How will they rule ??!

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Ha. His confusion here arises because he actually knows how things work in the real world, you dunce.

Odds are you've never even hear the term "Memorandum of Understanding" before today.

We all remember the Billy Gillispie "memorandum of understanding" days, bro.

Trump, "master marketer," looked like a dumbass as he was told it's STILL the same thing as a MOU, they're just not going to call it one. You know, so he won't pitch a fit and embarrass himself any further.

Trump knows very little about anything. If you researched his past "deals" you'll find that he merely likes to be the finisher. He absolutely cannot be bothered with the details of any situation.

While I may trash the guy more than most people on this thread, I'm amazed at how many of you actually think Donald Trump is some kind of mastermind. He sold y'all hard on his "dealmaking" abilities and the mouth-breathing, TV-watching, Facebook-posting public bought it. I thought most Americans would be able to see through his bullshit, but I was wrong.
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Think thats bad? Check this out.

Opinion: 'ISIS bride' should return, and teach Trump a lesson on treason

Any lefty want to defend that?

This whole Russian collusion bit preys on the cold war fears we had of communism.

Again, Communism, the fear of worldwide domination by a Communist nation. Jesus, it wasn't some rogue nation with a GDP the size of California.

I have no idea how Russia governs itself presently and I'm not going to bother with Google machine.

The left never could get out of bed with communism and never met a dictator that they didn't like.

It's now, now that Russia isn't communist, we must be fearful.
The above post was from the post above about the ISIS terrorist. A former LT's reply.

If true, (probably is) that was awsome.
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Bro, what kind of wild alt-right propaganda have you been exposed to?? You sound deranged. "Sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains??"


Yeah, you're definitely a single-issue voter. Sad.
Never watched footage of a late term abortion before? Shielded in your Kindergarten/1st grade world or just trying to down play the barbaric way some of these babies are tortured and killed.
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The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

I understand the views of Jacobins and Bolsheviks very well. The names change, but the “POV” never does. I challenge you to explain why their “POV” deserves “understanding”.

Democracies fail because of the very thing you people are proposing now. This isn't information from a flawed model, this is information from history. We don't have to have faith and it doesn't matter if you have a consensus that says differently. A country cannot tax itself into prosperity. You probably disregard that fact as a simple slogan but it's much more than that. It is the truth.

Once you've mastered that particular truth then you can begin to understand other areas where perhaps the socialistic idea would have less than ideal consequences.

So yes, I understand your point of view because it is a very simple concept. I understand it and try to explain to you why it is flawed. You refuse to see my point of view that our constitution was written with all the frailties and flaws that you perceive it to have, with the sole purpose of preventing the things that had brought down previous democracies.

You are advocating throwing this country away in the hopes of maybe getting something better. That is a terrible gamble where the risks far outweigh the reward. Each time, throughout history, your system has failed, but you're willing to bet everything that this ONE time it will all work out just fine. Isn't that special?
Never watched footage of a late term abortion before? Shielded in your Kindergarten/1st grade world or just trying to down play the barbaric way some of these babies are tortured and killed.


I don't need to watch a video in order to believe that late-term abortion should be illegal.

What in the hell kind of shit are you watching, my bro?!

Stick to cable TV news and stay off the hard stuff.

It is hilarious and pathetic the lengths Trumps people have to go to stroke his tiny penis. And mostly because he has no ****ing clue how anything works in the real world.

Trump shot back: “I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything.”

Lighthizer calmly corrected the president, and turned to explain to reporters: “An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally [established]. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memo of understanding is a binding agreement.”

He added: “It’s detailed, it covers everything. ... It’s a legal term; it’s a contract.”

“I disagree,” said a scowling Trump, causing top Chinese negotiator Vice Premier Liu He to laugh. “A memorandum of understanding is exactly that: It’s a memorandum of what our understanding is,” he said, circling his hands in the air. “How long will that take to put into a ... contract?”

In a flash, Lighthizer switched gears without breaking a sweat: “From now on we’re not using ‘memorandum of understanding’ anymore (sparking laughter from causing several people in the room). We’re going to use the term ‘trade agreement.’ We’ll have the same document; it’s going to be called a trade agreement. We’re never going to have an MOU again.”

“Good,” said Trump.
Good is right. Why say understanding when you mean contract? DA way to say things. Why should only Washington elites/bureaucrats/Deep State know what something means?
Honestly I think women in the military is absolutely insane and never should've been accepted to begin with. However, since the left and feminists demand equality, they better be fine with this.

There is not a real equality in the military when it comes to women. In fact, women do not have to perform to the standards that men do physically in order to be a soldier, airman, marine, or seaman. Not even close. Their requirement is much easier which in its application weakens our military.

If they can meet the same physical standards, they should be able to serve. But as stated, that isn't the case. It's ridiculous.
Honestly, I'll believe Platinum's next post regarding taxes more than I believe that story.

