How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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One of the 3 Awan brothers who had access to the DNC servers is dead. Car wreck. Omar Awan. In Debbie Wasserman Schultz area. Hmmmm

Broward County again.

Who rammed him off the road?

The exDem Sheriff
David Hogg
Maga Bomber in the white, freshly stickered van
Brenda Snipes, election superviser
Debbie WS
The hanging Chad from 2000

Tesla that burned in fatal crash in Davie catches fire again at tow yard

DAVIE, Fla. - A Tesla that crashed and caught fire Sunday afternoon in Davie caught fire again after it was towed away, police said.

The driver of the 2016 Tesla Model S, later identified as Omar Awan, overcorrected and lost control of the car, which traveled across three lanes on Flamingo Road, struck several trees in the median and caught fire, Davie police Sgt. Mark Leone said.

Awan, who was "burned beyond recognition," was pronounced dead at the scene, Leone said.

Witnesses said the Tesla was traveling anywhere from 75 to 90 mph when it crashed.

Early the next morning, the Tesla reignited and caught fire again at A Superior Towing from a ruptured battery, Leone said.

"We've been out here three times already," Davie Fire Department Battalion Chief Robert DiFerdinando told Local 10 News.
Already some article that is showing a lot of dems are becoming pro-life after they legalized outright murder.

It's the first step to start legal murder at any age

I’ve been wondering since the Virginia bill if there is some reverse jinx going on. I’m pro choice but not after the first trimester except in extreme circumstances. All this noise about late term and partial birth abortion is doing way more harm than good for the pro choice crowd.
Burned his/her own pets alive in order to play the victim (allegedly).

Jackson gay rights leader accused of burning down own home

When the home of Nikki Joly burned down in 2017, killing five pets, the FBI investigated it as a hate crime.

In the prior six months, Joly helped open the city’s first gay community center, organized the first gay festival and, after 18 years of failed attempts, helped lead a bruising battle for an ordinance that prohibits discrimination against gays.

For his efforts, a local paper named him the Citizen of the Year.

Meanwhile, a police investigative report suggests a possible reason for the fire.

The church officials, Barbara Shelton and Bobby James, when asked by police about a possible motive for the fire, said Joly was disappointed the Jackson Pride Parade and Festival, held five days before the blaze, hadn’t received more attention or protests.
Throw his ass in prison. He'll get all the gay attention he can stand
This is just stupid. I get the logic behind it, but if you want to reform the electoral system do split electoral votes. Each state should get to have their fair share of input on who is President, tying it strictly to the popular vote potentially marginalizes the smaller states. On the other hand, it could potentially encourage everyone to vote because then all votes really do matter, unlike in the current system for states that always go one way or the other.

If Trump wins 60% of the vote in Kentucky, then he gets 60% of the state's electoral votes. The other 40% is split up amongst the other candidates, with a candidate having to receive at least 1% of the vote to be able to get an electoral vote. If it's a state like Montana with only 3 electoral votes and some third party candidate gets 5% of the state's popular vote, well then he gets a whopping 0.15 electoral votes!

It helps avoid the tyranny of the majority on a national scale, but it allows for people in the underrepresented party in historically blue or historically red states to still have their vote actually matter. This could help increase voter turnout because then their vote actually makes an impact. Heck, maybe it even encourages the voter for the overrepresented party to come out to vote to help offset the underrepresented party. Who knows. Having more people vote is a good thing.

I mean for Presidential races, voting Republican in a state like California is basically a waste of time. No chance in hell a Republican is going to be winning that state, so it's completely understandable if someone that wants to vote Republican doesn't exactly feel motivated to get out to vote. He or she knows that the vote is ultimately worthless. If the state splits the votes, well guess what, your vote matters because it can actually help your candidate of choice get more electoral votes.

Of course, I realize this creates a greater likelihood of there potentially being a tie or no candidate getting 270 electoral votes, but if that happens then I guess the overall popular vote can be the deciding factor?
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"Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe the U.S. rates "very" or "somewhat favorably" in the world's eyes. Though the current figure is up just slightly from the 55% recorded last year, it represents the highest figure Gallup has found since 2003."

Who was President from 2003 thru beginning 2017? Who has been Prez from early '17 to early '19? Doubt there's any relationship, is there Pt?
What's the point of a poll of asking Americans what other's think? We have large swaths of American anti-vaxxers who think they know more than scientists or doctors do about vaccinations, after all...
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Even though Trump's history of actions very clearly indicates he is racist in my eyes (just look up Trump and federal housing discrimination for one example), I would say Andrew Jackson is more racist. I mean all he did was pass the Indian Removal Act, which by today's definition would very likely be considered an act of genocide. Not to mention other Presidents who treated Native Americans like garbage. Also had Presidents that were pro-slavery. Presidents that were OK with blacks being treated as 3/5s of a human being. Presidents that were pro-Jim Crow. A President that was OK with creating internment camps for Japanese during WWII.
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Even though Trump's history of actions very clearly indicates he is racist in my eyes (just look up Trump and federal housing discrimination for one example), I would say Andrew Jackson is more racist. I mean all he did was pass the Indian Removal Act, which by today's definition would very likely be considered an act of genocide. Not to mention other Presidents who treated Native Americans like garbage. Also had Presidents that were pro-slavery. Presidents that were OK with blacks being treated as 3/5s of a human being. Presidents that were pro-Jim Crow. A President that was OK with creating internment camps for Japanese during WWII.
In your eyes
Even though Trump's history of actions very clearly indicates he is racist in my eyes (just look up Trump and federal housing discrimination for one example), I would say Andrew Jackson is more racist. I mean all he did was pass the Indian Removal Act, which by today's definition would very likely be considered an act of genocide. Not to mention other Presidents who treated Native Americans like garbage. Also had Presidents that were pro-slavery. Presidents that were OK with blacks being treated as 3/5s of a human being. Presidents that were pro-Jim Crow. A President that was OK with creating internment camps for Japanese during WWII.
Everyone who disagrees with you is a racist in your eyes. Your past postings have proven that.
That's gotta be a different Omar Awan, right?

