How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

I understand the views of Jacobins and Bolsheviks very well. The names change, but the “POV” never does. I challenge you to explain why their “POV” deserves “understanding”.
"entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!"



It's exactly what we were talking about the other day. Just driving lunatic lefties insane for the sake of driving them insane.
He is playing with their mind and they do not have the sense to know it. You have to be brain dead to be a liberal.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.

Weird, I’ve seen you post meme after meme, calling people names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people’s POV. Your behavior in this thread is identical to a Russian troll. You are an active and willing participant in the insult colony.

Alternatively, I’ve yet to see you make a single well reasoned, informative or thoughtful post in your own words explaining anything at any time with regard to your own viewpoint.
This is MAGA country!!!!!!

It is hilarious and pathetic the lengths Trumps people have to go to stroke his tiny penis. And mostly because he has no ****ing clue how anything works in the real world.

Trump shot back: “I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything.”

Lighthizer calmly corrected the president, and turned to explain to reporters: “An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally [established]. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memo of understanding is a binding agreement.”

He added: “It’s detailed, it covers everything. ... It’s a legal term; it’s a contract.”

“I disagree,” said a scowling Trump, causing top Chinese negotiator Vice Premier Liu He to laugh. “A memorandum of understanding is exactly that: It’s a memorandum of what our understanding is,” he said, circling his hands in the air. “How long will that take to put into a ... contract?”

In a flash, Lighthizer switched gears without breaking a sweat: “From now on we’re not using ‘memorandum of understanding’ anymore (sparking laughter from causing several people in the room). We’re going to use the term ‘trade agreement.’ We’ll have the same document; it’s going to be called a trade agreement. We’re never going to have an MOU again.”

“Good,” said Trump.
Have more kids
I have three and two are conservatives. One is 36 years old and still in college and he is the liberal of the bunch. He is a twin and his brother has 5 kids and he and his wife are very staunch Christians and are raising their children right. Triplet boys, an adopted girl, and a newborn boy since last Sept. My daughter is 13 and is very much like my wife with her mindset on the world at this time.

It is hilarious and pathetic the lengths Trumps people have to go to stroke his tiny penis. And mostly because he has no ****ing clue how anything works in the real world.

Trump shot back: “I don’t like MOUs because they don’t mean anything.”

Lighthizer calmly corrected the president, and turned to explain to reporters: “An MOU is a contract. It’s the way trade agreements are generally [established]. It’s an actual contract between the two parties. A memo of understanding is a binding agreement.”

He added: “It’s detailed, it covers everything. ... It’s a legal term; it’s a contract.”

“I disagree,” said a scowling Trump, causing top Chinese negotiator Vice Premier Liu He to laugh. “A memorandum of understanding is exactly that: It’s a memorandum of what our understanding is,” he said, circling his hands in the air. “How long will that take to put into a ... contract?”

In a flash, Lighthizer switched gears without breaking a sweat: “From now on we’re not using ‘memorandum of understanding’ anymore (sparking laughter from causing several people in the room). We’re going to use the term ‘trade agreement.’ We’ll have the same document; it’s going to be called a trade agreement. We’re never going to have an MOU again.”

“Good,” said Trump.
Falsely reported as usual.
The same people, white men mostly, are here everyday, day after day, talking in circles about the same things, calling people they don't agree with names instead of making an honest effort to understand other people's POV. It's not much more than an insult colony and most likely infested with russian trolls who simply want Americans to hate each other as if we need help with that. Doesn't say much for these people's lives.
Can you give us an update on the "integrity" the Dems were showing on addressing the VA issues?
It is hilarious and pathetic the lengths Trumps people have to go to stroke his tiny penis. And mostly because he has no ****ing clue how anything works in the real world.

Ha. His confusion here arises because he actually knows how things work in the real world, you dunce.

Odds are you've never even hear the term "Memorandum of Understanding" before today.
I hate it when the media still uses Jussie Smollett as a basis to denounce the wickedness of hate crimes and assert they are pervasive and worsening. Just three weeks ago Jussie was one of those hate crimes...but we know now he wasn't.

There are hate crimes. But there are attempts to stage hate crimes, too. Don't just assume the accusers are beyond reproach and telling the truth. We can use our common sense and cut through the bullsh!t and see when facts seem fishy, which many here immediately did. And hate crimes carry a large stigma to them. Isn't it worth some questions and a little skepticism when there are allegations? Yet there was none within MSM. They simply failed at their jobs to ask questions and determine the facts.

But trust the MSM, and ignore the obvious faking of THIS hate crime, there are thousands of hate crimes every year, they assert, that are "indisputable." To which, I assume, the media applied a similar lack of skepticism and failed to ask any questions. "Indisputable" should not be mistaken for "undisputed."
Lol let's see how this goes over. The odd thing about "equality" everyone wants, is they don't want the bad parts (draft, paying for dates, lifting heavy items, etc) they just want the good.

What these people REALLY want is preference.
Honestly I think women in the military is absolutely insane and never should've been accepted to begin with. However, since the left and feminists demand equality, they better be fine with this.
Honestly I think women in the military is absolutely insane and never should've been accepted to begin with. However, since the left and feminists demand equality, they better be fine with this.
There is not a real equality in the military when it comes to women. In fact, women do not have to perform to the standards that men do physically in order to be a soldier, airman, marine, or seaman. Not even close. Their requirement is much easier which in its application weakens our military.
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I hate it when the media still uses Jussie Smollett as a basis to denounce the wickedness of hate crimes and assert they are pervasive and worsening. Just three weeks ago Jussie was one of those hate crimes...but we know now he wasn't.

There are hate crimes. But there are attempts to stage hate crimes, too. Don't just assume the accusers are beyond reproach and telling the truth. We can use our common sense and cut through the bullsh!t and see when facts seem fishy, which many here immediately did. And hate crimes carry a large stigma to them. Isn't it worth some questions and a little skepticism when there are allegations? Yet there was none within MSM. They simply failed at their jobs to ask questions and determine the facts.

But trust the MSM, and ignore the obvious faking of THIS hate crime, there are thousands of hate crimes every year, they assert, that are "indisputable." To which, I assume, the media applied a similar lack of skepticism and failed to ask any questions. "Indisputable" should not be mistaken for "undisputed."

I could name a ton of fake hate crimes off the top of my head.

Black gay guy who claimed Whole Foods wrote “fag” in icing on his cake. He did it himself.

Sharmeka Moffit set herself on fire and vandalized her own car.

A group of black girls assaulted a group of white people in Albany and then claimed they were called racial slurs (always their go to in order to avoid accountability) and that they were the victim. Video evidence showed they lied.

Tawana Brawley

Michael Bennett

“Trump supporters pulled a knife on me and stole my hijab.” False. She was afraid of missing curfew and made it up.

I could do this all day. There’s power in portraying yourself as a victim.
So what does this mean, baby killer? Who is this single issue voter and who is this guy. My issue with sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains has nothing to do with a single issue or a guy. We are a barbaric nation and no better than cannibals in Africa boiling people in pots or selling their brothers into slavery.

Enlighten me on why you support killing innocent babies who fought in their mothers womb to be born only to have a piece of trash as a mother treat them like waste running through their mama's colon. The evilest people on earth kill babies, innocents destroyed like cock roaches running across a kitchen floor. That is what an abortionist baby killer does. Put all of the glory on it you would like but it is barbaric and pagan, and the face of the Democrat Party. .

Bro, what kind of wild alt-right propaganda have you been exposed to?? You sound deranged. "Sucking a baby from a woman's womb and crushing their brains??"


Yeah, you're definitely a single-issue voter. Sad.