How will they rule ??!

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dumbass. (remaining bullshit rant intentionally excluded).

Actual billboard in Times Square. You can't make this stuff up. [laughing]

Trump has no say in whether she is allowed back in. Scotus settled this issue many decades ago. Neither Congress nor executive branch can unilaterally rescind any birthright citizens status for any reason. A naturalized citizen can be revoked if they commit a federal crime within 5 years. Her issue is that she was born in the US while her father was a diplomat and they are exempted from birthright citizenship unless their consulate asked to be exempted from the exemption which is doubtful. Almost every country has that exemption to avoid lots of citizenship headaches for their diplomats. If the dumbass can somehow prove her legal citizenship then there is nothing Trump can do to stop her but she will hopefully rot in prison after that. It's another non issue that dumbasses are making a big deal out of. The law is very clear.

Boston on here talking about King Kong being racist? I swear he has one political point. "Everything is racist".

Boston is the GD white Harriet Tubman. Get this mf'er on the $20 bill.

That’s pretty bad... But remember that damn racist Robert E. Lee? So bad he had to be removed. You know the one:


Man. Eff him. Racist America.
dumbass. bet farmers are really happy about that increased production when the majority of it went unsold. Farmers now have to pay out the ass to store their crop for years in hopes of eventually offloading it at bottom barrel rates because of the huge surplus in supply. No average joe farmer can do that which is why they are all going bankrupt.

That isn’t what you wrote, you wrote production was down, it isn’t.

That entire article is an expectation. Which means it hasn’t actually happened, it’s just an opinion.
Farmers aren’t going bankrupt, and farmers don’t grow only one crop year in and year out.

These people wouldn’t hesitate to do what occurred in South Africa/Zimbabwe, land confiscation. And guess what happened? They created a famine.

They’re insane. How the eff you can be white and still be a Democrat is beyond me other than being totally brainwashed. Anything where’s there’s more white people is considered bad. Any industry of successful white people is bad. Any self interest of white people is bad. Any white tradition or culture is racist. If white people leave a neighborhood; it’s bad. If they move into a neighborhood; it’s bad. Meanwhile, let’s not say a damn word about any industries or self interest of the tribes on the left.

Whites are told to feel guilty about anything they’ve earned. That they should hand it over to another group for no other reason other than to fulfill some quota or make them stop bitching. Meritocracy isn’t encouraged; it’s simply “which identity box can we check off?”
Boston on here talking about King Kong being racist? I swear he has one political point. "Everything is racist".

Boston is the GD white Harriet Tubman. Get this mf'er on the $20 bill.

The great white leftist saviors are always the ones to see racism in everything. That’s where their minds are 24/7. That’s how they view them so they assume everyone else does too. They seriously think of non-white people as these helpless pets who need to be saved.
That isn’t what you wrote, you wrote production was down, it isn’t.

That entire article is an expectation. Which means it hasn’t actually happened, it’s just an opinion.
Farmers aren’t going bankrupt, and farmers don’t grow only one crop year in and year out.

Telling platinumdumb not to be a dumbass is like telling your dog not to wag its tail. The dog doesn't understand and it wags its tail due to instinct.
The great white leftist saviors are always the ones to see racism in everything. That’s where their minds are 24/7. That’s how they view them so they assume everyone else does too. They seriously think of non-white people as these helpless pets who need to be saved.

Boston definitely has white savior complex going on.

This is probably one of the best memes to describe your SJW white liberal mentality

I graduated from EKU in 2010. I went to a small campus in Danville. I didn’t experience the liberal push many talk about while there. However, my wife is currently enrolled at EKU and has to go to the Richmond campus. They have safe spaces, crying zones, etc. Her math teacher discusses diversity issues. She is in her 3rd or 4th diversity class, all required to graduate. Those classes talk about white privilege, micro aggressions, racism, sexism, homophobia, and how America is all of these things. You want to offer these classes? Okay. Fine. But required? Come on. A lot can change in just a few years.

I figure if that crap is going on at EKU... I can’t imagine what’s going on at colleges in California, New York, Illinois, etc.

My university in California was so crazy that I started leaking our assignments to publications so everyone else could know how batshit crazy they were.

We were also forced to take three “capstone diversity” courses. We had open socialist professors too.

The day after the election, black kids and Mexicans/Hispanics marched around campus with a Mexican flag saying “Black and brown unite. Not my president.” There was a literal safe space set up. It actually said “safe space” on a sign. Then there was a dry erase board wanting to know how everyone was feeling and it was both hilarious and terrifying to see the shit that was written on there.

