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So conservatives reduce themselves to shouting name calling while ignoring the the truth being exposed in front of them. Here a favorite target of conservatives shows why she is far sharper and knowledgeable than than they would like as she gives even more solid reasons for Trump tax returns to be made public:

Radical Beauty: Inside a Naked Yoga Class, Baring Is Caring

In before you edit. Your viewing habits explain alot.


Have you ever even had one homeless person stay at your house for even a night?

It amazes me everytime I witness the disconnect between ideological compassion and practical compassion.

There's 2 million people on waiting lists in this country to adopt children (mostly the pro-life crowd, mind you) so as to back up their claim that life matters. That's called practical compassion. They back up their rhetoric with real action.

And yet, I can't think of even a handful of people who are screaming for a "borderless" country who have taken in an undocumented immigrant.

I'm guessing you have a house full of them that you care for, right?
Most revealing that none of the comments I've read on this page are about Cohen's testimony today. Yeah I know he is a liar but then so is Trump. It almost like that subject is being avoided. Very remindful of the times just before Nixon's resignation. Of course then there were still some conservatives that put the country ahead of their party. No evidence of that integrity here that I've seen.

Yeah, liberals are the poster child for putting the country and it's citizens first...clearly, that's their goal with all their new age rhetoric and platforms...

Nobody is commenting about Cohen because we already knew what he was going to say...

Is Trump a philandering scoundrel? Yes

Two patron saints of the Democratic party were notorious for that kind of thing.

Does Trump have a big billionaire ego? Yes

So do most billionaires and politicians (whether they're rich or not)

Has Trump done business around the globe with some shady characters like every other billionaire including those in Silicone Valley and Hollywood both of whom the left love? Yes...

When every other President or private citizen billionaire does business with people from around the world, the liberals call it globalism, gush, and celebrate. When Trump does it's "collusion"...

Hell I remember the time we had a President do business with Iran while in office, and then brag about letting some Russians bunk or use office space for no charge compares to that, I'm not sure...

Does Trump know mobsters like every other NY businessman? Yes

Do Russians inhabit Trump towers like they inhabit other prime real estate owned by other people? Yes

Nobody squawks about the Saudis and Chinese doing business and inhabiting real estate all across the country...

Perhaps the most important part of the testimony is being glossed over by liberals...the part where Cohen said he had no proof of collusion...The one reason he's a key witness, the one reason for the entire mess of an investigation...
If I had told someone 15 years ago that Dennis Rodman and the dude from the Apprentice would be key figures in negotiating with North Korea regarding their nuclear program, I may have been institutionalized.

What a time to be alive.
The point I'm making here is conservatives do not want to face the truth about Trump. They are by all appearances too concern about their personal positions, too devoted to a political position, or too cowardly to face the truth even to the point of not asking basic questions as to what is best for America.
Both Trump and Kim know what happens to dictators that fall... They get bayonetted in the asshole. If you were Kim how do you get out of this situation without the asshole bayonette from twenty of your 20 million slaves or being blown up by the United Nations?
The point I'm making here is conservative do not want to face the truth about Trump. They are by all appearances to concern about their personal positions, too devoted to a political position, or too cowardly to face the truth even to the point of asking basic questions as to what is best for America.
Did you get around to making that list of revelations from Cohen's testimony that showed Trump committed felonies or treason? Or are you still edging yourself to fat lesbians doing naked yoga?
Both Trump and Kim know what happens to dictators that fall... They get bayonetted in the asshole. If you were Kim how do you get out of this situation without the asshole bayonette from twenty of your 20 million slaves or being blown up by the United Nations?
The boy dictator is in a bind. This may not end well but he has / had his chances. Sooner or later the North Koreans are going to find out how their brothers and sisters in South Korea live. When they do his life will not be worth the clothes on his back.
Did you get around to making that list of revelations from Cohen's testimony that showed Trump committed felonies or treason? Or are you still edging yourself to fat lesbians doing naked yoga?
If me doing your homework would make you smarter I would consider what you suggest. But the fact is that is not my responsibility, that is yours and the fact you haven't til now doesn't make it imperative on me doing your work now. A closed mind doesn't learn much. Have a nice day.
Tim Nolan another Trump leader in Northern Kentucky is another example of runaway corruption in the GOP. Virginia's governor faced a Democratic party calling for his resignation, here in Kentucky not a peep from conservatives about the ongoing case of widespread human trafficking going on. Conservatives in Kentucky are anything but a beacon of honor and integrity.
Democrats did a great job on that one...until they realized #2 was a potential sexual predator, #3 also dabbled in the blackface and #4 was a republican.
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If me doing your homework would make you smarter I would consider what you suggest. But the fact is that is not my responsibility, that is yours and the fact you haven't til now doesn't make it imperative on me doing your work now. A closed mind doesn't learn much. Have a nice day.

"I could prove my point by writing 3 sentences, but I'll spend all of that energy not proving my point and actually making the other person's point by my seeming inability to support my own claims"

You really have this down Levi. Literally all you have to do is point out one thing Cohen said that proves your assertions about Trump. And you can't even do that. Just retreat to your fake high horse position to cover for the fact that you have nothing. Which is what you always do. Literally, this is at least the 4th time you've refused to answer a simple question and instead claimed you're too dignified to respond.

I hope this is an act and you aren't this bad of a case of Dunning-Kruger in real life
Democrats did a great job on that one...until they realized #2 was a potential sexual predator, #3 also dabbled in the blackface and #4 was a republican.
Well I'm not from Virginia but it is very clear that Democrats called for his resignation just like with Al Franken, I've yet to see a conservative with the balls to do that with their own.
The point I'm making here is conservatives do not want to face the truth about Trump. They are by all appearances too concern about their personal positions, too devoted to a political position, or too cowardly to face the truth even to the point of not asking basic questions as to what is best for America.

What truth are we not facing? Have the Democrats accepted that the Obama admin tried and succeeding in undermining a duly elected President? that best for America?
Or that after 2 years of investigations there is zero evidence of Russian collusion, will you face that truth? That it was all a set up to weaken a President by the Democrats.
“I can only warn people the more people that follow Mr. Trump as I did blindly are going to suffer the same consequences that I'm suffering.”
I will take this moment to remind the blind mice here that this is the beginning of a story not the end.
I want to remind all the conservative here that one of Trumps people in his administration has already plead guilty of lying to congress. Elliot Abrams is a known liar to congress and now holds a prominent position in this administration.
Good point and it is just as relevant here on this board as it was there in congress:

You mean like how during the Kavanaugh hearings NONE of the Dems ever questioned Christine Blassey Ford about what happened, and just fawned over her and how brave she was and thanked her for her courage? Please quit while you are behind and embarrassing yourself.
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