Edit: Regarding Trump's planes
I have three and two are conservatives. One is 36 years old and still in college and he is the liberal of the bunch. He is a twin and his brother has 5 kids and he and his wife are very staunch Christians and are raising their children right. Triplet boys, an adopted girl, and a newborn boy since last Sept. My daughter is 13 and is very much like my wife with her mindset on the world at this time.
So how did you go wrong with the other twin?

It is hilarious and pathetic the lengths Trumps people have to go to stroke his tiny penis. And mostly because he has no ****ing clue how anything works in the real world.

Trump shot back: “I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything.”

Lighthizer calmly corrected the president, and turned to explain to reporters: “An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally [established]. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memo of understanding is a binding agreement.”

He added: “It’s detailed, it covers everything. ... It’s a legal term; it’s a contract.”

“I disagree,” said a scowling Trump, causing top Chinese negotiator Vice Premier Liu He to laugh. “A memorandum of understanding is exactly that: It’s a memorandum of what our understanding is,” he said, circling his hands in the air. “How long will that take to put into a ... contract?”

In a flash, Lighthizer switched gears without breaking a sweat: “From now on we’re not using ‘memorandum of understanding’ anymore (sparking laughter from causing several people in the room). We’re going to use the term ‘trade agreement.’ We’ll have the same document; it’s going to be called a trade agreement. We’re never going to have an MOU again.”

“Good,” said Trump.

An MOU in and of itself is not a contract. Either party can back out any time they want. What it represents is that WHILE they are doing business, this is the way it will be done. Easiest explanation I can give you. I worked under them for over 30 years.

An MOU can be a contract if it is treated as one by both parties or one party triggers a contractual requirement within the MOU.

Bro, what kind of wild alt-right propaganda have you been exposed to?? You sound deranged. "Sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains??"


Yeah, you're definitely a single-issue voter. Sad.
You've only discussed one topic with him and that's the one he responded to. All of us here are single issue voters. Republican=Yes Democrat=No
I hate it when the media still uses Jussie Smollett as a basis to denounce the wickedness of hate crimes and assert they are pervasive and worsening. Just three weeks ago Jussie was one of those hate crimes...but we know now he wasn't.

There are hate crimes. But there are attempts to stage hate crimes, too. Don't just assume the accusers are beyond reproach and telling the truth. We can use our common sense and cut through the bullsh!t and see when facts seem fishy, which many here immediately did. And hate crimes carry a large stigma to them. Isn't it worth some questions and a little skepticism when there are allegations? Yet there was none within MSM. They simply failed at their jobs to ask questions and determine the facts.

But trust the MSM, and ignore the obvious faking of THIS hate crime, there are thousands of hate crimes every year, they assert, that are "indisputable." To which, I assume, the media applied a similar lack of skepticism and failed to ask any questions. "Indisputable" should not be mistaken for "undisputed."
I don't. It's another example to prove their bias with. Those that don't see that are idiots that can't be helped.
No, conservative media focuses on the same "hate crimes" the liberal media does. For example, both focused on Jussie; the liberal media accepted the inconsistencies in his story, the conservative media questioned the inconsistencies. Who turned out to be correct?

There is some very fake news making the usual rounds right now that says hate crimes have increased by 17% in the last year. This is a bullshit number. They started reporting them differently and a hate crime accusation is counted as a hate crime.

There were about 80 hate crimes prosecuted in Cali last year compared to the thousands they are reporting.
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We all remember the Billy Gillispie "memorandum of understanding" days, bro.

Trump, "master marketer," looked like a dumbass as he was told it's STILL the same thing as a MOU, they're just not going to call it one. You know, so he won't pitch a fit and embarrass himself any further.

Trump knows very little about anything. If you researched his past "deals" you'll find that he merely likes to be the finisher. He absolutely cannot be bothered with the details of any situation.

While I may trash the guy more than most people on this thread, I'm amazed at how many of you actually think Donald Trump is some kind of mastermind. He sold y'all hard on his "dealmaking" abilities and the mouth-breathing, TV-watching, Facebook-posting public bought it. I thought most Americans would be able to see through his bullshit, but I was wrong.
Yea, he just knows how to MAGA!!
An MOU in and of itself is not a contract. Either party can back out any time they want. What it represents is that WHILE they are doing business, this is the way it will be done. Easiest explanation I can give you. I worked under them for over 30 years.

An MOU can be a contract if it is treated as one by both parties or one party triggers a contractual requirement within the MOU.

You've only discussed one topic with him and that's the one he responded to. All of us here are single issue voters. Republican=Yes Democrat=No

But I've read the line "Trump governs like a Democrat" in this thread many, many times. That would defy your logic. You guys just want a wall and a Muslim ban.

Speaking of Muslims, that "ISIS wife" is pretty damn sexy, don't you think?
Last week when that John Wayne story went national and you were thinking, "Who would give a shit about a 48 year old Playboy interview and why now?"

John Wayne Airport should be renamed, some say, after screen legend’s 1971 Playboy interview sparks controversy

A debate is now underway over whether a Southern California airport should bear the name of screen legend John Wayne, who died nearly 40 years ago at age 72. The discussion stems from the recent social-media uproar that followed the resurfacing of a 1971 Playboy interview in which Wayne made remarks that critics described as racist and homophobic.

