How will they rule ??!

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So we have an opiod crisis AND a southern border crisis?!? At the same time? How's everybody holding up out there?!

So glad that Donald Trump is the guy who's leading us through some of the darkest, most dangerous times in our country's existence. I'm sure he knows what to do.

SWEET Obama mention though. This is Trump's country now and he, alone, can "fix it."

It will take a while to fix the many things Obama screwed up but yes, he can fix it if you and yours would at least give him a chance. But, your hate for America and your corrupt nature will make it difficult.
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If you are vaccinated,someone who isn’t poses no threat to you.
John compared a kid not getting vaccinated akin to carrying a loaded gun to school.

I thought about bringing up critical mass like Cosby did but figured it would send half of the board scrambling to google for a definition. For now it may not be a widespread problem but it doesn’t take much to get there.
I thought about bringing up critical mass like Cosby did but figured it would send half of the board scrambling to google for a definition. For now it may not be a widespread problem but it doesn’t take much to get there.
Critical mass would give us a new start.
Single issue voter. Ha ha. Only a baby killer would throw that out. 60,000,000 babies ripped to pieces. You can celebrate their death now but a time is coming.

Yep. Single issue. Easy to control. You’re exactly what they want.
I was labeling this thread, not a group of people, a circle jerk because it's a bunch of sensitive people pumping each others beliefs like a couple of bros and then shout down anyone that disagrees with them.


Now imagine what it’s like in media and in college and in Hollywood and in tech. Then come complain about the Catsillustrated message boards about being too much of a bubble.
I thought about bringing up critical mass like Cosby did but figured it would send half of the board scrambling to google for a definition. For now it may not be a widespread problem but it doesn’t take much to get there.

You’re assuming that people wouldn’t realize that vaccinations actually work if people started dying off that weren’t vaccinated.

I don’t know if vaccinations cause autism or if it’s just being diagnosed more now. I do know I don’t trust the same govt that recommended long term opioid use as being safe with no ill ramifications saying they don’t.
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Hold up...doesn't James Woods need to "shut up and act?"

Or is it fine for actors/athletes/celebrities to voice their political opinions...only if they align with those of your own?

Just trying to make sure I'm seeing everything straight, my brodies. Apparently a guy like LeBron isn't allowed to speak his mind, but this James Woods guy is. Weird.

James Woods isn’t doing a lot of acting these days. He’s pretty much blackballed because of his politics. That being said, he was a Political Science major at MIT. So he’s no dummy and I respect his points of view far more than the vast majority of idiot celebrities using their status to spout idiotic statements.
Now imagine what it’s like in media and in college and in Hollywood and in tech. Then come complain about the Catsillustrated message boards about being too much of a bubble.

I graduated from NKU a few years ago. The arts department was fairly liberal, which was to be expected. I pushed back on certain ideals when I felt necessary. The business department was the complete opposite. I only had one economic teacher who blatantly talked his liberal politics but that was it. It's easy to fall in a bubble, which I think is one of the leading reasons why President Trump got elected.
I'm not saying that to discredit what you're saying. I think certain areas of society tend to naturally gravitate towards certain belief systems. The military and Wall Street feel like they are primarily conservative.
I graduated from NKU a few years ago. The arts department was fairly liberal, which was to be expected. I pushed back on certain ideals when I felt necessary. The business department was the complete opposite. I only had one economic teacher who blatantly talked his liberal politics but that was it. It's easy to fall in a bubble, which I think is one of the leading reasons why President Trump got elected.
I'm not saying that to discredit what you're saying. I think certain areas of society tend to naturally gravitate towards certain belief systems. The military and Wall Street feel like they are primarily conservative.

I'm glad I read this post. You have allowed me to discount all the accounts of a liberal college system. I was under the impression from news accounts, personal accounts of students, and personal experience, that the overall tone of today's college campuses was trending substantially toward the radical left. What a relief!

I hope you weren't damaged by your ONE economics "teacher".

