How would that be any different than straight popular vote? If you are going to abandon the election ideals of a Republican government, then why would Kentucky, for example, want to continue to be apart of the Union? The only thing that makes the union work for each state is the electoral college system. If you move toward popular vote, then it only makes sense for similar sized states to be in union with each other. Otherwise, smaller states have no say who becomes President. Why would any low to medium populated state agree to that?This is just stupid. I get the logic behind it, but if you want to reform the electoral system do split electoral votes. Each state should get to have their fair share of input on who is President, tying it strictly to the popular vote potentially marginalizes the smaller states. On the other hand, it could potentially encourage everyone to vote because then all votes really do matter, unlike in the current system for states that always go one way or the other.
If Trump wins 60% of the vote in Kentucky, then he gets 60% of the state's electoral votes. The other 40% is split up amongst the other candidates, with a candidate having to receive at least 1% of the vote to be able to get an electoral vote. If it's a state like Montana with only 3 electoral votes and some third party candidate gets 5% of the state's popular vote, well then he gets a whopping 0.15 electoral votes!
It helps avoid the tyranny of the majority on a national scale, but it allows for people in the underrepresented party in historically blue or historically red states to still have their vote actually matter. This could help increase voter turnout because then their vote actually makes an impact. Heck, maybe it even encourages the voter for the overrepresented party to come out to vote to help offset the underrepresented party. Who knows. Having more people vote is a good thing.
I mean for Presidential races, voting Republican in a state like California is basically a waste of time. No chance in hell a Republican is going to be winning that state, so it's completely understandable if someone that wants to vote Republican doesn't exactly feel motivated to get out to vote. He or she knows that the vote is ultimately worthless. If the state splits the votes, well guess what, your vote matters because it can actually help your candidate of choice get more electoral votes.
Of course, I realize this creates a greater likelihood of there potentially being a tie or no candidate getting 270 electoral votes, but if that happens then I guess the overall popular vote can be the deciding factor?
This won't ever fly. And the people proposing it know exactly why. They also know Hillary would be our President if this had been in use. The reason they want it is that big EV red states are much closer to 50/50 than big EV blue states. The spread in Cali and NY alone would win every election for democrats.This is just stupid. I get the logic behind it, but if you want to reform the electoral system do split electoral votes. Each state should get to have their fair share of input on who is President, tying it strictly to the popular vote potentially marginalizes the smaller states. On the other hand, it could potentially encourage everyone to vote because then all votes really do matter, unlike in the current system for states that always go one way or the other.
If Trump wins 60% of the vote in Kentucky, then he gets 60% of the state's electoral votes. The other 40% is split up amongst the other candidates, with a candidate having to receive at least 1% of the vote to be able to get an electoral vote. If it's a state like Montana with only 3 electoral votes and some third party candidate gets 5% of the state's popular vote, well then he gets a whopping 0.15 electoral votes!
It helps avoid the tyranny of the majority on a national scale, but it allows for people in the underrepresented party in historically blue or historically red states to still have their vote actually matter. This could help increase voter turnout because then their vote actually makes an impact. Heck, maybe it even encourages the voter for the overrepresented party to come out to vote to help offset the underrepresented party. Who knows. Having more people vote is a good thing.
I mean for Presidential races, voting Republican in a state like California is basically a waste of time. No chance in hell a Republican is going to be winning that state, so it's completely understandable if someone that wants to vote Republican doesn't exactly feel motivated to get out to vote. He or she knows that the vote is ultimately worthless. If the state splits the votes, well guess what, your vote matters because it can actually help your candidate of choice get more electoral votes.
Of course, I realize this creates a greater likelihood of there potentially being a tie or no candidate getting 270 electoral votes, but if that happens then I guess the overall popular vote can be the deciding factor?
This won't ever fly. And the people proposing it know exactly why. They also know Hillary would be our President if this had been in use. The reason they want it is that big EV red states are much closer to 50/50 than big EV blue states. The spread in Cali and NY alone would win every election for democrats.
