How will they rule ??!

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Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

It's a trap! It's a damn Mike Pence trap!

BERLIN — The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay, U.S. officials tell NBC News, a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record.

Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe.
Damn, Trump really hates gays. Libs were right all along.
If Trump started shouting about Term Limits, the left would do like they've been doing and go further in the opposite direction. Life terms for elected officials...well, at least until republicans take back control.
Thinking the GoP would embrace term limits or anti lobby legislation is comedy gold.
You do realize Trump would be bankrupt(again) or in prison if he was now held accountable for everything he says and tweets?

I'm going to assume your knowledge of libel under common law rivals your tax knowledge.

Regardless, I don't really give a shit. I'm a man of principle. I don't want the laws to apply to people differently just because they're part of the ruling class. I know that's hard for you to understand (as is everything).
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So my question goes again - how does patching the soft spots in the barrier help with this? These people were obviously allowed in and are being housed on our dollar. Until we put a stop to that practice, I don't see a ton of benefit to spending more money on the fence, since people can just come in through a port of entry anyway.

ETA dumb ****ing media embed - this was in response the the Breitbart photo of the jam packed border facility.
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space command is already under the air force, has been for 40 years, seems like a redundant move.
Yeah it is..but they dont have the resources or man power to deal with it. It's not something they can specialize in. Even Neil Degrasse tyson said they should get the space force, but of course most American dems are too dumb to understand what they would actually be doing. Its not fighting aliens. It would be cleaning debris, working with satellite transmissions, etc.

Do you not even care about the environment bro.
Yeah it is..but they dont have the resources or man power to deal with it. It's not something they can specialize in. Even Neil Degrasse tyson said they should get the space force, but of course most American dems are too dumb to understand what they would actually be doing. Its not fighting aliens. It would be cleaning debris, working with satellite transmissions, etc.

Do you not even care about the environment bro.

Unless Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum are running things, I am out on space force.
Maybe if Obama didn't give Iran billions of dollars this wouldn't be necessary. Iran and SA are enemies. You really are clueless on every issue, aren't you?
Am i supposed to give a shit that they are enemies? Iran used to be our best friends. then they let religion take over like the Saudis & the rest of the ME and went full crazy. Saudis are not our friends. they smile and shake hands in front of the camera and pay people to blow up our soldiers & civilians once those cameras go away.
I don't have nearly as much problem with Ilhan Omar' s beliefs as I do with the idiots who elected her.

She's not going anywhere either. That is Keith Ellison's old district. She won by a bigger spread than Keith.

2018 General election for U.S. House Minnesota District 5


Ilhan Omar (D)
78.0% 267,703


Jennifer Zielinski (R)
21.7% 74,440

Write-in votes
0.4% 1,215

2016[Keith Ellison Incumbent 69.1% 249,964

Republican Frank Drake 22.3% 80,660

Legal Marijuana Now Dennis Schuller 8.5% 30,759

N/A Write-in 0.1% 499

Total Votes 361,882
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State

Edit: She did about the same. I didn't notice that the Legal Marijauna Now guy split the (D) vote.
She's not going anywhere either. That is Keith Ellison's old district. She won by a bigger spread than Keith.

2018 General election for U.S. House Minnesota District 5


Ilhan Omar (D)
78.0% 267,703


Jennifer Zielinski (R)
21.7% 74,440

Write-in votes
0.4% 1,215

2016[Keith Ellison Incumbent 69.1% 249,964

Republican Frank Drake 22.3% 80,660

Legal Marijuana Now Dennis Schuller 8.5% 30,759

N/A Write-in 0.1% 499

Total Votes 361,882
Source: Minnesota Secretary of State

Edit: She did about the same. I didn't notice that the Legal Marijauna Now guy split the (D) vote.

The state of Minnesota summed up in one play:

Yeah it is..but they dont have the resources or man power to deal with it. It's not something they can specialize in. Even Neil Degrasse tyson said they should get the space force, but of course most American dems are too dumb to understand what they would actually be doing. Its not fighting aliens. It would be cleaning debris, working with satellite transmissions, etc.

Do you not even care about the environment bro.
If you think the air force doesn't have enough resources...oh buddy you would make a perfect congress person. The other branches were actually against the move because they don't want to lose authority control of their orbital assets and add another layer of military bureaucracy. I think it is fine to pull space command out of the AF and give it its own authority. But only as long as its budget is pulled from the army & AF budget and not allocated a new additional 100bil+. And don't call it space force, that just sounds like a retarded meme. keep it as Space Command. My brother is under the umbrella of the Army's space defense so he would be moved to this new branch.
So my question goes again - how does patching the soft spots in the barrier help with this? These people were obviously allowed in and are being housed on our dollar. Until we put a stop to that practice, I don't see a ton of benefit to spending more money on the fence, since people can just come in through a port of entry anyway.

ETA dumb ****ing media embed - this was in response the the Breitbart photo of the jam packed border facility.

If they step foot in our country it changes the entire dynamic. A wall or fence would prevent alot of that from happening.
Am i supposed to give a shit that they are enemies? Iran used to be our best friends. then they let religion take over like the Saudis & the rest of the ME and went full crazy. Saudis are not our friends. they smile and shake hands in front of the camera and pay people to blow up our soldiers & civilians once those cameras go away.

No one here likes Saudi Arabia.

However, no one here is going to get upset over Elijah Cummings accusing the White House of anything. The facts will come out as they always do, and it will be a nothingburger as it always is.

When will you learn, running with radical loony toon Democrat accusations against this POTUS is a recipe for embarrassment.

The problem is every time you post a baseless allegation that turns out to be false, you just act like it never happened. Then you come back the next day and do the same thing acting like you've never posted lies or baseless allegations here before.

Everyone hates the Saudis, but everyone also hates you and the lying Democrats.