How will they rule ??!

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This is all you need to know about the ADL:

Its CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, who came to the ADL in 2015 after a stint at the Obama White House, has not been shy about criticizing US President Donald Trump for statements targeting Muslims or praising far-right demonstrators. This week, Greenblatt urged scrutiny of his pick for secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, for his anti-Muslim activities.
Last week when that John Wayne story went national and you were thinking, "Who would give a shit about a 48 year old Playboy interview and why now?"

John Wayne Airport should be renamed, some say, after screen legend’s 1971 Playboy interview sparks controversy

A debate is now underway over whether a Southern California airport should bear the name of screen legend John Wayne, who died nearly 40 years ago at age 72. The discussion stems from the recent social-media uproar that followed the resurfacing of a 1971 Playboy interview in which Wayne made remarks that critics described as racist and homophobic.

Orange County's decision to name the airport for Wayne in 1979 may have reflected the county’s strong conservative leanings at the time, Hiltzik wrote. But in recent years progressive politics has slowly made inroads in the region.

You guys thought they were only coming for Confederate soldiers.

John Wayne was married three times. One of Spanish American descent and two of Hispanic descent, were Josephine Alicia Saenz, Esperanza Baur, and Pilar Pallete.

Wayne's enduring status as an iconic American was formally recognized by the U.S. government in the form of the two highest civilian decorations. On May 26, 1979, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Hollywood figures and American leaders from across the political spectrum, including Maureen O'Hara, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Mike Frankovich, Katharine Hepburn, General and Mrs. Omar Bradley, Gregory Peck, Robert Stack, James Arness, and Kirk Douglas, testified to Congress in support of the award.

Robert Aldrich, president of the Directors Guild of America, made a particularly notable statement:

It is important for you to know that I am a registered Democrat and, to my knowledge, share none of the political views espoused by Duke. However, whether he is ill disposed or healthy, John Wayne is far beyond the normal political sharpshooting in this community. Because of his courage, his dignity, his integrity, and because of his talents as an actor, his strength as a leader, his warmth as a human being throughout his illustrious career, he is entitled to a unique spot in our hearts and minds. In this industry, we often judge people, sometimes unfairly, by asking whether they have paid their dues. John Wayne has paid his dues over and over, and I'm proud to consider him a friend and am very much in favor of my government recognizing in some important fashion the contribution that Mr. Wayne has made.[82]

Wayne was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on June 9, 1980, by President Jimmy Carter. He had attended Carter's inaugural ball "as a member of the loyal opposition", as he described it. In 1998, he was awarded the Naval Heritage Award by the US Navy Memorial Foundation for his support of the Navy and military during his film career

So I googled this the other day when it was trending and found that they for some reason seem to write the same article in 2016 and 2017. Like who would give a shit?
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Incredible, and a few on here wonder why I say everything posted by liberals is either fake or false. There is an onslaught by the left for constant saturation of information (propaganda) so as to control the narrative and brainwash the masses. You lefties on here are a laughing stock. Wake up mi amigos.
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It could be true. Trump is a lot better of a person than he is given credit for, IMO. I've heard that supposedly there are a bunch of stories of Trump doing things like that for people (especially for cops and the military)

I thought it was feasible up to the point the guy said Trump would pray for him. Totally fake.
Your oscars recap

Adam Lambert with a laughable effort lead singing for queen but Brian May can still shred it

Took the lowlife doing the opening monologue ten seconds to say Mexico isn’t paying for a wall

And the tv goes off
Who is even hosting it? Lol
I cannot watch the Oscars. Too GD partisan.
I thought it was feasible up to the point the guy said Trump would pray for him. Totally fake.
I don't think so, he says that a lot now. Does not mean he will do it but, who knows. However, it does go along with what I have been saying all along about how he seems to really care about this country and wants to do the right thing and who's to say that what he said many years ago about being president and what he would do if he was, was not already a plan in motion to run.

Would be a great story if true.
Illegal pos ends up deader than crap because he tried to kill a sweet lady cop.

Deported three times. Arrested and jailed 4 times since he came back into the country illegally. Cali jails refused to comply with ICE requests each of those 4 times.