I think people might be more accepting of it if we created some sort of fraud proof voting system that incorporated voter ID and limits all types of vote harvesting.
states are free to run their elections however they want. Well except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff. Electoral voters are already free to vote for whoever they want no matter who the people vote for. Some states have penalties in place if they vote a certain way, other states don't. Every presidential election has token electoral votes for someone they weren't "supposed" to vote for. The idea behind this leeway was the electoral college could stop some maniac from taking office if the people voted like idiots. These days only the worst people run for President and the people only vote for useless idiots so the system can't do much to to check that. So far the electoral college has never strayed far from their states results because that would be "political suicide" but i wouldn't expect that to hold anymore since anything goes now.I have to think this will get challenged in court.
those states still have 100% say in who is in congress. If they want more of a say in who is President then they have to find a way to entice people to live in their state. Why should north & south dokota have as much say as texas, florida, cali, ny? they are worthless states of no importance. IF they want to be important they need to merge into 1 state or grow their population.How would that be any different than straight popular vote? If you are going to abandon the election ideals of a Republican government, then why would Kentucky, for example, want to continue to be apart of the Union? The only thing that makes the union work for each state is the electoral college system. If you move toward popular vote, then it only makes sense for similar sized states to be in union with each other. Otherwise, smaller states have no say who becomes President. Why would any low to medium populated state agree to that?
Because each state is a sovereign government. It chose to be apart of the union based on the idea that the people it represents would have a strong say in the election of the President. You are hung up on the idea that we are one unified country. While partially true, we are really a collection of sovereign states that chose to affiliate. They worked out a system that was beneficial to all, otherwise, not all states would have agreed. Our President is elected by the States, not the people. If States will no longer elect the President, then why would many of them continue to be apart of the union? The elected sovereign government of each state would have to look at what is in the best interest of it's citizens. I would suggest that many would conclude popular vote would not be in the best interest of its citizens because they would no longer have a say in the election process. I would disappointed if Kentucky did not oppose such a change and also strongly consider withdrawing from the union if it passed.those states still have 100% say in who is in congress. If they want more of a say in who is President then they have to find a way to entice people to live in their state. Why should north & south dokota have as much say as texas, florida, cali, ny? they are worthless states of no importance. IF they want to be important they need to merge into 1 state or grow their population.
Sounds like states need to get over themselves and put country first.Because each state is a sovereign government. It chose to be apart of the union based on the idea that the people it represents would have a strong say in the election of the President. You are hung up on the idea that we are one unified country. While partially true, we are really a collection of sovereign states that chose to affiliate. They worked out a system that was beneficial to all, otherwise, not all states would have agreed. Our President is elected by the States, not the people. If States will no longer elect the President, then why would many of them continue to be apart of the union? The elected sovereign government of each state would have to look at what is in the best interest of it's citizens. I would suggest that many would conclude popular vote would not be in the best interest of its citizens because they would no longer have a say in the election process. I would disappointed if Kentucky did not oppose such a change and also strongly consider withdrawing from the union if it passed.
I would also suggest if states with large populations want popular vote to elect the President, they should consider withdrawing from the union and associating with other like states.
Let me leave you with a serious question. Would you be okay with the USA joining a world government where the world President was elected by popular vote?
Sounds like states need to get over themselves and put country first.
So that's your argument for popular vote "states need to get over themselves". That's what you say when you have no points to make, but still want things your way.Sounds like states need to get over themselves and put country first.
If humans on earth actually last another cpl hundred years some form of world government will be inevitable. We will begin conquering space and having countries still fighting over 1 planet won't facilitate that. All of us will be long gone so who gives a shit.
