How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
The electoral votes aren't directly proportional for a states size because each state gets 2 + a minimum of 1 more based on population. For example, California is 53 times bigger than Alaska. California gets 55 electoral votes, Alaska 3. That's only 18.3x more electoral votes for California over Alaska.

So this modified electoral college system is not directly reflective of the overall popular vote either. If it was and Alaska had the standard 3 electoral votes, then California would have 159 electoral votes.
They are directly proportional dumbass. 53 to 1 based on population as you said.
They are directly proportional dumbass. 53 to 1 based on population as you said.
no they are not. Every state is guaranteed 3 electoral votes even if they only have 1 population and the pool of electoral votes is fixed. smaller states get more electoral votes per person than larger states. voting power is diluted as a states population rises. california gets 1 electoral vote for every 721,000 people. alaska gets 1 electoral vote for every 245,000 people. Texas 1 for every 755,000. New York 1 for every 673,000. For larger states they are close in voting power but the really small states screw it all up, any state under 5 mil pop.
does all the math for you, shows population per elector.
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states are free to run their elections however they want. Well except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff. Electoral voters are already free to vote for whoever they want no matter who the people vote for. Some states have penalties in place if they vote a certain way, other states don't. Every presidential election has token electoral votes for someone they weren't "supposed" to vote for. The idea behind this leeway was the electoral college could stop some maniac from taking office if the people voted like idiots. These days only the worst people run for President and the people only vote for useless idiots so the system can't do much to to check that. So far the electoral college has never strayed far from their states results because that would be "political suicide" but i wouldn't expect that to hold anymore since anything goes now.

I can honestly say I stopped reading after you said "except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff".

I shouldn't have expected anything different, but thought I'd give you a chance. Forcing someone to show they are actually 1) who they say they are and 2) a citizen in order to vote is not racist. It will never be racist.
I can honestly say I stopped reading after you said "except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff".

I shouldn't have expected anything different, but thought I'd give you a chance. Forcing someone to show they are actually 1) who they say they are and 2) a citizen in order to vote is not racist. It will never be racist.

Platinum is a moron. His takes align with the goofy fat kid wearing the Che shirt in high school
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The electoral votes aren't directly proportional for a states size because each state gets 2 + a minimum of 1 more based on population. For example, California is 53 times bigger than Alaska. California gets 55 electoral votes, Alaska 3. That's only 18.3x more electoral votes for California over Alaska.

So this modified electoral college system is not directly reflective of the overall popular vote either. If it was and Alaska had the standard 3 electoral votes, then California would have 159 electoral votes.

The unsustainable reality is this 34 year old man-boy's vote is equal to mine.
California professor reprimanded for saying police 'need to be killed'

UC Davis professor Joshua Clover, whose work focuses on critical theory, political theory, political economy, poetry, poetics and Marxism, has been reprimanded for saying that cops “need to be killed.”

“I am thankful that every living cop will one day be dead, some by their own hand, some by others, too many of old age #letsnotmakemore”

“I mean, it’s easier to shoot cops when their backs are turned, no?”

“People think that cops need to be reformed. They need to be killed.”
Only a university in America would allow this type of talk. The down fall of this nation will be rooted in our colleges and universities. They are a breeding ground for Marxism and have been for a half of century. Like many in my generation I went through the university not paying one bit of attention to the political opinions of my professors. My eyes were on a degree, not retaining the filth they spewed out in class. Give me my 3 hours credit and shut up Mr Professor man.

I came out of college much more conservative than when I entered.
Platinum is a moron. His takes align with the goofy fat kid wearing the Che shirt in high school
You can't talk to these radical leftists because they are too indoctrinated, too entrenched in their total nonsense to see the truth staring them in the face.

It truly baffles me how obtuse these people are, how they can still function going about their daily lives while being so ignorant.

There are glaring and obvious holes in every single one of their ideals that they willfully ignore to sustain their lies, from systemic oppression to marxism like levibooty there above to everything else. The obvious reality never even dawns on their indoctrinated minds that maybe that healthiest country index is related to what people eat. No country eats like we do, the amount of fat and sugar, the ease of drive through and fast food. Systemic oppression has to do with racist power and nothing to do with obvious demographic differences like black inner city violence and fatherless households. Income disparity has nothing to do with job scaling ability or the dangerous work men do... and on and on and on.