WTF is really going on with this crap? One, why would Cali want these people in their state. He’s a habitual criminal, 3 time deportee, and you won’t give him back to ICE? Two, ICE is a wuss. Why do they have to ask anybody for approval to capture a criminal who is not allowed in this country? Whole thing makes little sense, but someone must benefit from having POS like this guy around.
Illegal pos ends up deader than crap because he tried to kill a sweet lady cop.

Deported three times. Arrested and jailed 4 times since he came back into the country illegally. Cali jails refused to comply with ICE requests each of those 4 times.

WTF is really going on with this crap? One, why would Cali want these people in their state. He’s a habitual criminal, 3 time deportee, and you won’t give him back to ICE? Two, ICE is a wuss. Why do they have to ask anybody for approval to capture a criminal who is not allowed in this country? Whole thing makes little sense, but someone must benefit from having POS like this guy around.
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Last week when that John Wayne story went national and you were thinking, "Who would give a shit about a 48 year old Playboy interview and why now?"

John Wayne Airport should be renamed, some say, after screen legend’s 1971 Playboy interview sparks controversy

A debate is now underway over whether a Southern California airport should bear the name of screen legend John Wayne, who died nearly 40 years ago at age 72. The discussion stems from the recent social-media uproar that followed the resurfacing of a 1971 Playboy interview in which Wayne made remarks that critics described as racist and homophobic.

Orange County's decision to name the airport for Wayne in 1979 may have reflected the county’s strong conservative leanings at the time, Hiltzik wrote. But in recent years progressive politics has slowly made inroads in the region.

You guys thought they were only coming for Confederate soldiers.

John Wayne was married three times. One of Spanish American descent and two of Hispanic descent, were Josephine Alicia Saenz, Esperanza Baur, and Pilar Pallete.

Wayne's enduring status as an iconic American was formally recognized by the U.S. government in the form of the two highest civilian decorations. On May 26, 1979, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Hollywood figures and American leaders from across the political spectrum, including Maureen O'Hara, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Mike Frankovich, Katharine Hepburn, General and Mrs. Omar Bradley, Gregory Peck, Robert Stack, James Arness, and Kirk Douglas, testified to Congress in support of the award.

Robert Aldrich, president of the Directors Guild of America, made a particularly notable statement:

It is important for you to know that I am a registered Democrat and, to my knowledge, share none of the political views espoused by Duke. However, whether he is ill disposed or healthy, John Wayne is far beyond the normal political sharpshooting in this community. Because of his courage, his dignity, his integrity, and because of his talents as an actor, his strength as a leader, his warmth as a human being throughout his illustrious career, he is entitled to a unique spot in our hearts and minds. In this industry, we often judge people, sometimes unfairly, by asking whether they have paid their dues. John Wayne has paid his dues over and over, and I'm proud to consider him a friend and am very much in favor of my government recognizing in some important fashion the contribution that Mr. Wayne has made.[82]

Wayne was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on June 9, 1980, by President Jimmy Carter. He had attended Carter's inaugural ball "as a member of the loyal opposition", as he described it. In 1998, he was awarded the Naval Heritage Award by the US Navy Memorial Foundation for his support of the Navy and military during his film career

Libs loathe this. They want blood.
But I've read the line "Trump governs like a Democrat" in this thread many, many times. That would defy your logic. You guys just want a wall and a Muslim ban.

Speaking of Muslims, that "ISIS wife" is pretty damn sexy, don't you think?

What’s wrong with wanting a wall and a muslim ban? and no, that “isis wife” is not sexy.
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I wonder who is behind it, I don't. Islam is evil and the world is beginning to embrace it. The left and the PC community are part of it. Wake up America.
I noticed a change in attitude towards the Muslim religion when Cassius Clay became a follower of Malcom X and converted to Islam. His name became Cassius X Clay and then Mohammed Ali when the Black Muliims gave him a new name. Ali started preaching hate like Malcom X, especially to whites and the Jews. But since it was Ali talking it became cool. Soon other athletes and celebrities joined the Muslim faith. Now it is the cool thing to do and they have managed to be the protected and the chosen ones in some parts of American society.

By converting the Heavyweight Champion of the world and most popular sports celebrity in the world to Islam it made their objectives and religious beliefs acceptable to main stream media and people. It has grown much stronger in acceptance than it was and still preaches an anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Jew message.