How will they rule ??!

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Hate crime hoaxes, like Jussie Smollett's alleged attack, are more common than you think

The hate attack on Empire star Jussie Smollett is now alleged to be a hoax. That shouldn’t surprise anyone.

That this case turned out to be a hoax shouldn't come as too big of a shock. A great many hate crime stories turn out to be hoaxes. Simply looking at what happened to the most widely reported hate crime stories over the past 4-5 years illustrates this: not only the Smollett case but also the Yasmin Seweid, Air Force Academy, Eastern Michigan, Wisconsin-Parkside, Kean College, Covington Catholic, and “Hopewell Baptist burning” racial scandals all turned out to be fakes. And, these cases are not isolated outliers.

Doing research for a book, Hate Crime Hoax, I was able to easily put together a data set of 409 confirmed hate hoaxes. An overlapping but substantially different list of 348 hoaxes exists at, and researcher Laird Wilcox put together another list of at least 300 in his still-contemporary book Crying Wolf. To put these numbers in context, a little over 7,000 hate crimes were reported by the FBI in 2017 and perhaps 8-10% of these are widely reported enough to catch the eye of a national researcher.
So let me get this straight. If Colorado voters vote for Trump but the popular vote nationwide goes to another candidate, they're going to say screw you to the Colorado voters? How corrupt are Colorado Democrats? And how stupid are the people supporting them,?

There will never be a need for a Dem presidential campaign to ever spend another dime in Colorado. Just run up your tally in Los Angeles, Orange County and New York city.

It makes no difference who wins, the Dems will always win.
"Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe the U.S. rates "very" or "somewhat favorably" in the world's eyes. Though the current figure is up just slightly from the 55% recorded last year, it represents the highest figure Gallup has found since 2003."

Who was President from 2003 thru beginning 2017? Who has been Prez from early '17 to early '19? Doubt there's any relationship, is there Pt?
It's so obvious how Socialism and Communism always lead to dictators. I mean just look at AOC, this girl is getting drunk off the limited power she has now. Telling people their voices don't matter and that she is in charge.

This is the problem with socialism. The socialist politicians think they're special and they're the only ones that know how to solve all the problems. So they get the weak minded people who think life is too hard and mean to vote for them cause they think big daddy government can make their lives better. Socialism then takes control, they pass more and more policies that make the government more and more powerful. Then it won't be hard to see someone like AOC go, actually no I won't step down when my time is up, I have a moral obligation to stay in power. And with all the new socialist policies in place, you can't kick me out.

It's so obvious because it has happened over and over again. And AOC just makes it so obvious how power hungry she is with each passing week.
It's gonna get crazy up in here before long. 2020 is coming up fast and with the vast number of dems wanting to be the one to knock Donald off his mountain, it will be glorious to watch them start eating each other.

Bernie will be running as a regular dem by the time it gets heated up. He'll be sabotaged again because you can't have an old rich white dude running against the incumbent old rich white dude. "we should run on the reform platform, Daddy" That'll be fun to watch.

Kamala is a perfect example of the adage "sex sells". Well, maybe it's more like "sex buys". It bought her a position in Cali politics where ideas are much more important than actions, or realities. She will have to limit her exposure to planned events in which no one is allowed to ask her a question off the cuff. Chick is a slow thinker and will get roasted. Bet she gives good head though. If you've got something she wants.

Gillibrand grew up more privileged than most of her opponents and has said things in the past that won't bode well for her now. She's tried to hide it but it will be made front and center when things get to that point. She's not a threat to anyone yet and is just another name.

Booker is another poser. He's already made some outlandish claims and will basically agree to anything anyone suggests from the left. I've yet to hear him with an original thought. Each time I've seen him speak it's about the buzzword or position from the MSM. I doubt they get information from him. I do however expect him to ultimately be someones VP nominee.

Hillary will not be available to run because she will still be fighting extradition from Cuba to answer to the grand jury indictment for obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence.

The left came together and rallied with Hillary last time around. They told Joe to ride the pine and sabotaged Bernie in the process. Astonishingly enough, I believe some and their followers have gotten so rabid that there will not be the same love for the Clinton or Obama legacy.

This time around, even if Hillary and/or Joe run, it's going to be a free for all that I believe could split the party beyond repair. We could essentially see the beginning of a real third party.

