I noticed a change in attitude towards the Muslim religion when Cassius Clay became a follower of Malcom X and converted to Islam. His name became Cassius X Clay and then Mohammed Ali when the Black Muliims gave him a new name. Ali started preaching hate like Malcom X, especially to whites and the Jews. But since it was Ali talking it became cool. Soon other athletes and celebrities joined the Muslim faith. Now it is the cool thing to do and they have managed to be the protected and the chosen ones in some parts of American society.
By converting the Heavyweight Champion of the world and most popular sports celebrity in the world to Islam it made their objectives and religious beliefs acceptable to main stream media and people. It has grown much stronger in acceptance than it was and still preaches an anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-Jew message.
Nation of Islam is a bit different though. NOI believe that blacks are the aborigines and whites are inferior.