How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Here, let's talk reality. There are only two reasons you side with the left these days and they are cut and dry. You are either dumb as hell and can't reason it out or, you are a corrupt piece of scum that agrees with the tactic and are complicit. No different than a Carolina or Louisville fan, cheat to win, all else be damned.
I would like to know how Democrats colluding with media, a foreign agent and the FBI is not conspiring to influence an election? But they have convinced themselves after nearly three years of absolutely nothing that “Trump won because of Russia.”

We have actual proof of what the Dems and FBI have done- emails, texts, seeing who funded dossiers, admitted coups yet this gets absolutely nothing from them. The left doesn’t say a damn word.
Martina Navratalova, well known advocate for lesbians for 40 years. Now being thrown under the bus by the left because she thinks women shouldn't have to compete against men. They always eat their own.
Let them compete. When they never win or even place in the top 35 ever again it will finally sink in. It may take 20 or 30 years even after some officiating officials try to help them out and believe me, that is not exaggerating they will finally learn. Women cannot physically compete with men. Every once in a while, there may be an exception but, that exception will not be able to beat the top competitors. Suck it up and drive on folks.
SCOTUS should just step in and tell the 9th circuit about the wall, "stand back and hold our beer, we got this".
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Let them compete. When they never win or even place in the top 35 ever again it will finally sink in. It may take 20 or 30 years even after some officiating officials try to help them out and believe me, that is not exaggerating they will finally learn. Women cannot physically compete with men. Every once in a while, there may be an exception but, that exception will not be able to beat the top competitors. Suck it up and drive on folks.

Remember when the dumbass Z was telling that Ronda Rousey would kick your ass? [roll]:boxing:
Lmao, hes so butthurt.

Then he should get his constituents to stop weaving a web of lies and hate that started even before Trump took over as president. How do they expect a fighter for this country to act when attacked? The mentality of the left is truly troubling. It flies in the face of their fake message, Stop the Bullying. Bullies pick on you until you fight back and show you have the strength to win. Trump showed the left that we will not be bullied and now, they are crying like the pansies they are.
Hold up...





The Jussie Smollett Hoax Reaffirmed Progressive Fears

Because his most likely motivation was that he understood that many people in prominent positions would choose to believe his story, because it reaffirmed all of their preexisting beliefs. Quite a few progressives believe that their country is beset by Trump voters itching to commit violent acts against minorities.

The lessons of Smollett’s tale were tailor-made for the progressive worldview: Trump’s election had not only unleashed an ugly tide of racism and homophobia, the hatred and impulse to violence was manifesting itself in the most unexpected of places. No one was safe! And if no one was safe, then it was an emergency. As Kevin observed this weekend, “Emergencies offer a moral permission slip… [if you can convince yourself that the current moment is an emergency], then you can justify — to others, and to yourself — measures that are extraordinary. Among those extraordinary measures is the lie in the service of “a greater truth.”

When you look at the list of fake hate crimes, you notice quite a few on college campuses. Colleges aren’t likely to have a lot of closeted neo-Nazis, Klan members, or otherwise hateful individuals, so particularly aggrieved activists who wished they had overt racists around to denounce invent them. If caught, they often claim that they did so to “raise awareness” — like in cases in Malden, Massachusetts and Brown County, Ind. (Just how many people are completely unaware of the existence of hate crimes?)

The less flattering and self-serving explanation is that some people get a thrill and sense of purpose from cultivating the belief that evil is secretly working in their communities, hiding behind smiles of their neighbors and acquaintances. We saw this in the Salem witch trials, the contention that comic books were corrupting youth morals in the 1940s and 1950s, the day care sex-abuse panic, the claim that Dungeons and Dragons and/or heavy metal music were driving kids to Satanism, and the apparently almost-always-mythical stories of razor blades in Halloween candy.

The villains change, but the psychological motivations and almost-happy embrace of paranoia do not.