Moderate Dems are really going to have to choose whether or not they continue way left or dig their feet in and say "no, we're not willing to go that far..." I think some cooler heads will prevail and hold the line in the middle relatively speaking. Thus, the feral radicals break off and we see that third party come in the form of socialism. Will be interesting to see which way the remanents of the Obama and Clinton machines go, there was always some friction there, to begin with.

Right now the leader in the clubhouse is Bernie. He is very Trumpian in that he's got a following, he's saying what a lot of people want to hear but not in a typical politician way. It at least seems authentic.

Those other 15-20 people will eat each other alive. They'll all try to ostracize Bernie at the same time, his message, and followers much like the Pubs did to Trump. None of the other candidates were particularly strong and they all picked on Trump and his message. We saw how that ended up.

Much like Trumpy, Bernie has some Teflon to him. It doesn't matter what comes out about him I think he'll be able to weather through and whatever stories break about him and his past will only rally up his base even more.

Really the only questions now are who will run with Bernie, and how does the Schultz story shake out?

Honestly, the Dems should have rallied around a Schultz or Bloomberg type. Bloomberg could at least say he used to be Republican and tout some political savvy and experience. Schultz has the whole projects to billionaire thing going on. Both could say they're pro-business and work as they've run large companies, employed lots of people. The more moderate wing of the party should probably snap back to reality, denounce the radical elements, and circle the wagons around those type of candidates.
I guess I'll never understand the allure of a seedy massage parlor when you could have your pick of any high dollar call girl in Boston. Maybe when you can have anything you want in the world, you need to resort to the risk of a run down Asian massage parlor in Florida to get off.
I guess I'll never understand the allure of a seedy massage parlor when you could have your pick of any high dollar call girl in Boston. Maybe when you can have anything you want in the world, you need to resort to the risk of a run down Asian massage parlor in Florida to get off.

And that apparently numerous rich and influential people went there.

They must have quite the technique lol
The cops pulled him over and ID him after his 1st visit and he still came back the next day to get a blow job. He really likes cheap Asians.
It's so obvious how Socialism and Communism always lead to dictators. I mean just look at AOC, this girl is getting drunk off the limited power she has now. Telling people their voices don't matter and that she is in charge.

This is the problem with socialism. The socialist politicians think they're special and they're the only ones that know how to solve all the problems. So they get the weak minded people who think life is too hard and mean to vote for them cause they think big daddy government can make their lives better. Socialism then takes control, they pass more and more policies that make the government more and more powerful. Then it won't be hard to see someone like AOC go, actually no I won't step down when my time is up, I have a moral obligation to stay in power. And with all the new socialist policies in place, you can't kick me out.

It's so obvious because it has happened over and over again. And AOC just makes it so obvious how power hungry she is with each passing week.

She has INSANELY limited power but conservative media outlets seem to cover her nonstop. I get it, she's a young, decent-looking Latina with a radical outlook, but she's a nobody in terms of actual policy making. Quit giving her attention and make her earn it.
She has INSANELY limited power but conservative media outlets seem to cover her nonstop. I get it, she's a young, decent-looking Latina with a radical outlook, but she's a nobody in terms of actual policy making. Quit giving her attention and make her earn it.
Don't blame her celebrity on conservatives, douchebag. Your leading leftist presidential candidates support her GND. This is your scumbag party. Own it.
Don't blame her celebrity on conservatives, douchebag. Your leading leftist presidential candidates support her GND. This is your scumbag party. Own it.

Damn bro, you sound angry for no reason.

For the record, I'm not even on team AOC. She's like every other annoying person in their 20's who think they already have everything figured out. That bullshit "I had countless drunken political arguments with my college buddies so I'm qualified to speak loudly among adults" thing. I hate it. You know what I'm talking about, brodie. That's the vibe I get from AOC and it makes me cringe.

I take it you don't like her either?
She has INSANELY limited power but conservative media outlets seem to cover her nonstop. I get it, she's a young, decent-looking Latina with a radical outlook, but she's a nobody in terms of actual policy making. Quit giving her attention and make her earn it.
JFC, read a little. Every Senator running for POTUS cosigned that idiotic NGD bill.