Better tits and better looking than Ocrazio and a Trump supporter. Get on the train lefties, Ocrazio will only suck you in. Then she will castrate or Castro you, both will leave you without your manhood.speaking of... perfect tatas
youtube algorithm happened to suggest that, appropriate timing... guess our eventual submission to our new overlords at silicon valley won't be entirely bad
Falsely reported and remembered as usual. Plus, is this all you got Nixon era? Join us in the future. You were running out of lies so, you had to hope no one remembered the truth from way back when.
Hahaha. Keep trying. The math has obviously been done by the people pushing your idea and they know the outcome would be favorable for them.That would be like saying a profitable business shouldn't grow to become more profitable or that it shouldn't strive to operate more efficiently to increase profit. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't work better.
Which states are racist states? Your vast knowledge of race relations must be enormous. Between you and Bostonnutjob84, racist are everywhere.states are free to run their elections however they want. Well except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff. Electoral voters are already free to vote for whoever they want no matter who the people vote for. Some states have penalties in place if they vote a certain way, other states don't. Every presidential election has token electoral votes for someone they weren't "supposed" to vote for. The idea behind this leeway was the electoral college could stop some maniac from taking office if the people voted like idiots. These days only the worst people run for President and the people only vote for useless idiots so the system can't do much to to check that. So far the electoral college has never strayed far from their states results because that would be "political suicide" but i wouldn't expect that to hold anymore since anything goes now.
Well, ^^^^^^^^^^^this is just stupid. Been watching too much Battle Star Gallactica lately?Sounds like states need to get over themselves and put country first.
If humans on earth actually last another cpl hundred years some form of world government will be inevitable. We will begin conquering space and having countries still fighting over 1 planet won't facilitate that. All of us will be long gone so who gives a shit.
Popular vote would have the country controlled by just a few sectors without regard for the well being of the entire country. Perverts, criminals, and worthless people would be telling us how to live,with the electoral college there is no reason to even have a popular vote, it is only symbolic. The states electoral voters can technically do whatever they want anyway (within the electoral laws of the state which are generally very lenient). Nebraska and Maine are the only states that require their electoral votes to be split up by their states popular vote. How is that democracy?
Neither the Constitution nor Federal election laws compel electors to vote for their party’s candidate. That said, twenty-seven states have laws on the books that require electors to vote for their party’s candidate if that candidate gets a majority of the state’s popular vote. In 24 states, no such laws apply, but common practice is for electors to vote for their party’s nominee.
What would you guys have done if the electors had decided to not cast their votes for Trump? would you still be happy about the system? Would have been perfectly legal and yet completely ****ed up.
False.That would be like saying a profitable business shouldn't grow to become more profitable or that it shouldn't strive to operate more efficiently to increase profit. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't work better.
So what your saying is Americans are to stupid to be allowed to elect a president. Eh, I can get behind that argument.Hey, our business is working well. We're very profitable. Let's eliminate the board of directors we've appointed and have all the shareholders who don't know a goddam thing about business vote on a new CEO.
I'm pretty sure u just described Trump. The guy that controls things. U so funnyPopular vote would have the country controlled by just a few sectors without regard for the well being of the entire country. Perverts, criminals, and worthless people would be telling us how to live,
Because Orange Man bad.Remind me of why we are trying to change something that has worked for a while now?
Morons like that want us to go with the new deal where they tell you what you can and cannot do. Good luck with that. Bet he would not do that to a kid his size.
85-100 = Great Big Trophy85-100 = A
70-84 = A-
55-69 = A--
40-54 = A---
0-40 = Pass
those states still have 100% say in who is in congress. If they want more of a say in who is President then they have to find a way to entice people to live in their state. Why should north & south dokota have as much say as texas, florida, cali, ny? they are worthless states of no importance. IF they want to be important they need to merge into 1 state or grow their population.
Their is no real argument against the popular vote. The gop used to be against the electoral college when they country was more conservative. Republicans are only for it now because the country is now more liberal than it is conservative and they would lose the WH for while until they rebuilt the party. But at some point people would get sick always having a DEM president and the power would shift. What balances political power in America is one party having power for to long. Americans like to vote against the party in power because it's easier to blame someone that way. The party in power slowly destroys itself and balance is restored. The only other democratic countries that use an electoral college system are third world African shitholes and they use it to control who gets elected.
Take no responsibility for being a lazy loser, blame the white man instead. It is the in thing to do. Just look on this site.
all that draft dodging and Trump still ended up in Nam!
key witnesses in cases like this are always lying criminals. And the douche-bag they turn on still always end up in prison. The best way to catch a POS is to going after his POS friends.You loony toons are pathetic. You're hanging on the words of a guy who's already been convicted of lying to Congress once. Of course the integrity of the witness is a key topic.
That doesn't sound like a threat at all. Sounds more like a promise of what's coming because if you're a lying scumbag, your testimony under oath is worthless.
I do love when the lefties on here hear some half baked pea brain idea on MSNBC that all the pundits agree with because they're morons that all live in the same bubble, then they come to post the idea here as if it has any value. Then they're immediately smacked around with logic and reason and run off and read their next pea brain idea.
Do away with the electoral college so NYC and CA can pick the POTUS for the rest of us. God you morons.
key witnesses in cases like this are always lying criminals. And the douche-bag they turn on still always end up in prison. The best way to catch a POS is to going after his POS friends.
My man if you think Trump is going to prison, or getting impeached you are absolutely clueless. Conservatives have been pretty reserved through all the coup attempts by the children who didn't have their way. Mostly because of how stupid and transparent the lies and attempts have been. But if at anytime we get tired of it or if a real threat to the prez is perceived, look out.