the Senate, with 26 Democratic votes. But the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself has called the 2006 fence a “nothing wall.”
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The only valid point fuzz has is Trump authorizes too much spending. I think we've all voiced our concern over that.

But fuzz was conveniently silent about the $10 trillion Obama layered on top, so he can shove his complaints up his hypocritical ass.

And if you think Congress, the branch of the government that is supposed to write a budget, is going to cut spending, you're goddam clueless.
Strip away the insults, childish behavior, and twitter rants and I can't think of a single thing to complain about.
Strip away those things and there isn't much left over other than pure fiscal irresponsibility.
You're like a child who's parents lavished him with a opulent lifestyle but never saved a penny for them to attend college. Unable to break this news to the child the parents apply for student loans in the child's name and continue the fantasy for a few more years. Six months after graduation the child leans he has $200,000 of debt he will have to pay. Debt he can't bankrupt away.
I would say general civility matters every day.
Having a President that acts like a 12 year old matters every day and erodes the respect for the office.
A President that has lied nearing 9000 times since taking office matters every day and diminishes the office.

Foreign Policy? In what way as Trump done ANYTHING positive? He has insulted and alienated our allies and had cozied up to and coddled our enemies simply because they say nice things about him. He is so narcissistic he is easily played.

I don't give Trump credit for the economy which is directly tied to unemployment. Any review of the data shows a fairly straight line of growth dating from October 2009 until today. Further, he has only kept in on the current trajectory by piling on an additional $2T of debt and is forecasted to add an additional $1T per year into the future, double the rate of debt being compiled Obama's 2nd term. One can live beyond their means for years but sooner or later it catches up. Since when is wild deficit spending, ESPECIALLY during good economic times a "conservative principle"?
Trump is quoted as saying "I won't be here" referring to when the problems of the debt manifest themselves. You see, right there should tell you something. He isn't "Make(ing) America Great Again"... he is purposely putting American in further turmoil, pushing American closer to the edge of an economic collapse for the sole purpose of his own ego. Debt will cripple this nation and during good economic times we shouldn't be adding on, we should be paying it down. I wonder sometimes if anyone who favors what Trump is doing with the economy has ever taken a class in economics...certainly nothing beyond a 100 level class for sure.
This is astonishing.

How do you feed/dress yourself every day?
9000 lies baby!!! WOOOOO

That's a bullshit stat - very misleading, but I'd expect someone like you to use it.

Take a peak at one of their lies:
In the president’s immigration address Saturday, the last day of his second year in office, we counted 12 false or misleading claims, including:

"Heroin alone kills 300 Americans a week, 90 percent of which comes across our southern border.”

  • The 300-a-week number checks out. But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry.

Here, another beauty:

“Many of these security ideas have been proposed by Democrats themselves, and all of them have been supported by Democrats in the past, including a physical barrier wall or fence.”

Trump overstates the supposed Democratic support. Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and many Democrats (although not Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California) voted for the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by President George W. Bush and authorized construction of a fence along nearly 700 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border. It passed 283 to 138 in the House, with 64 Democratic votes, and 80 to 19 in the Senate, with 26 Democratic votes. But the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself has called the 2006 fence a “nothing wall.”

Selling that a wall will stop heroin is a lie. Trump is claiming that a wall will somehow stop 300 Americans a won't.

Claiming that Democrats have supported his idea in the past is a lie. Remember, they supported a "nothing wall" that what Trump wants?

The fact that you don't see the dishonesty in either of those statements is... sadly believable for #Cult45 members.