How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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So, just did my taxes. They are not overly complicated so I do them myself. I used last year's software using the same exact info as I am using this year. Would have owed the IRS almost $5k more last year than I do this year. State taxes were about the same both years.
Thanks for doing that. My circumstances changed so much since last year that I can't begin to tell what the impact is & I'm not doing them a second time with 2017 software as ours are pretty complicated.
The federal government shouldn't be involved in marriage. Period.

I was/am opposed to gay marriage simply because the federal government needs to get out of that business, not expand it.

The loony toon lefties have already eliminated genders, and promote pedophilia, so I dont want to know what next frontier they'll be fighting on for marriage expansion.
I think doing away with marriage as a legal construct is the way to go.

You can facepalm it all you want, but it's the reality and it is the science, despite how they take advantage of your naivete.

What these agenda driven ideologues have convinced you and them of and what they are actually doing in practice to these people is borderline criminal... thankfully, serious and good willed scientists are beginning to take note. Here's a direct quote from one such doctor of psychology "“The vast majority of people who have a biological sex also claim that they are psychologically … the same as that biological sex,” the psychologist continued. “So the idea that they are independent is completely insane.” "

I love how you leftists with no scientific background just automatically assume you know the science and it must agree with what they spoonfed you.

You don't konw what you think you know. And don't know what you don't know, don't know your blind spots.
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TRANSCRIPT <-Full transcript


"This is the canary in the coalmine of the scientific crisis in general because it tells us that a surprising percentage of scientific studies, even ones published in top-tier academic journals that are often thought of as the gold standard for experimental research, cannot be reliably reproduced. This is a symptom of a larger crisis because reproducibility is considered to be a bedrock of the scientific process.

In a nutshell, an experiment is reproducible if independent researchers can run the same experiment and get the same results at a later date. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why this is important. If an experiment is truly revealing some fundamental truth about the world then that experiment should yield the same results under the same conditions anywhere and at any time (all other things being equal)."

So, in short: Yes, there is a Replication Crisis in science. And yes, it is caused by a Crisis of Fraud. And yes, the fraud is motivated by a Crisis of Publication. And yes, those crises are further compounded by a Crisis of Peer Review.
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I am surprised you don't remember that site. That's where Trump bitch slapped the left and you lost your "manhood" if you ever had it. He is paying respect to those real men who were taken with you pansies because they trusted you. Clown.

The best thing is though, he lives rent free in that little brain of yours.
-gender is a property of nouns...nothing to do with sex other than in a grammatical sense. A perfect example of changing the meaning of a word as espoused by materialist dialectic philosophy.

-fwiw i am a believer in a wide spectrum of sexuality. Trans people are real and should be treated with kindness(as should all people other than islamists/communists). That said the amount of public dialogue devoted to a tiny percentage of the population is a calculated move by the far left. Anything that can be seen as an assault on western values( christianity/capitalism/et al) is embraced for its effect rather than its virtue.
Most revealing that none of the comments I've read on this page are about Cohen's testimony today. Yeah I know he is a liar but then so is Trump. It almost like that subject is being avoided. Very remindful of the times just before Nixon's resignation. Of course then there were still some conservatives that put the country ahead of their party. No evidence of that integrity here that I've seen.
Probably one of Trump's best moments happened today. Rocket boy was being asked questions he didn't like and told Trump he wanted the reporters to leave. Trump kept goading him with his stupid smile and saying it was a legitimate question. Kim finally gave in with his usual bullshit generic answer. It was interesting to see. Though I think it really pissed off Kim and that is why it's being reported now that the talks have ended early and all other planned events are now canceled. It's also the exact same kind of whining Trump likes to always do.
Yup looks like another summit of zero substance. Trump and Kim have left and everything has been called off. Did anyone really expect anything from this? NK is never changing without a lot of bodies.

“No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future,” press secretary Sarah Sanders wrote in a statement.
Trump was not happy at that quick presser. Didn't want to answer anything and the ones he did made no sense. He actually said he doesn't believe Kim had anything to do with Otto's murder and didn't know anything about it. That should be just pathetically embarrassing even for Trumpsters. It's one to to play nice for diplomacy, it's a whole other level to publicly suck his cock. Pathetic, making an even bigger fool of himself than at Halinski.
"Those prisons are rough...He tells me that he didn’t know about it and I will take him at his word.”
“I don’t believe he would have allowed that...he felt very badly about it...he tells me that he didn’t know about it and I will take him at his word”
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