How will they rule ??!

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That father son duo would be sooo much better than the Bush family fiasco. Don Jr. for 2024 should just about wipe out the dems. But wait, Ivanka might be the better choice before the age gets to her.

The Jussie Smollett Hoax Reaffirmed Progressive Fears

Because his most likely motivation was that he understood that many people in prominent positions would choose to believe his story, because it reaffirmed all of their preexisting beliefs. Quite a few progressives believe that their country is beset by Trump voters itching to commit violent acts against minorities.

The lessons of Smollett’s tale were tailor-made for the progressive worldview: Trump’s election had not only unleashed an ugly tide of racism and homophobia, the hatred and impulse to violence was manifesting itself in the most unexpected of places. No one was safe! And if no one was safe, then it was an emergency. As Kevin observed this weekend, “Emergencies offer a moral permission slip… [if you can convince yourself that the current moment is an emergency], then you can justify — to others, and to yourself — measures that are extraordinary. Among those extraordinary measures is the lie in the service of “a greater truth.”

When you look at the list of fake hate crimes, you notice quite a few on college campuses. Colleges aren’t likely to have a lot of closeted neo-Nazis, Klan members, or otherwise hateful individuals, so particularly aggrieved activists who wished they had overt racists around to denounce invent them. If caught, they often claim that they did so to “raise awareness” — like in cases in Malden, Massachusetts and Brown County, Ind. (Just how many people are completely unaware of the existence of hate crimes?)

The less flattering and self-serving explanation is that some people get a thrill and sense of purpose from cultivating the belief that evil is secretly working in their communities, hiding behind smiles of their neighbors and acquaintances. We saw this in the Salem witch trials, the contention that comic books were corrupting youth morals in the 1940s and 1950s, the day care sex-abuse panic, the claim that Dungeons and Dragons and/or heavy metal music were driving kids to Satanism, and the apparently almost-always-mythical stories of razor blades in Halloween candy.

The villains change, but the psychological motivations and almost-happy embrace of paranoia do not.
There are no such things as hate crimes, just crimes for all kinds of reasons. How is killing someone for their money not as bad as killing for their color?

Woman is incredible. But the caption is wrong. Talent is not evenly distributed. That's socialist nonsense.

To say they're the masterminds is to sell this thing way short of what it really is. This scheme was concocted by people way above them. The Clintons and obamas for sure were involved.

It was all in the leaked memo from the huge Dem donor meeting. They had their oppo plans way back then and they're following them still.

No way alllllllll these absolute nobody losers are running in 2020 and HILLARY CLINTON THE MOST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE OF ALL TIME is not running. It's happening for sure. All these idiots are gonna keep making idiot moves and then Hillary is gonna pop up like "hey at least im not those losers!" and she'll win the nomination easy (because the nomination is rigged, but still...)
You climate change deniers are straw man supremes. What if I completely redact the whole reliance on the sexy 97% statistic, and instead say that, hell, 70% of "climate experts" say that the change is fueled by human activity?

You'd still be grasping.

Do all of your friends and family members think man-made climate change is fake, too? I can't imagine that's the case. You're in the minority here, bro, and it's not even close.

Good on you though for not being afraid of public schools.
I want to have a holiday called The Holiday About Nothing. Everyone will enjoy it in their own way.
a festivus for the rest of us
I know being a rape victim can do some really messed up things to your psyche, but did she legitimately oil up her tits for this interview? Again, I'm honestly not saying this to be funny, but she looks like she's about to do a porno.

She DID do a porno at my house, she just didn't know it. Or maybe she did! Hmmm...
I'm still confused how our favourite Canadian didn't see the cleavage on that Logan chick. My goodness.
Nothing harder than trying to maintain eye contact with a woman who's cleavage is out like that. It's literally mental torcher for men to endure. That said, I would be all in for her getting canned at CBS and Fox hiring her the same day.
Jussie Smollett has had his role cut from Empire.

Fantastic. Thanks, Jussie. This could not have possibly gone any better. Two weeks of bashing conservatives and Trump only for it to completely blow up in the face of Democrat politicians, celebrities, and media members. And now you’re out of a job.

Justice. Or shall I say, Jussietice! Wocka Wocka!