These people are complete idiots by definition and they are what they hate; they are the true racists and you can rest assured if they are ever in power they will exact revenge on everyone else for their perceived grievances. That's where this reasoning goes, and I use that term loosely, where it must go as witnessed by that professor who advocated the killing of police.

These people are evil, or on their way to becoming it.
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So we are now asking Russia what they want us to do when dealing with foreign despots, all the while pliant republican lemmings care not a wit, acting like nothing more than obsessed, single-minded and drunk sports fans, they continue to rant in the stadium while their house burns down.
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That professor even looks like a crazy "mad professor" stereotype. Many liberals are banking on people like this be the opinion makers for young, impressionable sheep.
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no they are not. Every state is guaranteed 3 electoral votes even if they only have 1 population and the pool of electoral votes is fixed. smaller states get more electoral votes per person than larger states. voting power is diluted as a states population rises. california gets 1 electoral vote for every 721,000 people. alaska gets 1 electoral vote for every 245,000 people. Texas 1 for every 755,000. New York 1 for every 673,000. For larger states they are close in voting power but the really small states screw it all up, any state under 5 mil pop.
does all the math for you, shows population per elector.
You describe our federal system well: The interests of minorities are protected.
So we are now asking Russia what they want us to do when dealing with foreign despots, all the while pliant republican lemmings care not a wit, acting like nothing more than obsessed, single-minded and drunk sports fans, they continue to rant in the stadium while their house burns down.

So we are now asking Russia what they want us to do when dealing with foreign despots, all the while pliant republican lemmings care not a wit, acting like nothing more than obsessed, single-minded and drunk sports fans, they continue to rant in the stadium while their house burns down.
I'd say you know what you're talking about, but that's going out on a limb.
I think ME & NE do the electoral system right: 1 vote per congressional district & 2 to the overall state winner. That way, candidates would be forced to campaign in every close district across the country rather than in a few swing states. "Swing state" would lose its meaning.
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So we are now asking Russia what they want us to do when dealing with foreign despots, all the while pliant republican lemmings care not a wit, acting like nothing more than obsessed, single-minded and drunk sports fans, they continue to rant in the stadium while their house burns down.
No, we got out of the Russia-backed Iran deal your boy Barry whored us out for. Thanks for asking though.
FYI USA is 35th:

Well shit. I thought forcing people to buy health insurance and driving up health care prices was going to fix the obesity epidemic, opioid epidemic, sedentary lifestyles and poor diets.

It's been a while since I've been in school, but are kids taught anything about nutrition or finance in schools these days?

I assume the fat acceptance movement has made its way into common core?
Wow, looks like the buzzfeed story was right after all. The technical distinction being that Trump made it clear he expected Cohen to lie rather than "directing" him to.
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The Buzzfeed story the Special Counsel's office made the extreme, unprecedented move of saying was bullshit is true? What makes you think that?
Cohen's testimony opening statement. The special counsel said "inaccurate" which is true. Cohen said he was not directed to lie, but that Trump told him "there is no business in Russia" despite concurrently sending him the negotiate for the Moscow tower. He was expected to lie, which is the distinction from buzzfeed.
Cohen's testimony opening statement. The special counsel said "inaccurate" which is true. Cohen said he was not directed to lie, but that Trump told him "there is no business in Russia" despite concurrently sending him the negotiate for the Moscow tower. He was expected to lie, which is the distinction from buzzfeed.

So the guy who was convicted of lying to Congress is now not lying to Congress when he says Donald Trump never told him to lie to Congress, but rather expected him to lie to Congress due to his history and track record of lying?

Sounds like he's probably telling the truth.
Do none of you RESISTORS ever stop to think (lol) and just objectively look at the evidence against Trump and weigh it against the evidence against Hillary, for example? I mean, most people don't even try to claim she didn't do illegal stuff, yet here you are hoping and praying like a fat girl with no date on prom night that something...anything, might be strong enough to impeach Trump.

Very odd