My condolences.
I graduated from NKU a few years ago. The arts department was fairly liberal, which was to be expected. I pushed back on certain ideals when I felt necessary. The business department was the complete opposite. I only had one economic teacher who blatantly talked his liberal politics but that was it. It's easy to fall in a bubble, which I think is one of the leading reasons why President Trump got elected.
I'm not saying that to discredit what you're saying. I think certain areas of society tend to naturally gravitate towards certain belief systems. The military and Wall Street feel like they are primarily conservative.

Where was the Trump bubble?
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Soybean production is not down 20 million bushels. In fact, production was up in2018.
dumbass. bet farmers are really happy about that increased production when the majority of it went unsold. Farmers now have to pay out the ass to store their crop for years in hopes of eventually offloading it at bottom barrel rates because of the huge surplus in supply. No average joe farmer can do that which is why they are all going bankrupt.
Coming from the guy who thinks presidents write legislation and said J. Edgar Hoover was a President and who @Bill Cosby literally wrecked over your tax refund lies.

You practically get owned in this thread so hard because of all the inaccurate posts you make. Don't jump in the ohio river, go jump into the Atlantic ocean.

Your lack of self awareness is really something to behold. Especially since you think ignoring those posts will just mean that we've all forgotten.

Btw the stock market has been kicking some ass lately, I'm sure that really burns you since you hate this country so much you despicable POS.
What are you crybaby snowflakes gonna do now that SEC basketball players are kneeling? boycott NCAA basketball?
Did UK players do it? I know you liberal snowflakes root for globalization, I suppose you root for all college teams too. Your loyalties are confirmed, you cannot be trusted. You would sell your own family down the river.
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I graduated from NKU a few years ago. The arts department was fairly liberal, which was to be expected. I pushed back on certain ideals when I felt necessary. The business department was the complete opposite. I only had one economic teacher who blatantly talked his liberal politics but that was it. It's easy to fall in a bubble, which I think is one of the leading reasons why President Trump got elected.
I'm not saying that to discredit what you're saying. I think certain areas of society tend to naturally gravitate towards certain belief systems. The military and Wall Street feel like they are primarily conservative.
You are wrong about Trump and the bubble. The bubble is far left and far right, Most Trump supporters were tired of the same old thing and wanted change. We got it, he is actually trying to live up to his promises. The narrative that we are dumb and mindless are safe words for those who are trapped in their stances to feel better and to explain why they lost the election. They were shocked as was evident by their gnawing and gnashing of teeth. Their wailing and crying in the streets. Do you think that the actions following the election by the left were actions of people who were stable? I don't, nor do I think they are the educated and intelligent people they say they are. They are ignorant of real world life and have become unhinged lunatics.

Edited after point: The military is largely conservative which proves a point of selfless service and a loyalty to country which is why it is largely conservative. There is a movement within the military that the PC crowd has initiated however that has weakened its effectiveness.
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So hundreds of people can peacefully rally and counter rally in Mississippi, all having their voices heard, while black men on full scholarship at a Mississippi state school protest with no fear no fear of violent repercussions.

And Platinum's immediate thought isn't, "man, the country has made a ton of progress", it's, "Derp derp NCAA basketball what you not watch basketball".
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I graduated from NKU a few years ago. The arts department was fairly liberal, which was to be expected. I pushed back on certain ideals when I felt necessary. The business department was the complete opposite. I only had one economic teacher who blatantly talked his liberal politics but that was it. It's easy to fall in a bubble, which I think is one of the leading reasons why President Trump got elected.
I'm not saying that to discredit what you're saying. I think certain areas of society tend to naturally gravitate towards certain belief systems. The military and Wall Street feel like they are primarily conservative.

I graduated from EKU in 2010. I went to a small campus in Danville. I didn’t experience the liberal push many talk about while there. However, my wife is currently enrolled at EKU and has to go to the Richmond campus. They have safe spaces, crying zones, etc. Her math teacher discusses diversity issues. She is in her 3rd or 4th diversity class, all required to graduate. Those classes talk about white privilege, micro aggressions, racism, sexism, homophobia, and how America is all of these things. You want to offer these classes? Okay. Fine. But required? Come on. A lot can change in just a few years.

I figure if that crap is going on at EKU... I can’t imagine what’s going on at colleges in California, New York, Illinois, etc.