Might literally be the most anti-American thing that's ever been posted in this thread.
states are free to run their elections however they want. Well except the racist states, they are bound to all that anti racist voting law stuff. Electoral voters are already free to vote for whoever they want no matter who the people vote for. Some states have penalties in place if they vote a certain way, other states don't. Every presidential election has token electoral votes for someone they weren't "supposed" to vote for. The idea behind this leeway was the electoral college could stop some maniac from taking office if the people voted like idiots. These days only the worst people run for President and the people only vote for useless idiots so the system can't do much to to check that. So far the electoral college has never strayed far from their states results because that would be "political suicide" but i wouldn't expect that to hold anymore since anything goes now.
with the electoral college there is no reason to even have a popular vote, it is only symbolic. The states electoral voters can technically do whatever they want anyway (within the electoral laws of the state which are generally very lenient). Nebraska and Maine are the only states that require their electoral votes to be split up by their states popular vote. How is that democracy?So that's your argument for popular vote "states need to get over themselves". That's what you say when you have no points to make, but still want things your way.
If Democratic Candidate A wins the popular vote, under the proposal, then every electoral vote would go to that Democrat even if the state's popular vote went to a Republican. It effectively neuters what the Republican state votes for.How would that be any different than straight popular vote? If you are going to abandon the election ideals of a Republican government, then why would Kentucky, for example, want to continue to be apart of the Union? The only thing that makes the union work for each state is the electoral college system. If you move toward popular vote, then it only makes sense for similar sized states to be in union with each other. Otherwise, smaller states have no say who becomes President. Why would any low to medium populated state agree to that?
Unless an annual road construction/maintenance fee is slapped on electric & hybrid vehicles also, I oppose. They ain't skating. $200 for electrics & $75 for hybrids would work. Also, diesel tax should be higher than for gas because a) trucks tear the h out of roads vs. cars & b) it pollutes worse.
Contrary to what most probably think, I'm perfectly fine with a gas tax increase to pay for roads (I'd be fine with the same thing for KY even though this article is about Kasich leaving OH in a bind). Ohio roads are HORRIBLE.
However, that money should be earmarked for roads, and the first person that suggests it gets spent elsewhere or borrowed against should be executed in the public square.
That would be like saying a profitable business shouldn't grow to become more profitable or that it shouldn't strive to operate more efficiently to increase profit. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't work better.Remind me of why we are trying to change something that has worked for a while now?
North and South Dakota are valuable agricultural states.those states still have 100% say in who is in congress. If they want more of a say in who is President then they have to find a way to entice people to live in their state. Why should north & south dokota have as much say as texas, florida, cali, ny? they are worthless states of no importance. IF they want to be important they need to merge into 1 state or grow their population.
Their is no real argument against the popular vote. The gop used to be against the electoral college when they country was more conservative. Republicans are only for it now because the country is now more liberal than it is conservative and they would lose the WH for while until they rebuilt the party. But at some point people would get sick always having a DEM president and the power would shift. What balances political power in America is one party having power for to long. Americans like to vote against the party in power because it's easier to blame someone that way. The party in power slowly destroys itself and balance is restored. The only other democratic countries that use an electoral college system are third world African shitholes and they use it to control who gets elected.
Must be Obama policies kicking in. Can't be Trump.
Which shows it's bs as all she cared about then was getting the Kenyan elected.
with the electoral college there is no reason to even have a popular vote
It's not a slip up. It's intentional by all means.How surprising her political party was left out of the headline. I don’t even think it’s in the article.
doesn't mean it can't work better.
It's intended to be undemocratic by protecting minority interests, DA!!
Because orange man!Remind me of why we are trying to change something that has worked for a while now?
Somehow you think this country's Fed government is a democracy. It's not. It's a republican government with each interest (states) having a specified (See Constitution.) voice. Red herring to to state that it is.How is that democracy?
That would be like saying a profitable business shouldn't grow to become more profitable or that it shouldn't strive to operate more efficiently to increase profit. Just because something works doesn't mean it can't work better.