I had one entire class that was just about “marganalized communities” where everyone but white men were allowed to be covered.
A single issue voter who supports a guy who doesn’t even have his back on that single issue. Weird.
So what does this mean, baby killer? Who is this single issue voter and who is this guy. My issue with sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains has nothing to do with a single issue or a guy. We are a barbaric nation and no better than cannibals in Africa boiling people in pots or selling their brothers into slavery.

Enlighten me on why you support killing innocent babies who fought in their mothers womb to be born only to have a piece of trash as a mother treat them like waste running through their mama's colon. The evilest people on earth kill babies, innocents destroyed like cock roaches running across a kitchen floor. That is what an abortionist baby killer does. Put all of the glory on it you would like but it is barbaric and pagan, and the face of the Democrat Party. .
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.
My university in California was so crazy that I started leaking our assignments to publications so everyone else could know how batshit crazy they were.

We were also forced to take three “capstone diversity” courses. We had open socialist professors too.

The day after the election, black kids and Mexicans/Hispanics marched around campus with a Mexican flag saying “Black and brown unite. Not my president.” There was a literal safe space set up. It actually said “safe space” on a sign. Then there was a dry erase board wanting to know how everyone was feeling and it was both hilarious and terrifying to see the shit that was written on there.

I had one entire class that was just about “marganalized communities” where everyone but white men were allowed to be covered.

Dude, they’re teaching CLIMATE CHANGE WERE ALL GONNA DIE SOON!!! to fn third graders in public school.

We is fuct. Adults have failed the country. Big time.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

What’s your point of view on Lee’s Famous Recipe?

Liberal logic and problem-solving at its finest.

Chicago might as well be Ramadi with all the gun violence, most of which can be traced to gang-related issues. So how does Chicago go about trying to solve the problem? They get rid of the gang database and further handicap law enforcement.

Another failed city under the watch and rule of liberals.

The middle class is already extinct in that town It won't be long before the rich folks and rest of the businesses/jobs just abandon ship and that place goes the way of Detroit.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

lol, such a snowflake. Cry for us baby. wahh wahhh
did not know this soiree was for white mens only. I am jewish raised by Ethiopian parents who ecaped with me as a child to Germany. My parents were bi sexual swingers ( my daddy called black mamba) so my sexual preference is all ****ed up. We came to merica to live in California where errthing is free. Phone food, house, no dr bills or worries what so ever cept you better not get caught with plastic straw. My momma thinks its funny she can vote and not be from here. I hope to go to didney world soon
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

It spreads out all over fly over country. Much easier to put them over mega cities with their crammed together snowflakes.

During the election though there was a public hesitation to accept Trump. Never Trump was actually a thing. Very few of the talking heads even on Fox were openly excited about him. It was a weird underground bubble that few spoke of the opposite of a bubble.
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The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

You have to get beyond the racialism, it's the only way. Really.

Until you do that, you will never know the truth. you can never understand how wrong you are, how assured you are in a falsehood and how that poor foundation leads to the bad ideas you are a proponent of.

Sure, some of these honkies get annoyed and angry.... this one wants better for you though, there's only one way e pluribus unum works and it's not like this.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.
Be nice if this terrorist lady who is trying to get back in the United States actually was a citizen under the current moronic anchor baby concept and Trump decided to fight it all the way to the Supreme Court so they could do away with the stupid ass anchor baby system we currently employ.

A terrorist is a lot less sympathetic that your run of the mill illegal alien. And the left would probably be too stupid to understand the implications of a Court case, so it could probably fly under the radar.

Be even better if the terrorist lady's lawyer is as dumb as whatever lefty on here was claiming case law had settled the interpretation of the Amendment prior to ratification of the Amendment.
So what does this mean, baby killer? Who is this single issue voter and who is this guy. My issue with sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains has nothing to do with a single issue or a guy. We are a barbaric nation and no better than cannibals in Africa boiling people in pots or selling their brothers into slavery.

Enlighten me on why you support killing innocent babies who fought in their mothers womb to be born only to have a piece of trash as a mother treat them like waste running through their mama's colon. The evilest people on earth kill babies, innocents destroyed like cock roaches running across a kitchen floor. That is what an abortionist baby killer does. Put all of the glory on it you would like but it is barbaric and pagan, and the face of the Democrat Party. .’s a choice!

 do evil.