Surely the Hezbollah operatives who ran the DNC computers dont have enough financial resources to own a $76,000 (base MSRP) car that can be remote controlled. Surely.

Surely after seeing what they did to Michael Hastings, you wouldn't be stupid enough to drive a self driving car. Surely.

And to think, the Hezbollah operative that ran the DNC IT systems (if this is him) probably got a $7,500 tax credit on top of all the taxpayer money Democrats paid him to spy for America's enemies.
Quit giving her attention and make her earn it.

AOC will make it easier for other radical democrats to appear more reasonable.

We can’t afford 100trillion green new deal, but we surely we can all agree that 40trillion to save the planet is reasonable?

Hillary Clinton is gonna run again. She’s just gotta kill Joe Biden first. The most qualified candidate of all time will have no problem beating these bozos.
Joe knows the Clintons can snap their fingers and the media narrative about him goes from affable uncle Joe to to pedo Joe.
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I agree she has limited power right now. But look what she has done to the Democratic party right now.

I do think conservatives cover her too much, but let's not act like she is something conservatives created. That girl is on MSNBC all of the time. Democrats are terrified to tell her no which means they are all basically bending over to all of her demands. She is the lefts problem and she is turning the left far left extremely quickly. Good luck with that for all lefties.
Tucker had a good monologue on her last night.

This is just stupid. I get the logic behind it, but if you want to reform the electoral system do split electoral votes. Each state should get to have their fair share of input on who is President, tying it strictly to the popular vote potentially marginalizes the smaller states. On the other hand, it could potentially encourage everyone to vote because then all votes really do matter, unlike in the current system for states that always go one way or the other.

If Trump wins 60% of the vote in Kentucky, then he gets 60% of the state's electoral votes. The other 40% is split up amongst the other candidates, with a candidate having to receive at least 1% of the vote to be able to get an electoral vote. If it's a state like Montana with only 3 electoral votes and some third party candidate gets 5% of the state's popular vote, well then he gets a whopping 0.15 electoral votes!

It helps avoid the tyranny of the majority on a national scale, but it allows for people in the underrepresented party in historically blue or historically red states to still have their vote actually matter. This could help increase voter turnout because then their vote actually makes an impact. Heck, maybe it even encourages the voter for the overrepresented party to come out to vote to help offset the underrepresented party. Who knows. Having more people vote is a good thing.

I mean for Presidential races, voting Republican in a state like California is basically a waste of time. No chance in hell a Republican is going to be winning that state, so it's completely understandable if someone that wants to vote Republican doesn't exactly feel motivated to get out to vote. He or she knows that the vote is ultimately worthless. If the state splits the votes, well guess what, your vote matters because it can actually help your candidate of choice get more electoral votes.

Of course, I realize this creates a greater likelihood of there potentially being a tie or no candidate getting 270 electoral votes, but if that happens then I guess the overall popular vote can be the deciding factor?

Didn't even come close to reading all that. The electoral college does just what it was intended to do. What you propose is using the popular vote to decide the election. The rules in this country are the rules for a reason. Dumbass libs better hope they don't get what they want.

Contrary to what most probably think, I'm perfectly fine with a gas tax increase to pay for roads (I'd be fine with the same thing for KY even though this article is about Kasich leaving OH in a bind). Ohio roads are HORRIBLE.

However, that money should be earmarked for roads, and the first person that suggests it gets spent elsewhere or borrowed against should be executed in the public square.

Also, on a related note, do I have bad eyesight of have the states started using different materials that make it impossible to see where the hell you're driving when it's raining at night? I feel like I started to notice it 7-8 years ago in Ohio, now it's everywhere. But that might just be because I was in college in Lexington for 4 years not really driving anywhere, and mostly driving back roads in high school before that.
So let me get this straight. If Colorado voters vote for Trump but the popular vote nationwide goes to another candidate, they're going to say screw you to the Colorado voters? How corrupt are Colorado Democrats? And how stupid are the people supporting them,?
I have to think this will get challenged in court.
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Also, on a related note, do I have bad eyesight of have the states started using different materials that make it impossible to see where the hell you're driving when it's raining at night?
Same. I feel like a damn geriatric with my face up over the wheel and eyes squinted trying to see the lines. I have perfect vision, but night driving when it's raining is borderline hazardous.
Didn't even come close to reading all that. The electoral college does just what it was intended to do. What you propose is using the popular vote to decide the election. The rules in this country are the rules for a reason. Dumbass libs better hope they don't get what they want.

Anyone else find it funny that those who fawn over minorities and claim to be for the “marganalized” are the first to tout “majority rule” and “get rid of the electoral college?”

Absolute morons.
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