Orange County's decision to name the airport for Wayne in 1979 may have reflected the county’s strong conservative leanings at the time, Hiltzik wrote. But in recent years progressive politics has slowly made inroads in the region.

You guys thought they were only coming for Confederate soldiers.

John Wayne was married three times. One of Spanish American descent and two of Hispanic descent, were Josephine Alicia Saenz, Esperanza Baur, and Pilar Pallete.

Wayne's enduring status as an iconic American was formally recognized by the U.S. government in the form of the two highest civilian decorations. On May 26, 1979, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. Hollywood figures and American leaders from across the political spectrum, including Maureen O'Hara, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, Mike Frankovich, Katharine Hepburn, General and Mrs. Omar Bradley, Gregory Peck, Robert Stack, James Arness, and Kirk Douglas, testified to Congress in support of the award.

Robert Aldrich, president of the Directors Guild of America, made a particularly notable statement:

It is important for you to know that I am a registered Democrat and, to my knowledge, share none of the political views espoused by Duke. However, whether he is ill disposed or healthy, John Wayne is far beyond the normal political sharpshooting in this community. Because of his courage, his dignity, his integrity, and because of his talents as an actor, his strength as a leader, his warmth as a human being throughout his illustrious career, he is entitled to a unique spot in our hearts and minds. In this industry, we often judge people, sometimes unfairly, by asking whether they have paid their dues. John Wayne has paid his dues over and over, and I'm proud to consider him a friend and am very much in favor of my government recognizing in some important fashion the contribution that Mr. Wayne has made.[82]

Wayne was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on June 9, 1980, by President Jimmy Carter. He had attended Carter's inaugural ball "as a member of the loyal opposition", as he described it. In 1998, he was awarded the Naval Heritage Award by the US Navy Memorial Foundation for his support of the Navy and military during his film career


I don't need to watch a video in order to believe that late-term abortion should be illegal.

What in the hell kind of shit are you watching, my bro?!

Stick to cable TV news and stay off the hard stuff.
So no, you have no idea about what we are posting about but, you just ramble on mindlessly avoiding the point. Knowing what was posted earlier was true and you dno't want to look like idiot because of your reply. Too late.
An MOU in and of itself is not a contract. Either party can back out any time they want. What it represents is that WHILE they are doing business, this is the way it will be done. Easiest explanation I can give you. I worked under them for over 30 years.

An MOU can be a contract if it is treated as one by both parties or one party triggers a contractual requirement within the MOU.

You've only discussed one topic with him and that's the one he responded to. All of us here are single issue voters. Republican=Yes Democrat=No

Maybe Mitch B. can come on here and explain the downside of MOU's.
Mr. Will Sommer also added this gem:

giving credit to the intrepid report Zach Everson for 'breaking the QAnon pastry chef story'. Nothing says rattling the walls of power like writing stories on the pastry chef at Mar-a-Lago

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If they can meet the same physical standards, they should be able to serve. But as stated, that isn't the case. It's ridiculous.
Agreed. No one saying keep them out, just that the point of weakening the military just to have them in because of PC pressure is dangerous.

Meet the standard set for all or find someway else to serve.
So how did you go wrong with the other twin?
Was not around enough I guess. Divorced and traveling with the military kept me away. Other one met girlfriend now wife while in high school and her family are Christians and conservative as well.

College professors changed the other ones outlook on life. His goal is to teach in college one day himself.
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The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

How come people can't be concerned about the direction the country, or at least half the country, seems to be heading?

We know what the other point of view is, that's why there's such an outcry. If nobody knew where radical liberalism leads, if it was new, just out of curiosity more of the people who are against it would be down to dabble.

All you need to know about where some would like to take this country is that we have millions of folks fleeing those types of countries to try and get to America.

The Statue of Liberty should say "Welcome all, your way obviously didn't work. Come in have a good time, keep the shit that ruined your country to yourself. We're a nation of Americans, you're more than welcome to become one legally and assimilate accordingly. We have our own economic, societal, cultural, governmental ideals and don't need those of your former homeland."

Those citizens already here who would like to drift off into the abyss of alternative ways of doing things need to swap places with the immigrants coming in. Go do some field research into those countries. Better yet, just go spend some time in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, California...
Honestly, I'll believe Platinum's next post regarding taxes more than I believe that story.

Edit: Regarding Trump's planes
It could be true. Trump is a lot better of a person than he is given credit for, IMO. I've heard that supposedly there are a bunch of stories of Trump doing things like that for people (especially for cops and the military)
Maybe Mitch B. can come on here and explain the downside of MOU's.

Billy G played Mitch hard on that deal. BG went to Texas and asked Mitch if he could do a commercial down there and represent himself as the coach of Kentucky. Mitch said no, that his commercials had to go through UK. Boom. Now Mitch had enforced provisions of the MOU that were to be included in the subsequent contract. This is what made the MOU enforceable as a contract. Probably the smartest move BG ever made. His next few choices weren't so well thought out.
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